Volume 14, Issue 1 | January 2016 |
Business News
More Wellness at Bales!Thursdays, January 7 & 21, Bales Thriftway Cedar Mill Bales Thriftway is now offering their popular Wellness Fair on both the first and third Thursday every month. Most of the items in the Wellness Department are offered at 20% off regular prices, with the discount taken off at the register. Additionally, Wellness Manager Lisa Taylor brings in vendors and other experts to demonstrate products and offer samples! She’s a great resource to the community, with her knowledge about natural health, and her willingness to research your product and condition needs. Stop in and say hi! Organic Produce CSA for Bonny Slope
Love Farm Organics is a Forest Grove organic farm operated by Amy Love and family. The farm distributes their glorious seasonal produce to area restaurants and over 200 CSA members in the Portland area. If you prefer not to fight the farmers’ market crowds, and want to support local farms growing what’s in season, this might be a perfect option for you. The 2016 season (June-November) brings 23 weeks of organic produce delivered from their farm in Forest Grove to a Bonny Slope pick up site. Memberships open in January for full shares (family of 4) costing $975; or half shares (for 2) at $575. Additionally they offer berry shares for $85 and salad lover shares for $125. The farm shares begin distribution June 6, 2016 and go weekly through the beginning of November. The produce is delivered to Bonny Slope, and you’d pick up your weekly share on a specified weekday, the very same day the produce is picked, between designated hours such as 4-7 pm. The produce is delivered and set up like a little farm store, with a blackboard list of what your share includes, and there are choices! You select your own produce, and in some cases you select among a few vegetables in the same family. So if you don’t like cauliflower, for example, but you’d love to try romanesco broccoli, you got it! The farm sells produce at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland and are conscious of the idea that Food is Medicine, as explained in a film, linked on their website. Please contact Linda Sawaya (linda@lindasawaya.com) if you’re interested in signing up for a membership in a Bonny Slope pick up, or if you have questions. Ten families need to sign up to make a Bonny Slope pick up site a reality. Hoping you join in and have a healthy and delicious 2016! Mid-Day Dog Walking in Cedar Mill
Hi! I’m Cathie. I started ‘A Happy Dog NW’ to offer personalized, mid-day dog walking in the Cedar Mill area. A bored dog is not a Happy Dog! But I understand how hard it is to leave work mid-day to walk your dog. Or how frustrating it is if you are recovering from an illness or injury and can’t do it yourself. It is stressful on you and your dog. My goal is to provide individual attention, for just your dog (or up to two “sibling” dogs). We’ll take a 30-minute walk in your neighborhood, just like you would. No loading up in kennels and driving across town, no seven dogs at a time, no frantic doggie day care. I also offer a ten-minute pee break for those who want to walk their dog but need the flexibility to stay late or go somewhere after work. I’m insured through ‘Insureon-Pet Services. Learn more on my website: happydognw.com and contact me for a free, no obligation ‘Meet and Sniff’ at Cathie Clifford, 503.318.1910, or cathie@happydognw.com Hoffman Offers Free Online Piano Lessons
The Hoffman Academy of Music opened the doors of its Saltzman Village location in 2012. Since then it’s grown to a faculty of fifteen teachers giving piano, voice, guitar, and preschool music classes and lessons to over 300 local students. To keep up with their expanding numbers, Hoffman Academy plans to lease space in the new professional building under construction on Cornell Road (behind Peninsula Insurance), with a targeted move-in date of March 2016. Hoffman Academy isn’t only growing here in our area. Five years ago, Mr. Hoffman began offering online video piano lessons, for free! These lessons have had over 4 million views collectively, and average 2000 hits per day. People all over the world are learning the piano with Mr. Hoffman’s unique, research-based teaching method, which appeals to a child’s sense of curiosity and fun while also providing a rigorous, well-rounded music education. Mr. Hoffman recently appeared on Portland’s AM Northwest television program to talk about Hoffman Academy’s free online lessons. To see the segment, go to: katu.com/amnw/lifestyle-health/learn-to-play-the-piano-for-free. To learn more about Hoffman Academy’s online video piano lessons, visit hoffmanacademy.com. Mr. Hoffman’s teaching has received such a positive response, he’s planning to publish a series of Hoffman Method piano books. These books will be used by students at Hoffman Academy, but will also be available for purchase by anyone who wants to teach or learn with the Hoffman Method. The Academy hopes to publish its books by the end of 2016. Teacher trainings in the Hoffman Method are also held periodically at the Academy. Hoffman Academy’s Cedar Mill studio is currently enrolling private and partner lessons, and group music classes. Call 503-336-3121 or visit hoffmanacademy.com/portland for more information. OCAC Studio SchoolJoin Oregon College of Art & Craft on campus for Winter/Spring classes and workshops in all seven studios! Take advantage of their Early Bird discount before February. Please go online to find over 45 courses. The schedule is now online at cms.ocac.edu. Here is a sample of their exceptional offerings. You don’t have to be an enrolled student to take these classes which are open to the community. Visiting Artist Mokuhanga, Japanese Woodcut: March 23-25, 10 am-4 pm Portray-able; Rendering the Human Form in Clay: January 20-March 30, 6-9 pm, 10-Session Class Creative Collage: January 23 - March 12, 9 am-12 pm, 8-Session Class Re-Fashion: January 26- April 5, 6:30-9:30 pm, 10-Session Class iPhone Photography and Creating the Handmade Photo Book: April 16- 24, 12 pm-4 pm, 4-Session Class Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation Art Adventures Program: Kids Think With Their Hands In 2016! Look for their Spring Break Camp and day-long Sessions! In-Service Days Of Art: Young artists can come to OCAC for a day of creating while your school has an in-service day. They offer exciting, innovative, and creative workshops that engage kids in unique projects, inspiring the imagination and fostering the future artist. Games, free choice time and snacks round out the day of making. Before and After Care available, 9 am-5 pm, $75 per child. Grades 1-5, January 25; February 15; April 29. Spring Break Camp: Grades 1-5, March 21-25, 9 am-5 pm Make, create, and explore craft with OCAC in their fantastic art camp! Campers will be immersed in 2D and 3D art workshops every day. Games, songs and free time balance out the day and help build the camp community. At the end of the week, family and friends come to campus and view the Friday Art Show. The staff of Art Adventures is made up of teachers, college students, graduates and professional artists from the community, chosen for their leadership skills, strength in working with children, skill in art making, energy and genuine love for sharing the arts. Before and After Care available. $325/child. Virtue of the Month: Cleanliness
Cleanliness is treating our bodies with respect and care by keeping ourselves clean, fresh, healthy, eating pure foods, and breathing fresh air. We strive to keep our spirit clean and our mind clear. We rid ourselves of habits that do not serve our dignity. We think and speak in ways that honor others and ourselves. Cleaning up our mistakes gives us a fresh start. When we forgive, we clean our hearts of negativity. We do our part to care for the earth… Cleanliness around us makes our souls peaceful. Cleanliness within us brings more peace to the world. Written by Linda Kavelin Popov, virtuesproject.com. “In Every aspect of life, purity and holiness, cleanliness and refinement, exalt the human condition… Even in the physical realm, cleanliness will conduce to spirituality”. Abdu’I’Baha, Selected Writings p. 146 The Practice of Cleanliness:I keep myself fresh and clean. I only put healthful things in my body. I cleanse myself of harmful habits. I forgive others and I forgive myself. I am a responsible steward of the earth. I keep my environment clean and beautiful. Affirmation: I am thankful for the gift of Cleanliness. It frees my spirit. For more information on the Virtues project, local parenting classes, and retreats, please contact Delaram Adyani, Virtues Connection Portland, 503-267-0202, virtuesconnectionportland.com (like us on FB). Sunset Credit Union to hold Community ‘Shred-It’ DayFriday, January 15 or Monday, January 18, 10 am-5:30 pm, 1100 NW Murray Blvd (across from McDonald’s) If you have old financial statements, bills etc. that need to be shredded, bring them to Sunset Credit Union’s ‘Shred-It’ Day. You can get up to two shopping bags or banker’s boxes shredded for free. Simply bring the documents to Sunset Credit Union and your important documents will be securely shredded and sent out for recycling. This is a fabulous opportunity to get rid of tax documents (2007 and older), old financial statements and outdated personal records at no cost. To learn more, send an email to cuteam@sspfcu.com. Please note: Items will be securely stored in the Sunset Credit Union facility until they are shredded onsite via a mobile-shredding truck on Tuesday, January 19. Sunset Credit Union is a not-for-profit full-service financial institution serving anyone who lives, works or attends school in Cedar Mill. To learn more, visit their website at www.sspfcu.com. Village Gallery of Arts January 2016 Events
Featured Artist: Liz Walker; Opening Reception Sunday, January 10, 2-4 pm “The Look of Love” - Acrylic monotype paintings of people in love, including some marbled onto sheet music from the 1930s and 40s. Liz’s favorite subject matter is fanciful figures in everyday settings. A new signature member of National Watercolor Society, Liz keeps her website up to date at lizwalkerart.com. Upcoming Classes For complete details on all of these classes please visit villagegalleryarts.org Kristi Roberts - Children’s Art Classes: Mondays and Wednesdays, for children ages 7 - 14 years. Children will be given the opportunity to try out different media in order to learn what they will enjoy. Units in drawing, watercolor, acrylic, pastels, clay and mixed media will be covered. Classes held weekly, registration is required one month ahead in order to hold a spot. Susan Pfahl - Beginning Calligraphy: Fridays, 1-3 pm, January 8, 15, 22 and 29. Learn Italic Script, starting from the beginning. All levels welcome. Chris Keylock-Williams – Watercolor: “Defining Your Designs for Creative, Exciting Watercolor Paintings,” Tuesdays, 1-4 pm, January 19 - March 15, all levels welcome. Think about your subject and the way you want to present it this time. Will it be colorful or moody, simple or more complex? Chris will bring in some older paintings of hers and show students how to “rework” or “redesign” them. New Orangetheory Fitness Studio in Cedar Mill!Heather Klemm had tried just about everything when it comes to exercising; yoga, spinning, step classes and lifting weights. But she’d never tried anything like Orangetheory Fitness (OTF). She says,“The new OTF studio will be the second to open in the state of Oregon. The location is still under construction, but soon Cedar Mill will learn all about the Orange Theory.” The studio is set to open this spring.
Orangetheory Fitness is a one-of-a-kind, group personal training workout broken into intervals of cardiovascular and strength training. Backed by the science of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), Orangetheory’s heart-rate-monitored, high intensity interval training is designed to keep heart rates in a target zone that stimulates metabolism and increases energy. Led by skilled personal trainers, participants use a variety of equipment including treadmills, rowing machines, TRX Suspension Training, and free weights. Participants of all different ability levels can burn 500-1000 calories in one session. The result is the Orange Effect—more energy, visible toning and extra calorie burn for up to 36 hours post-workout. Heather says, “It’s the best one hour, total body workout you’ve ever had! OTF belongs to a fitness category called “group personal training.” Half of it is cardio and the other half is strength and power training. Everyone is wearing a heart rate monitor and your heart rate is displayed on screens throughout the studio. The screens have your name, what your percent output is, heart rate and how many calories you’re burning. You’re working out with a highly trained coach, and there are up to 24 people in each class.” Visit us at our preview center! We want to meet you, know your physical history, what your fitness goals are. Our state of the art studio is projected to open this March, but we’ve begun offering pre-sale memberships at discounted rates. We’re reserving spots for founding members who have the opportunity to lock in special rates for the duration of their membership! Another perk to becoming a founding member is the privilege of getting a one-week free pass before opening! The Cedar Mill OTF studio will be located at 11800 NW Cedar Falls Dr, Suite #108 in the Timberland Town Center. Orangetheory Fitness will join neighbors such as Market of Choice, Pharmaca and Mud Bay. For more information, please call 503-427-1915 and visit orangetheoryfitness.com.
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