Volume 17, Issue 1 | January 2019 |
January 2019 Community News
Bobcat pancakesSaturday, February 2, 7:30-10:30 am, Bonny Slope Elementary School, tickets are $5/individual or $20/family of six in advance or $7/individual or $25/family of six at the door.
Bonny Slope Elementary is once again hosting their annual Pancake Breakfast! This year the Breakfast will support the fifth graders’ two-day science school. Fifth graders run the event (with a little help from their parents), which is an incredible learning opportunity. They sell tickets, do all the seating, and serving. Tickets can be purchased at bonnyslopebsco.org/store/pancakes. Indivisible Cedar MillWednesday, January 9, 6:30-8:30 pm Come join Indivisible Cedar Mill for our January meeting. We are a progressive, grass-roots organization that opposes the Trump administration and believes in furthering progressive causes as well as acting locally to keep Oregon blue. After a two-month holiday break, our January meeting will be a kickoff for how we go on offense locally and nationally. The first hour is dedicated to socializing with fellow community members, then the meeting will begin at 7:30. Please email Karyn at karyn@karynservin.com, or John at theportlandfoxes@gmail.com, for the location of the meeting. Pruning, training, and maintenance of fruit treesWednesday, January 30, 7 pm, Skyline Grange, 11275 NW Skyline Blvd., free and open to the public As part of Skyline Grange’s 2019 Skyline Living Series, John Saltveit will discuss fruit trees, pruning guidelines, and basic maintenance to ensure healthy fruit trees. Saltveit has been cultivating a food forest for 20 years and has taught classes on fruit growing with the Home Orchard Society for over a decade. January Series
Weekdays through January 23, 9:30 am, Oak Hills Christian Reformed Church, 2800 NW 153rd, free For the 32nd year, Calvin College presents this outstanding series of lectures on topics ranging from polarization in politics, immigration, race, climate justice, and so much more by top experts in their fields. Although the college is in Michigan, there are dozens of remote viewing sites around the US and beyond, and one of them is right here at the Oak Hills Christian Reformed Church. The programs are live-streamed and shown on a large screen in the church, and there’s an audio hookup so local participants can ask questions. View the schedule and find out more about the speakers on the Calvin College website. This year you can also listen live to the programs on the website or subscribe on iTunes! Refreshments are served in the lobby after the program where the conversation can continue. Childcare is available, contact the church for details at 503-645-2245. League of Women Voters Washington CountyMonday, January 14, 1:30, Beaverton Community Center Bring your ideas and join us for the next League of Women Voters meeting. We will divide into groups to discuss current issues in four areas:
Cedar Mill Little League - Register Now!Player Registration for the 2019 Spring season is now open! Please see our website for information and registration links at cmllonline.org. By registering now, you’ll avoid the $25 late fee for registrations after January 27, and you help us to plan Spring Baseball for over 500+ ball players. Go to the registration page for more details and to sign up. If you would like your player to play outside of the recommended age range, please email the player agents (Melissa Gresham and Kristin Dann) at pa@cmllonline.org to make arrangements to play in the requested league. Every player needs to have a Tualatin Hills Parks and Rec District (THPRD) card. In-district Family Assistance: The goal of the THPRD Family Assistance Program is to ensure that all Park District residents have access to recreation programs. Since Cedar Mill Little League is registered with THPRD, in-district families may be eligible for family registration assistance funds from THPRD. Please go to the following site for Family Assistance for more information and complete the Scholarship request form. Experience Music Spring Series at PCC Rock CreekThe Portland Community College Rock Creek music program continues its diverse series of short concerts/lectures. The concerts are presented in conjunction with the Tuesday evening Music Appreciation class and are open to the public. Unless otherwise noted, events are held at PCC Rock Creek, Building 3 Forum, 17705 NW Springville Road. A donation is appreciated but no one will be turned away. The concerts are free for PCC students. Parking is $2 (permits available at parking machines). The series is sponsored by grants from the Beaverton Arts Program and the Washington County Cultural Coalition. The series continues through 2019.
Acoustic Guitarist Doug SmithTuesday, January 15, 7:30 pm Doug Smith is a Grammy award winner and the 2006 winner of the prestigious Winfield International Fingerstyle Guitar Competition. He has been heard in the popular 2007 film August Rush and his original compositions are heard everywhere from NPR to TCM to Martha Stewart to Good morning America. He combines folk, classical and jazz elements and has been called “a cross between Chet Atkins, Leo Kottke and Michael Hedges.” He has shared the stage with such guitar luminaries as Laurence Juber, Tommy Emmanuel, and Andy McKee, and has toured internationally. Billboard magazine has written, "Inviting melodies...stunning fingerpicking." For more information, about this virtuoso performer, please go to dougsmithguitar.com. Classical vocalists Angela Nierderloh and Matt HaywardTuesday, January 22, 7:30 pm
Mezzo soprano Angela Nierderloh and baritone Matt Hayward will appear in concert accompanied by pianist Janet Coleman. Angela Nierderloh has been acclaimed by the New York Times as, “a charismatic mezzo soprano,” and has performed throughout the US in opera (including the Portland Opera) and is on the faculties of Portland Community College Rock Creek campus, Portland State University, and Pacific University. Matt Hayward has rapidly established himself as one of the most versatile artists of his generation. He made his European debut in concert at the Salle Cortot in Paris. As the Founder of Vox Northwest Voice Studios, he maintains a select private voice studio in Portland, Oregon, and is on the voice faculty of Portland State and George Fox universities. Master class taught by Ms. NiederlohTuesday, January 22, 1:30-2:50 pm, This master class also features PCC vocal students. For more information about the concerts, please view the music program’s page at pcc.edu/programs/music/rock-creek/ and Facebook page at facebook.com/rcartsenglish. Washington County Public Affairs Forum scheduleThe forum meets over lunch every Monday, September through June, (except holidays) at Coyote’s Bar & Grill, 5301 W Baseline Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97123. There is no charge for admission. Doors open at 11:30 AM, and the speakers start at noon. Lunch is available to order from the menu. Following the speaker, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Asking questions of our speakers is a privilege of Forum membership. Learn more at washingtoncountyforum.org. Monday, January 14 Kasi Woidyla, public relations officer & Felicita Monteblanco, Advocacy Officer – Foundation staff, will be discussing the Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation Monday, January 28, Tracy Honl, the chair of Washington County Republican Party will discuss the Republican Party – the Philosophy, the Policies. Monday, February 4, Patrick Maguire, chair of the Washington County Democratic Party, will discuss The Democratic Party – the Philosophy, the Policies. Viva Village events open to the publicFor information, to RSVP, and/or register (where requested), visit vivavillageevents.org or call 503-746-5082. To see a complete list of January events, go to vivavilllage.org; click on Calendar. Nature WalkSaturday, January 5, 9:30 am, Dawson Creek Lakes (Path behind Hillsboro Library), 2850 NW Brookwood Pkwy, Hillsboro, free Dine Around Beaverton and BeyondWednesday, January 9, 1 pm, McGrath’s Fish House, 3211 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., Beaverton Order lunch from the menu. RSVP recommended. Village 101 PresentationSaturday, January 12, 10-11:30 am, Elsie Stuhr Center, Cedar Room, 5550 SW Hall Blvd. Beaverton, free Information for prospective members and/or volunteers. Call for information. Women’s CoffeeTuesday, January 15, 10 am, Jim and Patty’s Coffee, 4130 SW 117th Ave, Beaverton Thursday Night SocialThursday, January 17, 6 pm, Café Murrayhill, 14500 SW Murray Scholls Dr. #103, Beaverton, RSVP Viva Village Book ClubTuesday, January 22, 6-8 pm, Private home in West Beaverton, free Selected Book: The Water is Wide by Pat Conroy. RSVP for location. Men’s Coffee BreakThursday, January 24, 10-11 am, Solace and Fine Espresso, 4655 SW Griffith Dr. #160, Beaverton Aging with Grace Video ReplayThursday, January 24, 1:30-3:30 pm, Elsie Stuhr Center, Willow Room, 5500 SW Hall Blvd. Beaverton, $5 fee for public Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, will discuss Healthy Brain Aging and Lessons Learned from Cultures with Longevity. RSVP. Aging with Grace Video ReplayThursday, January 31, 1:30 pm. Elsie Stuhr Center, Willow Room, 5500 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, $5 fee for public Maureen C. Nash, MD, will discuss Aging Well: Mental and Emotional Resiliency. RSVP Beaverton Historical SocietyTuesday, January 8, 7 pm, Elsie Stuhr Senior Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton, suggested $3 donation Garden Home and Forest Grove Historical Societies share a peek into each of their histories. Refreshments are provided. For more information, go to historicbeaverton.org or call (503) 430-0106 Preserve @ HomeAre you interested in learning how to preserve a variety of different foods? If so, check out this web-based hybrid food preservation course offered by the University of Idaho and Oregon State University. Anyone with an interest in food preservation and food safety can enroll in Preserve @ Home. Individuals with little or no previous food preservation experience are welcome. Class is offered only once in 2019, so be sure to enroll before the class fills up. You must register by January 14 and it costs $55. For a full class syllabus, go to extension.oregonstate.edu/deschutes/events/preserve-home-online-hybrid-course. To register and pay online, go to bit.ly/PreserveAtHome2019. Become an OSU Master Gardener!Classes begin in February in the metro-area. Are you passionate about gardening? Do you want to get the real dirt on tried-and-true gardening practices? Training is a combination of seven (once-a-week) in-person classes, online content and hands-on workshops followed by 50 hours of volunteer service. A non-volunteer option is also available, along with a limited number of reduced-fee slots (both scholarships and fellowships). Register now to reserve your place. Check for details and registration information here. Come Help with THPRD park Habitat Restoration!Come play in the mud with us as we remove invasive plants and plant native trees and shrubs! Saturday, January 19, NE Park (future park): Invasive plant removal Saturday, February 23, Kaiser Woods: Plant native trees & shrubs Sunday, February 24 Kaiser Woods: Plant native trees & shrubs Learn more and register here: thprd.org/activities/nature/volunteer/habitat-trails-gardening-projects. Sunset Youth Baseball open registrationWe are currently trying to field teams for 7th-8th grades and, if there is enough interest, 5th-6th grade and 3rd-4th grade teams. If your kids are planning to play baseball this spring, please get them signed up! The earlier that you register the easier it is to plan for the season. Regular registration ends on January 30, when the $75 late registration fee kicks in. Find out more at sunsetapollosbaseball.com/youth_baseball. Creative Impact Workshop SeriesTualatin Valley Creates is partnering with the Beaverton Arts Program and the Hillsboro Cultural Arts Division to offer a series of six exciting professional development workshops starting in January 2019. Topics range from grant writing to planning a community mural and more. Washington County Arts & Culture Grants PanelWednesday, January 16, 4-6 pm, Brookwood Library Community Room, 2850 NE Brookwood Pkwy, free Join representatives from the Hillsboro Arts & Culture Council, Cultural Coalition of Washington County, Regional Arts & Culture Council, Miller Foundation, and Precipice Fund for the panel discussion about local grant opportunities specifically for arts and culture programming in Washington County. Determine which opportunities fit best with your organization and its programs, and get the chance to talk face-to-face with grant makers that can answer all of your questions. RSVP is required at tinyurl.com/CreativeImpactWorkshops Fund Your Creative Project: Grant Writing for ArtistsJanuary 26 and February 9, 10-12 pm, Beaverton Building, $45 for both sessions Later Events [we’ll list details in upcoming issues]:
Boards & Commissions Seek MembersBoards, committees and commissions advise the Washington County Board of Commissioners (BCC) on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. Committees themselves do not pass ordinances to establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations. Commission members are volunteers appointed by the BCC. In many cases, members must be residents of Washington County. Serving on an appointed board or commission is a great way for Washington County residents to participate in decisions that affect them and to learn more about how local government works. Per Board of Commissioners procedures, the County Administrative Office will solicit applications from individuals for a six-week period. Staff will keep the Commissioners apprised of applications received and of approaching deadlines. Learn more about these opportunities on the county website here. Developmental Disabilities Council – one position available now and eight positions available after Feb 28, 2019Description: The Council identifies community needs, recommends funding priorities, and helps select and evaluate service providers. The County's emphasis on contracting with community agencies for social services makes the work of this volunteer advisory council critical. Member Description: Comprised of fifteen members including recipients of service, advocates, professionals in the field, key referral sources, provider representatives, and lay citizens. Members are residents of the county or have work interests in the county. Term: three years; Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month; Meetings: First Wednesday, 10:00 am; Contact: Colin Fitzgerald, (503)846-3138 Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) – one position available now and two positions available after Mar 31, 2019Description: Providing affordable housing in Washington County is a formidable job. It is the mission of the HAC to advise the Housing Authority Board of Directors on housing goals policies, to review and recommend actions on the budgets of the Housing Authority, to advise regarding the community’s needs for low-income housing, and to recommend resources and programs available to address those needs. Member Description: Fifteen members representing various groups, (see website for details) Term: 4 Years; Time Commitment: two hours (minimum) each month; Meetings: Fourth Thursday at 9 am; Contact: Komi P. Kalevor, (503)846-4755 Solid Waste Advisory Committee – two positions available after Mar 31, 2019Description: A coordinated countywide program for the safe, economical and efficient collection, storage, transportation and disposal of wastes and solid wastes, and to ensure adequate standards of service for said collection, storage, transportation and disposal of wastes and solid wastes. To assist the Board in achieving these objectives, they have appointed this advisory committee to make recommendations on solid waste and recycling policy and programs that serve the County. Member Description: Ten members including: six members representing the public, three members representing the solid waste industry, and one representative of the County's Department Health and Human Services (a non-voting committee member). Term: 5 years; Time Commitment: two to 3 hours per month; Meetings: Second Thursday, 6-7:30 pm; Contact: Theresa Koppang, (503) 846-3663 The application deadline is January 29, 2019 or open until filled. Applications may be obtained by visiting the Boards and Commissions website. Open Enrollment for 2019-2020 School YearThe Beaverton School District will offer open enrollment for students living within the BSD service area for the 2019-20 school year at the schools listed below. Applications for open enrollment are available in ENGLISH and SPANISH at each school and at the Administration Center, 16550 SW Merlo Rd., and will be accepted through Tuesday, January 22, by 2 pm. Students may only apply to two schools. Completed applications should be returned to the school for which the student is applying. Applications to more than two schools will be denied. Elementary Schools (# of open slots) Barnes (20); Errol Hassell (10); Fir Grove (30); Kinnaman (20); McKay (30); Terra Linda (20); Vose (16) Middle Schools (# of open slots) Whitford (30) High Schools (# of open slots) Beaverton (30); Southridge (30) There are some important factors families must consider when applying for open enrollment:
Contact your school if you have any questions regarding the process. Become a Mediator!Mediators help members of the community resolve conflict by working together. The Beaverton Mediation program serves people outside the city, throughout Washington County east of 185th. Registration is open for 32-hour Basic Mediation training. This training will introduce participants to the themes, practices and skills of becoming a mediator. Classes will be held from 8:30 am to 5 pm on Friday, January 25; Saturday, January 26; Friday, February 1; and Saturday, February 2 at Beaverton City Hall, 12725 SW Millikan Way. Cost: $350. Scholarships Available! If you are bilingual in English/Spanish and are willing to apply to volunteer at our program, you can attend the training for free. Registration is required. Please visit www.beavertonoregon.gov/mediationtraining to register or call 503-523-2523 for information about volunteering and scholarship opportunities. Nature in the Neighborhoods grants available
Metro's Nature in Neighborhoods grants provide opportunities to support and create partnerships in local communities that improve water quality, fish and wildlife habitat and connect people with nature. Eligible applicants include community groups, watershed councils, neighborhood associations, nonprofits, faith groups, and service groups with nonprofit or other tax-exempt status. Grants may only be awarded to projects and programs that benefit Metro-area residents. Funding is available for projects that:
Then prepare your “pre-application” and submit it by 4 p.m. January 29, 2019. Winter Reading Challenge for adultsThrough February 28, Cedar Mill and Bethany Branch libraries What most of us want to do during cold weather is curl up with a good book. This winter, Cedar Mill and Bethany libraries challenge adults (ages 18+) to read, complete activities and be eligible to win Powell’s gift cards. Our online challenge includes eight activities such as “read a book set in Oregon” and “tell someone your favorite thing about the library.” You don’t have to complete them all, but the more you do, the more chances you’ll have to win. Learn more on our website. If you participated in Summer Reading on Beanstack last year, you just have to sign in and join the challenge! Sunset Youth LacrosseRegistration for Sunset Youth Lacrosse's spring 2019 season is now open! SYL is open to boys and girls in grades 1-8 that live within the Sunset High School boundary.
If you are interested in playing or learning more, visit sunsetlacrosse.com for more information. Registration is open through the end of February for grades 3-8 and mid-April for grades 1-2. The season runs from March through early June. If you have questions, you can also reach out to syl.vpboys@gmail.com or syl.vpgirls@gmail.com. WCM Out in the community:Look for a display of Washington County Museum's collection of William L. Finley original photographs on display at the Brookwood Library, 2850 NE Brookwood Pkwy, Hillsboro, during January and February. Free and open to the public during library hours. Arabic storytime at Beaverton LibrarySundays, January 13 & 27, Feb. 10 & 24, Mar. 10 & 24, April 14 & 28, May 12 & 26, 1:30 pm, Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th Street We're really thrilled to share that this winter and spring we'll offer an Arabic Storytime twice a month at BCL Main! It will be entirely in Arabic and starts 1/13, from 1:30-2 PM. Please help us get the word out to anyone who might be interested. Powerful Tools for Caregivers series—respite care availableThursdays, February 7-March 14, 1-3:30 pm, Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th Street. Registration is now open for a six-week educational series called Powerful Tools for Caregivers that begins February 7, 2019. Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services sponsors the series. The series helps unpaid family caregivers take care of themselves while they are caring for an aging or chronically ill relative or friend. The person in their care may live at home, in a facility or even across the country. Participants will learn how to reduce personal stress, communicate their needs in challenging situations, deal with difficult emotions, and make tough caregiving decisions. “We know how hard it is for caregivers to get away,” says Program Coordinator Shannon Baggerman. “This year we are excited to be able to provide free respite care. Individuals who aren’t able to leave their loved ones alone due to high care needs can participate in this series, knowing their loved ones are being taken care of.” There is a suggested donation of $30 to help cover the cost of the book, but payment is not required to attend the class. Class size is limited, and registration is required. Call the Washington County Family Caregiver Support Program at 503-846-3089. THPRD Announces Free Child Care for all Board Meetings Beginning in 2019Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District is proud to announce it will offer free child care to make it easier for parents and guardians to attend district board meetings and participate in civic discussions. “THPRD is committed to Access for All,” said Doug Menke, general manager. “Our Board of Directors has encouraged staff to look at creative ways to make it easier for people to come out and share their views at board meetings. At their direction, we are piloting free childcare for board meetings in 2019.” The THPRD Board meets the second Tuesday of the month at the Dryland Conference Room on the HMT Complex. Free childcare will be available at the Athletic Center (50 NW 158th Ave). To reserve a spot, please contact Dayna Dixon at (503) 619-3861 or email at ddixon@thprd.org, or call the center front desk at (503) 629-6330. Visit thprd.org/district-information/board-of-directors/meetings to see the schedule for future Board meetings. Clean Water Services requests feedback on draft watershed management documentAre you interested in improving watershed health and preventing flooding? CWS encourages interested stakeholders to review and comment on this draft Base Strategy and Methodology document (PDF, 1.6MB). Comments are welcome at any time, and initial feedback on this topic is appreciated by January 23, 2019. Please submit comments to DnCUpdate@cleanwaterservices.org. This draft document builds on the existing CWS Design and Construction Standards to address the management of runoff volume. It includes a variety of approaches such as stream enhancement, detention and Low Impact Development Approaches (LIDA), along with a selection methodology based on landscape setting, historic and anticipated development patterns, project size and stream condition. The document and accompanying tools are intended to help applicants and other stakeholders identify which stormwater management approaches and tools are expected to apply under the Base Strategy. Anticipate additional and more frequent updates over the coming weeks as feedback is received and incorporated. We encourage partners and members of the public to participate and stay informed. Visit our website for updated information and sign up to get updates sent directly to your email. Tips to Carry You Safely into 2019With the New Year and resolutions on everyone’s mind, now is the time to think about some personal and home safety steps that can help carry you and your family safely through 2019, as well as save you time and money by avoiding winter-related damage to your home or business. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue firefighters always see an increase in outdoor-related injuries around the first of the year. Keep these things in mind to minimize your risk of personal injury:
Visit www.tvfr.com for more winter safety tips. |
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