Volume 13, Issue 10 | October 2015 |
Community News
Boundaries!Parents and community members of the District’s five comprehensive high schools are encouraged to apply to serve on the Beaverton School District’s High School Boundary Adjustment Advisory Committee. The Boundary Adjustment Advisory Committee will use School Board Policy JC to study and recommend attendance boundary changes to balance enrollment at the District’s five comprehensive high schools as well as for the new high school in South Cooper Mountain that is scheduled to open in the fall of 2017. The committee work will begin on October 15, 2015 and will conclude by March 2016. The committee will meet two times per month. Membership on the Boundary Adjustment Advisory Committee will include:
For more information, please contact the Communications & Community Involvement Department at 503-356-4360. Plant nutrition at the Garden ClubOctober 21, 9:30-11 am, Beaverton Community Center 12350 SW 5th Ave., Beaverton Please join the Cedar Mill Garden Club at the Beaverton Community Center. Gary Figueroa, Horticulturist and Plant Healthcare Specialist will present at 10 am on managing the challenges faced in our landscapes year round with a particular emphasis placed on plant nutrition! Nature in Neighborhoods regional trails grants availableNovember 3, 2015 Application Deadline Want to increase opportunities for hiking, biking and walking to access nature in your community? Apply for a regional trails grant. Metro Nature in Neighborhoods grants provide opportunities to plan, restore, and build regional trails to increase access to nature and increase nature for trail users in the Portland metropolitan area. In 2015, $500,000 is available for regional trails grants. Apply for a small grant up to $25,000 or for one of the large grants up to $100,000. Funding for Nature in Neighborhoods community grants has more than doubled, thanks to the parks and natural areas levy that voters in the region approved in 2013. Projects to be funded will implement the regional trails plan, specifically by increasing access to nature for regional trail users and increasing nature as part of our regional trails system. Fill out a simple application by November 3, 2015! To learn more, contact the grants coordinator, Crista Gardner, at Crista.Gardner@oregonmetro.gov. See examples of previous funded projects and sign up here. Washington County Open Studios TourSaturday and Sunday, October 17-18, 11 am-5 pm The Village Gallery of Arts will once again participate in the Washington County Open Studios tour. The tour is a free community event that’s a way for anyone curious about art, artists and the art process to meet artists in their studios, see art in the making and learn more about art in their neighborhoods. The Washington County Open Studios tour is a project of the Washington County Art Alliance, a volunteer-based organization dedicated to enhancing community vitality through art. Several members of the Village Gallery of Arts who reside in Washington County will be demonstrating their art style and technique as well as showing and selling their work during this time. The following artists are scheduled for demos at Village Gallery: Elizabeth Higgins (hand carved stamps), Liz Walker (acrylic marbling), Phyllis Meyer (Zentangle on Collage), Emily Stevens (Mixed Media Fiber Art), Lana Nelson (Oil Painting), Lisa Manners (Painting Ocean Waves), Jim McEnroe (Pastels), Laura Hopper (Creative Fun with Watercolor Pencils), Susan Pfahl (Calligraphy) and Trish Phifer (Knotting on Silk with Pearls and Gemstones). Portland Open Studios includes Cedar Mill area artists
Friday and Saturday, October 10-11 and 17-18, 10 am – 5 pm, various locations Portland Open Studios is an annual self-guided tour to visit the studios of 96 artists throughout the Portland, Oregon metro area. These artists, who work in a myriad of disciplines, will show you their work, their processes, their spaces, and a little of what it means to be an artist in this great city. Watch, learn, experience. A tour guide and map to the locations is also your “ticket” to the event. Purchase online, or at New Seasons Cedar Hills for $15. Each guide includes admission for two to each of the locations. You can also download an app for your portable device that will help you locate tour locations. Visit the website for more information and to get on the tour! Solar Oregon
October 25, 2-3:30 pm, Cedar Mill Community Library Solar Oregon will host a free “Basics of Going Solar” workshop in Cedar Mill. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of why solar is a smart choice for Oregon homeowners, and learn:
In addition to teaching the basics about solar energy systems, participants will learn how to move “from inspiration to installation” including how to start working with a solar contractor, qualifying for incentives/tax credits and getting financing. Representatives from solar contractors and financial institutions will be on hand to answer these and other questions. This solar workshop is free thanks to the sponsorship of the Energy Trust of Oregon and the city of Hillsboro. Energy Trust provides cash incentives to install solar for Oregonians living in Portland General Electric’s and Pacific Power’s service areas (mostly along I-5 from Portland to Salem, and parts of the Oregon coast). Pre-registration is encouraged, however, you can also sign up at the workshop. For more information and to pre-register please visit: solaroregon.org/events/CedarMillWorkshop. Fighting Those Extra PoundsThursdays, 9-10 am, St Matthew Lutheran Church, 10390 SW Canyon Rd, Beaverton Sad about your summer weight gain? Dismayed at your lack of self-discipline? Annoyed you have no accountability? Join a local Thursday morning TOPS group (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and regain some control. A fun, easy, affordable answer as you focus on getting back on track with healthy education and friendly support once a week. Go for a test run … no obligation, just friendly folks in a small setting with your same challenges. Success can be yours by the holidays if you take the first step. TOPS is a 60-year-old national program whose purpose is to provide education and support for anyone wanting to face the daunting task of losing weight. Don’t go it alone; drop in any Thursday for a complimentary visit to see what it’s all about. Washington County Forum scheduleThe forum meets over lunch every Monday at the Peppermill Restaurant in Aloha at 17455 SW Farmington Rd. There is no charge for admission. Doors open at 11:30 am, and the speakers start at noon. Lunch is available to order from the menu. Following the speaker, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Asking questions of speakers is a privilege of Forum membership. For additional information Please contact Rob Solomon at president@washingtoncountyforum.org. Monday, October 5: Eva Calcagno, WCCLS Director. “Library Levy” Monday October 12: Pam Treece, Executive Director, Westside Economic Alliance. “What is the Westside Economic Alliance?” Monday October 19: Kerry Tymchuck, Director, Oregon Historical Society. “Treasures of Oregon’s History” Monday, October 26: Aisha Panas, Director of Park & Recreational Services, Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation. “THPRD - Past, Present and Future" Awesome HourTuesday, October 20, 7-8 pm at the Java Lounge in Cedar Mill on Dale and Cornell It’s the official “office hour” of the Awesome Beaverton & Beyond Chapter of the Awesome Foundation! Interested in applying for a grant? Meet the Trustees, network with other “doers of good” in your community Congratulate the fall $1000 Awesome grant winner: High school senior Anirudh Jain and learn how YOU can help his Science Mentoring & Research Tutoring Project be realized! You can even come early (6-7 pm) and attend the free Awesome Proposal Workshop to get help organizing your idea into an Awesome proposal. For more information, visit awesomefoundation.org/en/chapters/beaverton. TVF&R Reminds You that Working Smoke Alarms Save LivesOctober is Fire Prevention Month, and Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue wants to remind you to check your smoke alarms. It’s important to “hear the beep where you sleep” and make sure every bedroom has a working smoke alarm. The majority of people who die in a fire succumb to heat and smoke inhalation, not flames. Having working smoke alarms in your home greatly increases your chances of surviving a fire. Fire is nothing like what you see on television or in the movies. It produces dark and deadly smoke that can fill your home in minutes, and can confuse you to the point that you never make it out. That is why every firefighter dons an air pack before entering a burning building, and uses thermal imagers to search for victims. Most fatal fires happen at night when people are sleeping. Working smoke alarms are designed to activate early to help ensure that you and your family have time to safely escape from your home. TVF&R offers the following advice to help protect your family:
For more fire prevention tips and tools to create a fire escape plan, visit www.tvfr.com. Viva Village seeking community input
Viva Village is actively seeking input about local services and programs that will enable Beaverton-area residents to stay in their own homes as they grow older. Interested seniors/adults are invited to participate by completing the needs assessment survey online at vivavillage.org or attending a focus group to complete the survey with a follow-up discussion. For time and place for the focus groups, email VivaVillageOR@gmail.com. Repair Fair!Saturday, November 7th 10-2, Beaverton ReStore, 13475 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton Repair Fair volunteers will offer help for repair of household items such as kitchen appliances, clocks, clothing, vacuums, bikes, etc. Bring only items that can be carried; no gas-powered equipment/tools. Contact Repair Fair with a product number and description of your item for the best chance of repair where a part may be necessary. This event is free! For more information contact Heather Robinson at repairfairoregon@gmail.com or visit repairfair.org! Women’s Safety Class!Saturday, October 17, 8 am – 4:15 pm, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, 215 SW Adams Ave. Hillsboro This two-part workshop will be presented at an all-day session. Each group of students will participate in a Situation Awareness Presentation, and Hands-on Defensive Tactics class. Due to the mature subject matter, students must be 14 years and older. Women will have the opportunity to practice their newly learned skills during a scenario-based self-defense exercise. Lunch will be provided! The class size is limited to 100 students. To register, go online to: co.washington.or.us/Sheriff/OtherServices/ CrimePrevention/self-defense.cfm or call Community Outreach Specialist Darlene Schnoor at (503) 846-2774. Women are highly encouraged to sign up for one these dates for Part II of the self-defensive tactics training after completing the initial workshop: October 19, October 20, October 21 or October 22. Times for Part II training will be 6-9:30 pm. The Beaverton Historical Society Presents…Monday, October 12, 2015; 7 pm, The Beaverton Activity Center, 12500 SW Allen Blvd., Beaverton “Sent to Serve…The Chaplains of 9/11” by Wally Johnston, Retired Law Enforcement Chaplain
Wally Johnston earned his MA in Counseling Psychology from George Fox University in 1996. He served in a group practice as a counselor after graduation. Since Wally believes relationships are vital he began Foundations 4 Your Life in 2008, serving as a relationship coach and educator. Previous to earning his MA he served as an ordained minister, church planner, public and private school educator. He retired in 2010 as a law enforcement chaplain after 26 years. Because of his experience working at Ground Zero in New York City following the terrorist attack on 9/11/2001, he published a book called Sent To Serve…The Chaplains of 9/11, available at Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle format. Wally also provides seminars for parents, counselors, public safety, and business. He has been featured in numerous news articles, radio, and television interviews, and has spoken to various community groups including the Washington County Museum. For more information visit HistoricBeaverton.org, or call 503-430-0106 or email info@historicbeaverton.org No charge for admission, donations welcome. Local schools celebrate International Walk to School DayOctober 7, various locations At least twenty Beaverton School District Schools will join schools from around the world to celebrate International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 7, 2015. In our area, students from Terra Linda, Findley, Bonny Slope and Oak Hills will participate. More than 300 students from Oak Hills Elementary will be celebrating by walking and rolling to school, along with parents, teachers and community leaders. One of the routes will begin at 7:15 am with students, parents and community leaders walking from NW Audrey by the Powerline trail just west of NW Spyglass Drive. Walkers and bicyclists will arrive at the school at 7:45 am. Participants will gather behind the school under the covered shelter to share some treats and hear messages from community leaders about the importance of having communities where walking and biking is safe, convenient and fun. Oak Hills’ Walk + Bike to School Day is just one of the events happening on this day throughout the District. Please look out for the kids and parents on this day and every day!
The event is being organized by Beaverton’s SRTS Program, working in partnership with the District’s Transportation and Public Safety Departments, Oregon’s Safe Routes to School Program and Metro. The program works closely with Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Beaverton Police Department, the City of Beaverton and Washington County. Our mission is to increase walking and biking to school and throughout the community to improve children’s health and well-being, ease traffic congestion and improve safety on the routes to school. For additional local information, please contact Lynne Mutrie at 503-329-6469 or lynne_mutrie@beaverton.k12.or.us. For additional information, please visit these websites: Beaverton Safe Routes to School: www.bit.ly/1ITKj08 Oregon Safe Routes to School: www.oregonsaferoutes.org
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