Community News September 2024

child and horse

Join us for Oktoberfest at Bethany Village! Get ready for an afternoon of German antics and family-friendly fun with live music from Z Musikmakers, mouthwatering German cuisine, a big beer tent, kids’ activities, and lots of local vendors. Don’t miss out – it’ll be wunderbar!

Learn more on our website: 

What really happens to your ballot once you put in a drop box or send it through the mail? How can you be sure that your ballot is handled properly? Let’s unwrap the vote-by-mail process and give you a behind the scenes look at the election cycle. Click on the video to view it on Washington County’s YouTube page

Washington County Sheriff’s Office reminds us that we still have some long summer days ahead of us, but it’s never too early to make a plan for how you can keep your property safe! The 9PM Routine is a campaign aimed to help community members protect their homes and property. Every night at 9PM (or as is it becomes darker out), we encourage you to review these steps: lock your vehicle and keep valuables out of sight; lock windows, doors, garages, sheds, and gates every night and whenever you leave your home; lock up bikes and other valuable items; light up by keeping a well-maintained yard and well-lit exterior of your home to deter burglars from feeling hidden; wear bright and/or reflective clothes when out at night, making sure to carry a flashlight or other illuminating device; if you have a security camera, make sure it is on and working, same goes with alarms; bring in all valuables from your car every time you get out of your vehicle, including the garage opener; keep packages secure by scheduling deliveries when you are home, otherwise, have them sent to your work, have a trusted neighbor pick them up, or use a service like Amazon Locker; identity and mark all your valuables with a unique identifier such as your driver license in case something is stolen as this makes it difficult for thieves to resell. Remember to call 911 for emergencies of 503-629-0111 for non-emergencies. We are here to help! 

Ask WCSO is produced by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.

Marie Conser Real Estate

Come celebrate the Grand Opening of GiGi’s Playhouse, a Down syndrome achievement center! The ribbon cutting ceremony will be at 1 pm with an open house walk through following until 4 pm. The center will provide free therapeutic, educational, and career service training for individuals with Down syndrome and similar challenges. All group programs are inclusive and we encourage everyone of similar ages to participate. Check out the calendar on the website for more information.

child and horse

We are a mentor-based program designed to give kids who have a history in foster care and adoption a place to be who they are. We are located in Hillsboro.

Two trained adults spend 90 minutes with each individual child in a safe and encouraging environment. Our goal is to celebrate kids who have a history in foster care and adoption. We provide 2:1 mentor-based relationships to allow the child to see their individual gifts, value, and worth. We implement intentional support through different ranch activities so that healing is invited, belonging is established, and hope is given. 

For further information, contact

Cedar Mill Bible Church is hosting Alpha, an open and informal conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus without judgment or pressure. 

This FREE event is for families with youth ages 5 – 18. Try your hand at archery, sign up for a beginner 4-H STEP (Short Term Education Program) class, and meet with our 4-H clubs and other youth community partners here in Washington County, Oregon! Learn more here.

“The Lincoln Town Hall” is essentially a press conference with Abraham Lincoln, set in the White House toward the end of the Civil War. Stephen will present a roughly 30-minute opening statement, speaking as Lincoln about his early career, slavery and the war, and reading from a number of Lincoln’s best known speeches — essentially Abe Lincoln’s Greatest Hits. The audience members take on the role of journalists and can ask questions of Lincoln as long as they don’t touch on anything occurring after the end of the Civil War. Total running time of the program can vary, depending on the number of questions, but is usually about 45 minutes.

Steve Holgate, a Tigard native, has been acting for more than 50 years. He has been presenting his one-man show on Abraham Lincoln for 25 years. In addition to his theatrical experience, Holgate served as a staffer for the United States Congress and the Oregon State Senate before joining the Foreign Service in 1984 and serving in embassies in Paris, Madagascar, Morocco, Mexico and Sri Lanka as well as Washington, D.C. Holgate has also published five novels to highly positive reviews. There will be artifacts on display. Mark Your Calendars!!

Embrace the art of karate at any age! This class offers a welcoming and supportive environment for those 55 and older. Join us for a journey where you will enhance your flexibility, improve your balance, sharpen self-awareness and bolster confidence! Come join us! No uniform needed. class # is CH22226

Viva Village is a Beaverton-area grassroots organization of members and volunteers who focus on enhancing and expanding the ways we can age well. We provide connections, programs, volunteer ser-vices, and referrals so members can lead engaged, healthy lives. For more information visit Please RSVP for all events by contacting or 503-746-5082. Links for zoom meetings will be sent to those who RSVP. Members-only events are listed on the website and in the web version of The News.

Viva Village events open to the public:

Women’s Coffee (in person)

Wednesdays, September 4, 11, 18, 25, 10 am-12 pm, New Seasons Cedar Hills, 3495 SW Cedar Hills Boulevard

Coffee and conversation. RSVP recommended.

Online Age Cafe 

Friday, September 6, 11-12 pm, Zoom

Small group conversations exploring topics of interest to older adults. Interesting new topics each session. Topic: Awe. “Without awe, life becomes routine…try to be surprised by something every day. Try to surprise at least one person every day.” – Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi. Co-hosted by Viva Village, Beaverton City Library, and Washington County DAVS. Virtual meeting only in September. Register for the Zoom link.

Beaverton Celebration Parade

Saturday, September 7, 10-12 pm

Watch Viva Village and our spectacular Viva Village parade entry. This year features a vintage Jeep and a 1960 Mini Cooper and we will be playing music from the 50’s and 60’s. (Viva Villages: Check the Viva Village Calendar for details). RSVP to take part in this fun morning.

Online Viva Village 101

Saturday, September 14, 10-11:30 am

An informational session for prospective members, volunteers, or anyone interested in Viva Village. Register on the website or contact the office for the Zoom link.

Viva Village Forum

Monday, September 16, 2-3:30 pm, United Methodist Church Wesley, 12555 SW 4th St, Beaverton 97005, free

Topic: First Responders—What To Expect. What happens when first responders arrive at the scene? Colin O’Reardon of Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (TVFR) will talk to us about what to expect: the mandatory protocols, how your Advance Directive and POLST affect your care, and what medical interventions are used in a near-death situation. Refreshments served. RSVP recommended. Register on our website or contact the Viva Village office.

Men’s Coffee Break

Monday, September 23, 10-11:30 am, Market of Choice Cedar Mill (mezzanine), 250 NW Lost Springs Terrace

Conversation and coffee. RSVP recommended.

Online Viva Village Book Club

Tuesday, September 24, 1-2:30 pm

Selection: The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson. RSVP for the zoom link. 

Viva Village at the Elsie Stuhr Health and Wellness Fair

Saturday, September 28, 9-12:30 pm

Stop by our Viva Village table and say “hello,” then pursue the many resources available in our community. Come and enjoy.

Viva Village events for members and volunteers:

Online Tai Chi Classes

Mondays, September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 10-10:45 am

Practice Tai Chi techniques and skills with certified instructor, Richard Chew. RSVP for Zoom link.

Online Mindfulness Meditation Classes 

Mondays, September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 11-11:45 am

Mindful Meditation sessions led by Martha McJacobs. RSVP for the Zoom link.

Ready or Not Workshop (members)

Choose between: Wednesday Series, September 4, 18, October 2, 16, 10 am–noon at a Viva Village member’s home OR Friday Series, September 13, 27, October 11, 25, 1–2:30 pm at a Viva Village member’s home

Series of 4 sessions. A supplement to the SNAP binder, this workshop is a 4-session, facilitated small-group discussion to help members identify and plan for important life decisions plus identify ways to put thoughts into action. Each workshop limited to 6. Participants are asked to attend all 4 sessions. RSVP required. Contact the office.

Living Solo Happy Hour

Thursday, September 5, 2:30 pm, Murryhill Taphouse, 14550 SW Murray Scholls Drive, Beaverton 97007

Get together for an afternoon of relaxed conversation with other Viva Village solos. RSVP appreciated.

Patio Picnics

Fridays, September 6, 20, 12:30 pm–2 pm

Conversation and lunch on a deck or patio. Bring your own lunch. Weather permitting. You will be notified of the host’s name and location the Thursday before the picnic. RSVP required by noon on Wednesday before the date of the picnic. Login to the website or contact the Viva Village office to register.

Viva Village Nature Walk

Saturday, September 7, 9:30 am. Willow Creek Greenway. Meet at the trail head on NW Waterhouse Avenue, ½ block west of the stoplight on NW 158th and NW Waterhouse Avenues

Enjoy a morning walk with Viva Village friends. Login to the website for a map of the meeting place. RSVP recommended.

Beaverton Celebration Parade

September 7, 10 am–noon

Enjoy a festive morning. Walk with fellow Viva Villagers behind our banner to celebrate our city and our Village or cheer us on from the sidelines! After the parade, walkers and watchers can continue the celebration with a light picnic lunch at a member’s home. See the Viva Village calendar for details. RSVP to take part in these fun activities. Login to register or contact the office

Online Women’s Coffee

Taking a break in September. See you October 1.

Life Stories

Tuesday, September 10, 2 pm. Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Road, Beaverton 97008

Viva Villager Bill Zawacki, and his wife own a home in France in a charming medieval Bastide town. They are steps away from the town square which has hosted a weekly market day since the 13th century. Join Bill to hear this fascinating story about how they came to own it, how they manage it, and what it’s like to participate as a visitor in the life of small-town France. RSVP is appreciated so we have enough refreshments on hand.

Dine Around Beaverton and Beyond 

Wednesday, September 11, 1 pm. Wildfin American Grill, 2725 SW Cedar Hills Blvd #130, Beaverton 97005

Join members and volunteers for lunch and conversation. Wear your Viva Village name badge. RSVP required by 1 pm on the day before the event. Register on the website or contact the office.

Couples Happy Hour 

Thursday, September 12, 4 pm. McMenamin’s Cedar Hills, 2885 SW Cedar Hills Boulevard, Beaverton 97005

Make a date with your spouse or partner to join other Viva Villagers for a happy hour get-together. Enjoy friendly conversation and Happy Hour specials. Your non-Viva Village spouse or partner is welcome! RSVP required. Limited to 8 couples (16 people.) Login to register on the website or contact the office. Please notify the office if you need to cancel.

Mystery Book Club Luncheon

Friday, September 13, 1 pm Oswego Grill, 3211 SW Cedar Hills Boulevard, Beaverton 97005

Come prepared to select books for next year (October 2024–June 2025). RSVP required. Login to register on the website or contact the office.

Online Living Solo

Thursday, September 19, 4–5:30 pm 

A time to share experiences, tips, and strategies for living on your own. RSVP if you need the Zoom link.

Living Solo (in person) 

No meeting in September. See you October 16.

Thursday Evening Social Group 

Thursday, September 26, 5:30-7:30 pm. McMenamins Murray & Allen. 6179 SW Murray Boulevard, Beaverton 97008

Enjoy an evening of conversation and dinner with Viva Village friends. RSVP required. Limited to 15 people. Login to register on the website or contact the office. Please notify the office if you need to cancel.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced it will award $16 million in grants to help homeless and at-risk Oregon Veterans — along with an additional $10.3 million to benefit Veterans from Oregon and surrounding states — through the Supportive Services for Veteran Families and Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem programs. A total of $806.4 million will be awarded through the two programs nationally. 

Supportive Services for Veteran Families: Through the SSVF program, VA is awarding 239 grants nationally totaling approximately $797.5 million to community organizations that help rapidly rehouse Veterans and their families, prevent the imminent loss of Veterans’ homes, or identify more suitable housing situations.

Grant and Per Diem Program: Through the GPD program, VA will award 14 grants nationally totaling approximately $8.9 million to community organizations that provide Veterans with transitional housing and case management — including connecting eligible Veterans to VA benefits, community-based services, and permanent housing. These special need grants will fund approximately 105 transitional housing beds to support special populations of homeless Veterans including women, elderly, terminally ill, chronically mentally ill, or those who care for minor dependents.

Ending Veteran homelessness is a top priority of VA and the Biden-Harris Administration. The number of Veterans experiencing homelessness fell by 4.5% between 2020 to 2023 and has dropped 52% overall since 2010. These grants also build upon the significant progress to end Veteran homelessness, including progress towards VA’s fiscal year 2024 goal to house 41,000 more homeless Veterans. In 2023, VA placed more than 46,500 homeless Veterans into permanent housing, exceeding the goal set for 2023 by nearly 23%.

“We’re making real progress in reducing Veteran homelessness, but there is much more work to do,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “These grants allow VA, alongside community partners, to provide more housing and wraparound services to more homeless and at-risk Veterans than ever before.”

These efforts are built upon the evidence-based “Housing First” approach, which prioritizes housing Veterans, followed by providing them the wraparound support to stay housed, including health care, job training, legal and education assistance, and more.

These new grant awards come just a week after the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and VA announced policy changes that will help more Veterans receive housing assistance under the HUD-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program. The changes include requiring public housing agencies that administer HUD-VASH to set initial income eligibility at 80% of area median income and excluding Veterans’ disability benefits when determining income eligibility — both of which are expected to increase the number of Veterans eligible for housing assistance.

For more information about VA’s comprehensive efforts to end Veteran homelessness, visit To learn more about the Grant and Per Diem program or view the full list of grantees, visit the Grant and Per Diem website. To learn more about the Supportive Services for Veteran Families program or view the full list of grantees, visit the Supportive Services for Veteran Families website.

If you are a Veteran who is experiencing homelessness or at risk for homelessness, call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-4AID-VET (877-424-3838). Visit the VA Homeless Programs website to learn about housing initiatives and other programs for Veterans exiting homelessness.