February Community News
AARP to Hold Driving Safety Class
The next session of the AARP Driver Safety Class will take place on March 15 and 22 at the Cedar Mill Library. This two-session class is designed to sharpen the skills of drivers over age 50. Attending and completing the class may make drivers eligible for an insurance discount. Classes are three hours long each day, lasting from 9 to noon. Cost for the entire class is $12 for AARP Members or $14 for others. Payment is made to the instructor on the first day of class.
For more information, contact Gary Standley by phone at 503-640-4404. Further details can also be found on-line at aarp.org/drive.
Rare plants at Garden Club
The February 20 meeting of the Cedar Mill Garden Club will feature Burl Mostul of the Rare Plant Research Society. The meeting will be held at the Beaverton City Community Center, 12350 SW 5th & Hall Blvd (across from the Beaverton City Library) at 11:30 am for meeting & social, 1 pm for the program. All interested gardeners are welcome.
For more info on the garden club please contact Barbara Cushman, President 503-649-7741 or visit thecedarmillgardenclub.org. For more info on the Rare Plant Research Society visit rareplantresearch.com.
Storyteller Anne Rutherford
On Tuesday, February 12, at 7 pm at Beaverton History Center 2412 SW Broadway St, Beaverton, Anne Rutherford, professional storyteller since 1999, performs original and vintage stories for audiences of all ages. Her specialties are Pacific NW Folklore, Ghost Stories, and tales of personal adventure. Anne uses music, wit and improv to give audiences a relaxing and invigorating show.
Learn more about Anne Rutherford at annerutherford.com, contact the Beaverton Historical Society at 503-430-0106, visit historicbeaverton.org or e-mail info@historicbeaverton.org Admission is free, donations are welcome!
Register for Spring Soccer
Milltown United Soccer registration is open now through February 15. Milltown has programs for boys and girls aged five to eighteen. For more info and registration visit milltownsoccer.org
TVFR app can save lives
Are you a certified CPR provider? A free smartphone app called PulsePoint is now available in the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue service area. This app will alert nearby citizens certified in CPR techniques, simultaneously with EMT services, when a cardiac arrest event occurs in a public place. It also directs trained citizen rescuers to the nearest automated external defibrillator.
The app is available in the Apple App Store or for the Android at Google Play. For more info watch TVF&R’s video at youtube.com/watch?v=Q6_qrQ5kaiI
Synergy ParentVue now at BSD
ParentVue is a web portal that allows parents and guardians of students in the Beaverton School District to access real-time information relating to their students. Parents/guardians can access calendars, attendance, schedules, report card, school information, emergency contacts and other information.
The ParentVue portal will be activated in February 2013. Signup for access to ParentVue requires an account, setup for which requires an Access Code. Welcome letters containing the Access Code will be emailed to parents/guardians by February 26, 2013.
For more information about ParentVue, visit the Support Page beaverton.k12.or.us/ed_links/PA/Parent_Assistant.html
Garden plots at Prince of Peace
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and School will be opening a new community garden this spring. They’re currently taking applications for 36 8’ x 4’ raised beds and three handicap-access raised beds. The plots will provide community access to fresh flowers, produce, and an opportunity to serve others by supplying fresh produce to Care To Share, a Washington County relief agency.
For more information contact Prince of Peace Lutheran Church at 503-645-1211 or e-mail Karina Wehrspann at moekl11601@frontier.com
Native Plant and Tree Sale to Raise Scholarships Funds
The Washington County Small Woodlands Association has scheduled its twelfth annual Native Plant and Tree Sale for Saturday, March 9 from 9 to 3 in the parking lot of the Aloha Bales Thriftway at 17675 SW Farmington Rd., Aloha. With over 70 varieties and almost 2,000 plants, this may be the largest one-day sale of its kind in Oregon. Complete plant information at wcswa.org, for more info contact Bonnie Shumaker (503)324-7825, bshumaker@coho.net or Ardis Schroeder (503)628-2344, theoneil@upwardaccess.com
New Passport Program to Extend Local Library Access Statewide
Beginning this month, the new Oregon Library Passport Program will permit Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) cardholders to register and use other participating libraries across the state. Passport Program details can be found at librariesoforegon.org/passport including a list of participating libraries. The list continues to grow from the 58 libraries that were signed up to launch the program.
Read Recycle at Work Business Bulletin
Washington County wants to make it easy for you to be as green at work as you are at home!
Check out the full bulletin at www.co.washington.or.us/News/Newsletters/upload/Business-Bulletin-2012-Winter.pdf If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling program at (503) 846-3605 or recycle@co.washington.or.us