Volume 14, Issue 12 | December 2016 |
Holiday News
A year of Cedar Mill history!The Cedar Mill Historical Society is releasing their first Cedar Mill History Calendar, just in time for holiday giving, and for sharing your love of our community with visitors to your home or business!
The calendars are only $10 each, and are available to purchase online at the Cedar Mill History website, or at the new office of the Cedar Mill News at the northwest corner of the Milltowner Shopping Center, 12050 NW Cornell (two doors north of the laundromat). The News office is usually open from 11-5 weekdays. Images are from Nancy Olson’s collection of history photos that were initially collected for the Cedar Mill History book. She had copies mounted on cardboard, so she could visit area elementary schools to share our history with school children. Her son Nick kindly scanned them all so we could have digital copies. Images from the collection will be displayed in the CMN office soon! Winterize your petsMost of Bethany Family Pet Clinic’s clients succeed in keeping their pets safe over the holidays, though the clinic does see a few incidents of chocolate consumption and foreign body ingestions. Keep these safety tips in mind to protect your pets this holiday season and winter: Consider leaving the tinsel off your tree if you have a cat. Secure your Christmas tree to keep it from falling over if your dog bumps it or your cat climbs it; hanging lemon-scented car air fresheners in the tree may deter your cat from scaling it. Keep holiday plants (especially holly, mistletoe, poinsettias and lilies) out of pets’ reach; they are highly toxic to animals. Certain holiday decorations can also be dangerous. Lights and glass ornaments contain toxic chemicals that cause internal irritation and bleeding. Owners should avoid placing decorations where their pets can chew on or eat them. Do not let your pets consume treats containing chocolate, xylitol, grapes/raisins, onions, currants, macadamia nuts or walnuts. Ingesting them can result in upset stomachs, heart arrhythmia, kidney failure and seizures. Keep an eye out for loose electrical cords. Pets may chew through the rubber coating, causing electrocution or burns. Don’t leave your pet alone in a room with lit candles. If your pet is excitable or scared when you have company, consider providing a safe place for your pet to escape the excitement, such as a separate room, kennel, crate, perching place, scratching post shelf, or hiding place. Watch those alcoholic drinks! Unattended drinks may result in a dangerously drunk pet. It doesn’t take much for small animals to get alcohol poisoning. The same is true for marijuana edibles and marijuana poisoning. Don’t forget that your dog or cat might like to mark the Christmas tree or other floor decorations. Bethany Family Pet Clinic is located at 15166 NW Central Drive in the Bethany Town Center. Visit their website at bethanyfamilypetclinic.com or call 503-614-9061 for more information. ‘Light and Hope’ music of the season at PCC Rock CreekSaturday, Dec. 10, 7 pm, PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17705 NW Springville Rd., Forum, Building 3, Room 114, Tickets $10 for adults; $5 for seniors and children under 16; free for PCC students and staff. The Rock Creek Choirs, under the direction of Pollyanna Hancock-Moody and comprising PCC students and members of the community, invite you to an evening of inspirational songs. The program will include "Stille Nacht," Spanish carols such as "Riu Riu Chiu" and "A la Nanita Nana," Celtic arrangements of "I Saw Three Ships," and "The Holly and The Ivy," and much more. Please join us for an evening of lovely, calming and hopeful music. This concert is intended to raise awareness about the PCC Rock Creek music program. PCC Rock Creek offers vocal classes as well as a community choir on Thursday evenings. All singers are welcome. The proceeds from this concert will help fund the PCC Rock Creek choir program. Tickets (cash or check only) are available at the door. Donations for the choral program are appreciated and will be collected at the door. Parking is free. For more information about the choir and the concert, please contact Jason Palmer at jason.palmer@pcc.edu, 971-722-7869, or view the music department’s webpage at pcc.edu/programs/music/rock-creek/. Santa Claus is coming to town!Saturday, Dec. 10, 2-4 pm, Second Edition, next to the Cedar Mill Library, 12505 NW Cornell Rd. Bring your children and grandchildren to Second Edition for a visit with Santa. Children will get a chance to sit on Santa’s lap and receive a small gift, while supplies last. Bring a camera if you like to capture the moment. This event is free! Spread Holiday Cheer for Children in NeedT For more than three decades, the KGW Great Toy Drive has provided hundreds of thousands of toys to our community’s less-fortunate families in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The toys collected during the toy drive are distributed to needy kids in our area with the help of more than 130 local organizations and hundreds of dedicated volunteers. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue has been a longtime partner in supporting KGW’s Great Toy Drive. Most TVF&R fire stations are once again serving as collection sites and accepting new, unwrapped toys for children of all ages now through December 24. With the help of our generous community members, TVF&R firefighters were able to fill a fire engine and box truck full of toys to deliver to the KGW studios last December. This year, the need continues to be great, and firefighters hope to exceed last year’s collection effort. Cedar Mill residents and businesses can drop off any new, unwrapped toys at Station 68, 13545 NW Evergreen St.; Station 60, 8585 NW Johnson St.; or Station 61, 13730 SW Butner Road. All toys donated by December 14 will be donated to the KGW Great Toy Drive. Any toys collected after that date will be taken to the Washington County Girl Scout Christmas Breakfast for the Homeless on Christmas morning to be distributed to Washington County children who attend the breakfast with their families. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue knows that we serve a generous, compassionate community. Thank you in advance for helping us contribute to brighter holidays for children and teens in need. Decrease the greaseThe holidays are almost here bringing extra guests, extra food, and extra cleanup. Avoid extra costs caused by gravy and grease-clogged drains. Call 503-681-3678 to get your free “Freeze the Grease, Save the Drain” kit including a pan scraper, lid and instructions to: Scrape grease and food scraps into a can, freeze it, and toss it into the trash. For more information visit the Clean Water Services website.
Kick up your heels at holiday dance for HomePlateSaturday, Dec. 10, 7-10 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd. Impressions Dance Club and Leedy Grange Hall are hosting a dance to support HomePlate Youth Services. Bring gift cards for homeless youth and get free admission. There will be a short beginner's dance lesson from 7-7:30, followed by open dancing to DJ'd music until 10 or later if we still have people dancing! The dance at the grange is open to the public. Feel free to wear your holiday finery. Amy Smetana, HomePlate's volunteer coordinator, is a dancer and she’s happy to attend and talk to attendees about HomePlate’s work in the community.
THPRD hosts drive for needyTualatin Hills Park & Recreation District employees will once again work with the Beaverton School District and other community partners to create a brighter holiday season for those in need in the Beaverton area. THPRD will collect toys, clothing and other items for selected families and homeless children within its boundaries. The park district will also collect food for the Oregon Food Bank-Washington County Services and personal hygiene products for the Union Gospel Mission LifeChange Center for Women & Children, both located in Beaverton. The public is invited to join employees and support both efforts at THPRD facilities throughout the Beaverton area Donations of nonperishable food and personal hygiene products will be accepted until Dec. 21. Through Dec. 17, each THPRD facility will have a giving tree, wreath or garland with “snowflakes” with wish list items for needy families.
Refinish First opens its doors, takes donationsThursday, Dec. 8, 3-7 pm, 10110 SW Nimbus Ave. Suite B-10 Refinish First LLC is having their first open house the first week of December. They will also be collecting for the second year for the KGW Toy Drive and for the first year-Oregon Food Bank. Donations are appreciated but not required. They are accepting donations through Dec. 17.
Indulge your yogi at Mindful MarketplaceSaturday, Dec. 10, 3-6 pm, 4876 NW Bethany Blvd., Suite L-4 Santosha Yoga’s teachers and yogis showcase their other interests around health and mindfulness, in their Mindful Marketplace. All of Santosha's proceeds (e.g. what vendors pay for a space) will go to Living Yoga, the local organization that provides free yoga to local prisons, rehabilitation centers, and Outside/In, among others. Among the offerings: Mala beads, massages paid for by the minute, yoga clothing from a local artist, aromatherapy products, hand sewn bolsters and eye pillows, art, pottery, and more. All are welcome, of course!
Put your pup on Santa’s lapSaturday, Dec. 17, 12-3 pm, Pet Barn, 12675 NW Cornell Rd. Pet Barn will have a Santa in store for pet photos. They won't have a photographer, but customers are welcome to take photos with their cell phones or other personal cameras. Pet Barn is hosting the event with a suggested donation of $5 for photos with Santa. All donations go to All Terrier Rescue. For more information on the donations visit allterrierrescue.org and for more information regarding Pet Barn call 503-641-9443 or visit petbarnpdx.com.
Sunshine Pantry holiday party for needy familiesSaturday, Dec. 17, 10895 SW 5th St., Beaverton Sunshine Pantry is collecting brand new toys and gift cards for families in need. Saturday will be for parents to come in and pick out gifts for children. Saturday helpers are needed to help parents gather gifts and give out gift wrap. The pantry will be needing volunteers on Friday, Dec. 16, after 2 pm to set up a holiday room with decorations and gifts. They need all kinds of donations of toys, gift cards for teenagers and anything that is new. The Larog brothers will also match any gifts brought to their store. Thank you for your kindness and love for all those in need.
Big Horn Brass toots in the holidaysSunday, Dec. 11, warm-up concert by the St. Matthew Exaltation Hand Bells at 6:10 pm; Big Horn Brass concert at 6:30 pm at St Matthew Lutheran Church, 10390 SW Canyon Rd. Free
It simply wouldn't be Christmas without the Northwest's premier brass ensemble. This snappy and sassy holiday show has been entertaining Vancouver and Portland audiences for decades. This will be the 26th annual concert at St Matthew Lutheran Church. The concert features 15 brass and percussion instruments playing holiday favorites and crowd-pleasing surprises, including a musical trip on the Polar Express. This year's program features the work of several Northwest composers and arrangers, and includes new arrangements created especially for Big Horn Brass by Lars Campbell, Dave Robertson, and Phil Neuman. Laura Berman is the featured vocalist. A large crowd is expected, so plan to arrive early for both parking and seating. This year’s concert is sponsored by the Erik Weswig Memorial Fund, the St. Matthew Lutheran Church Foundation, St. Matthew Lutheran Church, and the Beaverton Arts Commission. It is a free concert with donations accepted to fund future concerts. The concert will begin with a memorial candle lighting as part of the world wide Compassionate Friends candle lighting. For more information and music samples please visit bighornbrassholidayconcert.com.
Local artists entice with handmade gifts, cardsSunday, Dec. 11, 2-4 pm, Village Gallery next to the Cedar Mill Library, 12505 NW Cornell Rd. The theme for the December Show is “Silver and Gold.” The Gallery will be filled with glimmering and shimmering works of art and crafts by our members. Visit them for unique, hand-crafted affordable cards and gifts. Be sure to stop by between 4 and 7 pm on Thursday, Dec. 15, to watch jewelry designer/artist Denise Hershey demonstrate bead and pearl-knotting techniques. Village Gallery will offer extended hours on Thursdays and remain open from 4-7 pm during December until Christmas.
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