Volume 12, Issue 10 | October 2014 |
Area 93 Community Plan public eventTuesday, October 21, open at 4:30, presentation at 5:30, PCC Rock Creek Event Center, Building 9
Washington County Land Use and Transportation invites the public to view a presentation and engage in discussions about the future development of Area 93. On January 1 of this year, the parcel of land known as Area 93 was transferred from Multnomah County to Washington County. This marked the end of the dilemma over how to plan for development of the area that had begun when Metro included it in the 2002 round of Urban Growth Boundary expansion. Portland couldn’t take it on, because it’s separated by (now) rural reserve area from the city limit. And Multnomah County doesn’t do urban planning. In any case, the logical service providers—for sewers, water, schools etc.—are in Washington County. Last year, the state legislature voted to move the county lines. Now the county has begun the process of deciding issues including housing density, road placement, and open spaces. Back when Multnomah County thought it could handle the planning, considerable work was done determining the constraints (steep slopes and creeks, existing development) and opportunities for the 160-acre parcel. Washington County planners have been using the information and concept plans that grew out of that work as a starting point for the current effort. An open house was held in April, and provided the project team with substantial feedback on the previous Multnomah County Concept Plan, which has helped to guide the creation of alternative plans. In addition, a Stakeholder Survey and the Technical Advisory Committee of service providers have helped inform the discussions. More information on the planning process is available on the county website.
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