
Cedar Mill
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Cedar Mill News
Volume 5, Issue 1


January 2007

CPO 1 To Study Transportation
By Bruce Bartlett, CPO1 Chair

Getting from ‘here to there’ in our area has always been a challenge, originally because of an absence of any road, then because of an impassable road and, nowadays, because of extremely congested roads.  As society has evolved, our demands on our transportation system have exceeded our means to pay for them.  A few facts:

• On Highway 217, traffic volumes have increased 100% in 20 years to 120,000 cars a day.
• Currently we have three hours of ‘rush hour’ traffic a day and it is predicted to increase to ten hours in 2025.
• Oregon has less taxes and fees per car by half than any other state in America.
• In the Metropolitan area, approximately $12 billion in transportation needs are identified in the next 15 years but only about $2 billion in funding is available. Money for modernization is very limited.

So what to do? The first thing I suggest is to thoroughly understand the situation: what is currently planned and funded, what is the additional planning required and what are options to generate enough money to pay for a meaningful amount of modernization.

In our February 2nd meeting, Citizen Participation Organization #1 (CPO 1 – ) will have a series of speakers discussing regional and local transportation needs, planning and funding. You will notice that the term ‘planning’ comes up often in this discussion. That is because transportation planning requires at least a 20-year horizon: it takes 20 years to conceive of and implement major transportation improvements.

This year’s transportation planning work is very significant. The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Plan (MTIP) and the funding for Washington County’s Transportation Plan are all in the works. Growth in the region has occurred faster than expected and factors like an aging population are being recognized, driving deeper changes in the region’s overall transportation planning. More details on the fascinating hierarchical system can be found at:

Join us at the CPO 1 meeting February 2 at 7:00 PM in the Souther Auditorium of St. Vincent’s Hospital to learn more about the needs, plans and options for implementing a transportation system for the 21st Century.

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Published monthly by Cedar Mill Advertising & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
12110 NW West Rd
Portland, OR 97229