Community News
Milltown United extends signups for Kick & Chase
The spring Kick and Chase program (Kindergarten and 1st grade) is accepting registration until April 3. Visit for more information and to sign up those chasers!
Downtown Beautification
Once again in 2014, the Cedar Mill Business Association is sponsoring flower baskets to be hung from light poles along Cornell and some surrounding areas. The cost of the baskets, around $8900, includes installation and watering throughout the season. Funds come from CMBA members’ donations and a fundraising campaign targeting businesses in the area. If you enjoy the flowers and want to donate or help with the fundraising, contact Joanne Hollister, You don’t need to be a CMBA member to help!
The CMBA also sponsors a streetside cleanup event each spring and fall. The county doesn’t maintain the landscaping, so it’s up to us. The spring event occurs on the first Saturday in May—May 3 this year. If you know of a group that is looking for a great volunteer opportunity, consider joining us for this early-morning session. We pick up litter, pull weeds and trim the vegetation so the street looks as good as the flower baskets! Contact Joanne for this, too!
Sterling silver wrap heart pendant by Stepanie Wiarda |
Tokens of affection
Express yourself with heARTfelt gifts and cards for your sweetheart or special someone. See the handcrafted collection at 8245 Southwest Barnes Road. Through February 17, 10 am–3 pm daily.
Members enjoy a 10% courtesy discount all year. Renew your membership or become a member at the SHOP today! Every purchase supports OCAC and our artists.
The Jordan Schnitzer Family Art Adventures Program
Get a week of camp in before the summer! Spring Break Camp for Grades 1-5; March 24–28, 9-5. Make, create, and explore craft with us in our fantastic art camp. Campers will be immersed in 2D and 3D art workshops every day, while counselors lead games, songs and free time. Before and After Care is available.
Pre-College/Teen Workshops and Classes in Darkroom+ Camera, Metal Forming Fundamentals, and Experiments in Drawing. Explore studio techniques and new media in one of these pre-college teen classes to build portfolio work or explore a new artistic skill. Grades 9-12, all levels welcome.
Find out about more “Art Adventures” and register for camps and classes online.
History of the Pittock Mansion As It Turns 100
One hundred years ago, a grand house overlooking the city of Portland was built for Henry Pittock and his family. The Pittocks brought business, philanthropy and innovation to the forefront of Portland history. Pittock Mansion opened as a museum in 1965 and to this day continues to open its doors to share the story of Portland.
The Beaverton Historical Society lets you explore how this magnificent home was built in 1914 at our first Centennial exhibit, “Building Pittock Mansion,” on view February 1-July 13. Examine original blueprints, view photographs of workers who built the home, and discover the modern technologies that were incorporated into the building, completed in 1914.
A free program introducing the exhibit will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 7-8 pm at 12412 SW Broadway Street. Donations are welcome. Find out more at or call the Beaverton Historical Society at 503-430-0106.
Cedar Mill Garden Club
Portland Garden author and expert Barbara Blossom Ashmun will present “Expert Gardener confesses her worst bloopers,” at the Cedar Mill Garden Club’s Wednesday, February 19 meeting. The meeting will be held at the Beaverton Activities Center Community Room, 12500 SW Allen (Allen and Hall Blvd.) at noon. There will be time for questions and sharing of our own garden mistakes and fixes. If we pay close attention, maybe, just maybe we can avoid some future mistakes, or just plain feel emboldened try something new in the gardening field.
Ms Ashmun has written six garden books, most recently “Married to My Garden,” about her love affair with plants. She’s a regular columnist for the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon’s Quarterly, and a contributing editor for “Fine Gardening” for many years; a columnist for the “Portland Tribune,” among other publications; and owner of Creative Garden Design.
All interested gardeners are welcome to attend the meeting. Those interested in further details about the club please call 503-649-7741 or see the website
Sheriff’s Citizens Academy is Accepting Applications
The Citizen Academy is part of Sheriff Pat Garrett’s continuing effort to promote and preserve a safe community through citizen involvement. The Washington County Sheriff’s Citizen Academy is a 55-hour training program that combines classroom and “hands-on” instruction to members of the community. The classes provide an opportunity to observe the inner workings of the Sheriff’s Office first hand. The training engages students in a wide variety of activities, such as using police equipment, participating in jail activities, touring criminal justice facilities, and participating in role-playing scenarios
Students are also instructed by Sheriff’s Office staff from many divisions who explain and demonstrate the duties and responsibilities of their jobs. Instructors aim to keep their training interactive and encourage students to ask questions and comment throughout the experience. Topics include: crime scene investigations, patrol operations, jail operations, canine teams, officer selection and training, investigations, tactical operations, use of firearms, narcotics enforcement, and the mission of the traffic safety unit.
The next Citizen Academy begins Tuesday, March 18 and runs through graduation on Tuesday, May 20. Classes are held every Tuesday evening from 6-9:30 pm with three weekend classes during each session. Participants must be at least 18 years of age and live in Washington County. They must also attend at least 10 of the 12 classes offered to qualify for graduation. Each academy is limited to 40 students, so please check your schedules carefully before applying for the course. Please also note that graduates will not be deputies or reserve deputies.
For more information, contact Darlene Schnoor at 503-846-2774 or by email at Applications for the academy are available online.
Test-drive event revs up Sunset High School Grad Night funds
Take a free test drive on Saturday March 8, and Ford Motor Company will donate to the Grad Night Party of Sunset High School. Damerow Ford and Sunset High School have partnered to host a fundraising event, Drive 4 UR School, from 10 am. to 5 pm in the parking lot of Sunset High School.
Damerow Ford will provide a selection of new Ford vehicles for the public to test drive. For every test drive, Damerow will donate $20 to Sunset High School. “You will need to bring your driver’s license, comprehensive insurance card and be over the age of 18. This is limited to one driver per household,” said Mary Young, Sunset Grad Party committee member.
The organization that will benefit from the fundraiser is Sunset’s Safe Graduation Party 2014. This year, graduation is on June 9, and an all-night alcohol-free party is planned immediately after. “Sunset Safe Graduation 2014 is a program funded and operated by parents, volunteers and the local community to provide a safe and fun environment for our graduating seniors,” Young said.
“We are looking to have a fun and busy day on the 8th. We can raise up to $6,000 if 300 people test-drive a car. This is a fun, casual test drive. No sales pitch. No cost. Come enjoy a spin around the neighborhood and help Sunset Seniors celebrate in a safe atmosphere” Young said. “Every person who takes a test drive will be entered into a drawing to win a grand prize.” To find out more, volunteer to help, or sign up for your test drive please email her at Walk-ins will be welcome the day of the event as well.
Skyline Memorial Valentines
Have a loved one in your heart? Take part in a valentine ceremony and enjoy the melodic harmony of the Cleveland High School Dettes at the “Love Your Loved Ones Event.” on February 15, 2-4:30 pm at the Skyline Memorial Gardens and Funeral Home on NW Skyline Blvd. There is no cost for this event. For more information, contact Laura at 503-292-6611 or email
Millions donated for Sunset fields
An anonymous donor has donated $4.4 million to install synthetic turf creating multi-functional athletic fields at Sunset High School. The project will include the varsity baseball field, repositioning the existing varsity softball field, and adding lighting. The synthetic turf will dramatically increase the amount of use the fields can accommodate, especially during the fall season. The improvements will provide a year-round surface for Sunset High School’s P.E. classes, practice fields for soccer and football teams, softball and baseball teams, marching band, District make-up games, and community recreation programs.
“This gift is incredibly generous and will benefit not only the Sunset High School community, but the greater Beaverton community as well,” said Jeff Rose, Superintendent, Beaverton School District. “The fields will be used by thousands of students year round to practice and compete in sports, marching band and community recreational programs.”
Construction on the fields is expected to begin in late spring and will take three months to complete. For additional information about the project, please contact Pete Lukich, Athletic Director, Sunset High School, 503-259-5130.
Washington county wants to hear from you!
Every five years, Washington County and its partner cities work together on a Consolidated Plan which outlines how to best use federal funds on housing and community development projects. In order to work on the things that matter most to you as community members we need to hear from you!
There is a brief survey available online (en español as well) which takes no more than 10-15 minutes and gives you the chance to provide input on how we can best serve the community’s needs. Thank you for your help!
The survey is available online here.
And en español here.
Sunset Presbyterian Luncheon concert
The Sunset Presbyterian Church, located on Cornell Road, is having a luncheon and performance by soul and gospel singer Nehemiah Brown on Wednesday, February 12 from 11:30 am-1 pm. The lunch will be catered by Kam & Kam, and the cost is $10. For more information, and to reserve a space, contact Karen Carroll at 503-292-9293 x3020 or
Villages NW Comes to Washington County
Come to a public presentation at the Beaverton Library on Saturday March 1 at 2 pm and learn about an exciting new organization forming in our community. Villages NW is part of a nationwide grassroots movement of “assisted living without walls,” which can allow people to successfully age in place in their own homes.
The first Village, Beacon Hill Village in Boston, began in 2001 when twelve neighbors came together to create a way to “age at home” and remain independent as long as possible. There are now 115 Villages nationwide and more than 120 more in development. Although each local Village is unique, they all have the goal of bringing services to older people in their homes rather than moving people out of their homes to receive services in a facility.
No matter what your age, this presentation will have something of interest to you. Come to the Beaverton Library at 2 pm on March 1 and learn how strong communities can foster independent and dignified aging at home.
Washington County Forum
The Washington County Public Affairs Forum offers several exciting programs before they kick off the fascinating elections season. Their programs are also available on and local cable access channel 21, Tualatin Valley Community Television,
February 3: TVCTV’s Kevin Howard—
February 10: Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue Fire Chief Mike Duyck—
February 17th: Rachael Holley & Hillsboro Empowers Youth—
February 24: Washington County Auditor John Hutzler—website
March 3: New Portland Community College President, Dr. Jeremy Brown—website
March 10: Tom Marsh, Author of “To the Promised Land: A History of Government and Politics in Oregon.”
The Forum plans to begin elections programming after the March 10 meeting. Volunteers are welcome to help with the various aspects of the meeting. The Forum is a non-profit organization supported by member dues, just $45/year for individuals.
The Washington County Forum meets from 11:45 am to 1 pm at the Peppermill Restaurant, located at 17455 SW Farmington Rd, Aloha, OR.
Washington County Boards and Commissions
Boards, committees and commissions advise the Board of Commissioners on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. Committees themselves do not pass ordinances to establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners (BOC). Commission members are volunteers appointed by the BOC. In many cases members must be residents of Washington County. Serving on an appointed board or commission is a great way for Washington County residents to participate in decisions that affect them and to learn more about how local government works. The application deadline is March 10, 2014 or open until filled. Applications may be obtained by visiting the Boards and Commissions website.
Committees that currently have open positions include:
- Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council (AVSAC)
- Behavioral Health Council
- North Bethany County Service District Budget Committee
- Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB)
- Planning Commission
- Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC)
- Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC)
Tualatin Basin Weed Watchers Workshop
Attend a free workshop on invasive weeds in our area. Learn how to protect our natural areas from invasive species, identify new invaders in the Tualatin Basin, and report new invaders before they become a problem. The workshop will occur on Thursday, February 20 from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Tualatin Hills Nature Park on Millikan Way. There is no RSVP required. For more information contact
Park Bond committee seeks new members
Applications are being accepted through Feb. 24 for six positions on the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District's Parks Bond Citizen Oversight Committee.
The committee's purpose is to ensure the Park District meets the objectives of its 2008 voter-approved $100 million bond measure and uses the funds as planned. Members focus on delivery of the overall bond measure obligations, not specific projects or activities. Some serve on subcommittees for projects such as report preparation or research into matters of interest to the committee.
The committee, which was formed in 2009, has a capacity of 12 positions and meets four times per year. Meetings are usually held at 6 pm on Thursdays and last about two hours. Members serve two-year terms and may be reappointed for two additional terms.
An application may be obtained in person at THPRD's Administration Office (15707 SW Walker Road), online at, or by calling 503-645-6433. Applicants must live within THPRD boundaries.
Due to the complexities of bond implementation and the significant dollar amount associated with the measure, THPRD welcomes applications from professionals in real estate, finance, auditing, public budgeting, banking, general business, and law. However, any district resident is eligible to apply. The THPRD Board of Directors will review applications and consider making initial appointments at their March 3 meeting.
The committee reports on overall progress in meeting objectives and has the opportunity to recommend improvements in efficiency, administration or performance. The committee recently completed their fourth annual report. All four annual reports can be viewed here.
Parks Bond Measure 34-156 was approved in November 2008 by voters within THPRD boundaries. The measure provides funds for land acquisition and dozens of improvement projects focused on parks, trails, natural area preservation, athletic fields, expansions of the Elsie Stuhr Center and the Conestoga Recreation & Aquatic Center, and replacement and rehabilitation of aging facilities.