Progressive Grange Sustainable Food Conference
November 7-9, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Road
The word "sustainable" implies that you can keep on doing it. Forever, or at least for the foreseeable future. That lets out anything based on petrochemical resources (oil), which we know are finite. It also eliminates practices that don't build the health of the soil and improve the environment. Of course, it implies food that sustains the health of those who eat it and also those who grow it.
With those concepts in mind, a group of enthusiastic Grangers in Oregon has organized this conference to promote the Grange as an organization for people who want to learn more about, and support, sustainable food—from ending hunger and creating resilient communities through Community Food Security programs, to finding ways to eat healthier, to supporting the small farmers in our communities who produce local sustainable food.
Who should attend? Urban farmers and home gardeners, locavores (folks who prefer to eat locally-produced food), those interested in permaculture, transition, community food security, organic growing practices, and anyone who loves to eat!
The conference is open to the public. Our goal is to build progressive Grange membership by offering information of interest to many groups.
The Grange is a national "fraternity" with Grange Halls in communities around the US. For years, the membership has been graying, and local Granges struggle to stay open. This is about to change! By joining your local Grange, you can become more effective in your community, providing a place for learning and community to happen, and drawing even more like-minded folks into the organization.
Saturday morning and afternoon will include speakers and workshops on a variety of topics, including Grange 101, Community Food Security, permaculture and food forests, insect farming (!), and more.
There will be a catered local/seasonal lunch on Saturday. Tickets will be available for the lunch. More information is available at
Sunday morning will begin with a local/seasonal breakfast, followed by summit sessions designed for Grange members who want to become more active in their own Granges, in the State and National Grange, and in their communities through promoting healthy eating, food security, sustainable growing practices and more. One session will school us on Parliamentary Procedure as it applies to Grange Resolutions.
If you have questions, or would like to be involved, please contact Virginia Bruce by email: or by phone at 503-803-1813. But please remember I’m deaf so email is best!!