CWS Annual Leaf Disposal & Food Drive

November 28, 2020 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Prevent localized flooding around your home and in your neighborhood: Grab a rake, boots, gloves and a bin to collect leaves. Remove leaves, debris and garbage from streets and off storm drains. Clear your gutters and downspouts. Put leaves in your yard debris bin, compost pile, or “Leave Your Leaves,” they make good mulch around your plants!

And remember, never stand on a storm drain or try to move it. If water is more than a few inches deep, give Clean Water Services a call at 503.547.8100.

You can also bring your leaves to the 28th Annual Leaf Disposal & Food Drive. We’ve quadrupled the number of events this year to help meet the community’s needs.

Materials that can be disposed of include leaves, pine needles, and grass clippings—these compostable materials can be brought loose or in paper bags with a maximum weight of 50 pounds per bag. Clean Water Services asks that these leaves be from non-commercial residential areas. 

Monetary and food donations for the Oregon Food Bank will also be collected at these drop-off sites. For a list of dates and locations, please visit

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