Volume 13, Issue 10 | October 2015 |
Leedy Grange NewsOctober 14-November 18, 7 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman, $15 for workbook.
Leedy Grange will be hosting a discussion group from Northwest Earth Institute called “Menu for the Future.” This will be a six-week discussion group exploring articles, essays, and thought-provoking information regarding our food culture, what shapes it, and whether we should strive for sustainable practices in our society. Cost is $15 for the book (normally $27) and light refreshments will be provided. These weekly discussions will be group facilitated and we’ll end with a local food potluck. If you are interested in attending or have additional questions, please email leedygrange@gmail.com! We need at least six attendees to host this discussion group, so please consider making this part of your fall schedule! Our regular monthly meeting is Thursday, October 15 at 6:30 pm at the hall. We’ll be planning for a Winter Charity Event. Meetings are open to non-members who are curious about what our Grange is involved in. Be sure to visit the Leedy Grange booth at the 9th Annual Cedar Mill Cider Festival, October 18.
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