Volume 11, Issue 11 | November 2013 |
Cedar Mill Community News November 2013
Beaverton Historical Society presents The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad (UGRR) was a secret network organized by people who helped men, women, and children escape from slavery. Join the Beaverton Historical Society to learn how this network helped to free over 100,000 slaves before the civil war, from visiting history enthusiast Keli Meyers. Meyers is a descendant of Levi and Catherine Coffin, President of the Underground Railroad in Newport Indiana from 1826-1864. Keli and her family have been part of the Northwest Civil War Reenactment Group for the past two years, where she teaches about the UGRR to the public. She is getting her degree in Genealogical Research through National Genealogical Studies, specializing in American Records, and African American Ancestors. The event will be held at the Beaverton History Center, 12412 SW Broadway St., on Tuesday, November 12, 7-8 pm. Admission is free. Donations are welcome. To learn more, call 503-430-0106 or go to HistoricBeaverton.org Free Family Caregiver ConferenceWhile we experience sweeping changes in health care, one thing remains the same. As the American population ages, more adults will serve as caregivers for loved ones who are frail, disabled, or living with a chronic condition than ever before. To offer thanks and encouragement to local family caregivers, “Share the Care; Help and Hope for the Family Caregiver,” a day-long conference for caregivers is being offered on Friday, November 22, 2013. This conference is free to unpaid family caregivers. Topics will include: providing care while caring for yourself; legal considerations and financial decisions in caregiving; caring for someone who is losing their ability to communicate; impact of the Affordable Care Act; providing assistance without injury to yourself; coping with the emotions of caregiving. A panel of representatives from various agencies, including Maggi Koski, a local family caregiver, will share suggestions on getting help along the way. Keynote speaker, Dr. Vicki Schmall, OSU Extension Gerontology Specialist (retired), was featured at the first Family Caregiver Conference ten years ago. An engaging and encouraging speaker, she returns to share tips for “Packing Your Caregiver Survival Basket.” A free box lunch will be provided for all attendees. This community event will take place at the Tuality Health Education Center, 334 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro. It begins at 9 am with refreshments and ends at 2:30 pm. A resource fair with representatives of community service agencies and organizations will be held in the lobby throughout the morning. The event is sponsored by Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Service (DAVS), Family Caregiver Support Program, OSU Extension Service and Tuality Healthcare. Reservations are required, spaces are limited. To reserve your space or for more information, please call DAVS at 503-846-3089.
KIDz Fun Run for Elliot MuhsThis year, The Kids Fun Run benefits a sweet four-year-old girl in our local community, Elliott Muhs, and her family. She caught a cold while on a family vacation that turned into influenza, causing a cardiac arrest and Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart caused by a virus. After a four-month hospital stay, this little girl has a long road to recovery and would benefit greatly from community support. The run took place on November 3, at Findley Elementary School. KIDz on the Run organizes fun runs, raffles and other events to show support and raise money for kids that need a smile. To donate to Elliott’s fundraising campaign, visit www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/helping-elliott-heal/70231
Cedar Mill Garden Club—Cacti in NovemberThe Wednesday, November 20 meeting of the Cedar Mill Garden Club will feature Luther Sturtevant, President of the Oregon Cactus and Succulent Society, who will give a presentation on Cacti with an emphasis on creating indoor cactus gardens. The program will be held at the Beaverton Community Center, Room 100, 12350 S.W. 5th, Beaverton (5th and Hall Blvd across from the Beaverton City Library) at 11:30 am and is open to all interested gardeners. For further information about the Cedar Mill Garden Club, contact Barb Cushman, president, 503-649-7741 or check out our web page: www.thecedarmillgardenclub.org
Leaf Drop-Off and Food DriveKeep storm drains and streets clear this fall—drop off your leaves, pine needles and grass clippings at our free leaf disposal and food drive. You can also clear your cupboards by donating canned and nonperishable food at the same time! Clean Water Services' 21st Annual Leaf Drop-off and Food Drive is co-sponsored by the Oregon Food Bank. It helps protect water quality, while supporting families in need. Last year, residents donated an impressive 3,290 pounds of food for needy families and cleared 110 truckloads of leaves from neighborhood streets. For more information about this program, please call our Leaf Line at (503) 547-8116 or visitcleanwaterservices.org. Swing by between 8 am and 4 pm, Saturday, November 23 and Saturday, December 7, at the parking lots of Aloha High School, 185th Avenue and SW Madeline and The Home Depot, 13700 NW Science Park Drive. Please: limit bags to less than 50 lbs, bring leaves in large paper bags or loose in a bin or can, and exclude litter, rocks, sticks, etc. Residents only, no businesses, please! Low-Cost Internet for Low-Income FamiliesComcast, Beaverton Education Foundation (BEF) partner and long-time supporter of BEF after-school programs, is again offering a low cost Internet service for low income families. As students go back to school, Internet access is more important than ever. Comcast’s $9.95 Internet for low-income families, ‘Internet Essentials,’ has helped thousands of students get online to complete schoolwork and has given families access to job information as well as community and social programs. Internet Essentials offers:
Sign up now for the 2013-2014 school year. If one or more of your children are eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program, your household may qualify for Internet Essentials. Sign up at www.InternetEssentials.com (English) or www.InternetBasico.com (Spanish). Access is available from any Internet-enabled computer, tablet or smartphone. Enroll Now to Become a Master RecyclerWashington County Solid Waste & Recycling Program and the City of Portland Master Recycler Program are offering an eight-week Master Recycling course. Training will take place at the Washington Street Conference Center, 225 S. First Avenue in downtown Hillsboro, every Wednesday from January 8 to February 26, 6:30-9:30 pm. Two half-day Saturday field trips will take place on January 11 and February 15, from 8 am-2 pm. To become a Master Recycler, participants must attend all sessions and then volunteer at least 30 hours, sharing what they learned with neighbors, coworkers and the community. Instruction topics include thoughtful consumption, recycling markets and processes, hazardous household products, composting, green building and deconstruction. The course is a blend of professional presentations, peer group discussion and project development. Tuition is $50. Apply now through December 15 at www.masterrecycler.org. For more information, visit www.masterrecycler.org, call 503-545-8976 or email masterrecycler@portlandoregon.gov.
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