Volume 16, Issue 2 | February 2018 |
Community News - February 2018
CPO 1 wants input for county Work PlanTues, Feb 13, 7 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Washington County Land Use and Transportation staff works on a variety of projects and issues beyond routine permitting. The Long Range Planning staff gets direction on how to spend their time from the annual Work Program, that identifies and ranks tasks including ordinances, projects, and other transportation and community planning activities. Comments on the plan are due on Feb. 15, so we’re taking a look at the plan so we can put our comments into a letter to the Board of County Commissioners. Download and read the full draft Program here. We will provide a “cheat sheet” of issues that affect us in CPO 1, closer to the meeting date. Sign up for our “non-county” email list here if you’d like to get it. We’ll also hear from Public Affairs Chief Cassandra Ulven of Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue who will join us to speak about Measures 34-280 and 34-281 on the March ballot. CPO 1 is your non-partisan, volunteer-led organization to give you a voice in county affairs. Meetings are open to anyone. CPO 1 represents Cedar Mill, Cedar Hills, and Bonny Slope. Seed Swap and History at the Museum
Sat., Feb 10, 10-5 pm; Sun. Feb 11, 1-4 pm, Cedar Mill History Museum, 12505 NW Cornell across from Sunset Bingo Our temporary History Museum will be open again. New images and exhibits! Bring your family and invite your neighbors to learn more about the history of our community, from the natives to the ‘60s. Seed SwapSun., Feb. 11, 2-3 pm Most seed packets have more seeds than the backyard gardener can use. Also, some people save seeds from heirloom (not hybrid) varieties. Bring in your extra seeds from last year and this year, and go home with new seeds! We will provide empty packets and labels. You can drop off seeds before the swap, but be sure to come back on Sunday to take home your new seeds. Questions? Email us vrb@teamweb.com. Second season of treatment for Japanese beetle beginsTues., Feb. 6, 5:30-7 pm, Sunset High School Tues., Feb. 13, 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Leedy Grange Hall If you are within the treatment area for the Japanese beetle invasion, you will have received a mailer with information on signing your consent form to allow treatment. NOTE: the original mailing had incorrect or missing PIN numbers, see the postcard for the correct information. Two informational Open House meetings are scheduled with ODA staff available to answer questions. Drop in anytime during the sessions to see maps, learn more about the treatment, and find out why this effort is critical for protecting both home gardens and Oregon’s agricultural industry. Beaverton School Futures discussionMon., Feb 5, 7 pm, Bethany Elementary, 3305 NW 174th CPO 7 is hosting BSD board representative for this area, Anne Bryan, and staff to talk about the district’s Futures Study: Quality Education in a Changing World, the final report of which was presented to the Board in October 2017. You can read the report here. Sons & Daughters of Oregon PioneersTues., Feb. 13, 7 pm, Elsie Stuhr Senior Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton.
Beaverton Historical Society brings Chris Meinicke Oregon native and member of Sons & Daughters of Oregon Pioneers. Learn how to be part of this organization and share your story. For more information, visit historicbeaverton.org or call 503-430-0106. Washington County Public Affairs ForumThe forum is held over lunch every Monday, September through June, (except holidays) at Golden Valley Restaurant & Brew Pub in Beaverton, 1520 NW Bethany Blvd. All events are free. Doors open at 11:30 am, and speakers start at noon. Lunch is available to order from the menu. Feb. 5: Nakisha Nathan, Climate justice organizer, Sierra Club, speaking on Climate Change issues Feb. 12: Sam Metz, M.D., speaking on “Health Care Reform Without Tears” Feb. 19: Jami Arbon, Store Manager at Green Mart, speaking on “A Look at the Retail Cannabis Business in Oregon & Washington County” Feb. 26: Mark Mitsui, President of Portland Community College, speaking on “Climate Change Initiatives at Home (PCC) and Abroad (Western States Alliance)” March 5: Cassandra Ulven, Public Affairs Chief for Tualatin Fire & Rescue, speaking on the state of TVF&R and upcoming ballot measure. Also, Lois O’Halloran, Board Chair of Family Promise of Beaverton, speaking on “ The Family Promise Story – A Community Comes Together” Washington County Museum Program Celebrates Oregon’s BirthdaySat., Feb. 10, 10 am-1 pm, Washington County Museum at PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17677 NW Springville Rd., free. Celebrate Oregon's Birthday at the Washington County Museum! Bring the entire family to enjoy arts, crafts, and games. Free Family Morning events take place at the museum on the second Saturday of the month, and are suitable for children of all ages, along with their parents and grandparents. Come one, come all! Sponsored by the Oregon International Air Show and Beaverton Bakery. Indivisible Cedar Mill Monthly MeetingMon., Feb. 12, 6:30-8:30 pm, contact for address. Come join Indivisible Cedar Mill for our February meeting. Our meeting will include two guest speakers, Kathryn Harrington who is running for Washington County Commissioner Chair, and Leslie of “Soul Boxes,” an artist initiative to protest gun violence in America. We are a progressive, grassroots organization that opposes the Trump administration and believes in furthering progressive causes. Please email Karyn or John for location: karyn@karynservin.com and theportlandfoxes@gmail.com. Viva Village February EventsViva Village helps seniors connect with each other and with resources to help them live independently. Viva Colorista: Adult Coloring Group. (open to all)1st & 3rd Thurs., Feb. 1 & 15. 1-2:30 pm. Viva Village Office, 4905 SW Griffith Dr. #104, Beaverton. RSVP: vivavillageevents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Nature Walk: Lowami Hart and South Johnson Creek (open to all)Sat., Feb. 3, 9:30 am. 14895 SW Hart Rd, Beaverton. A pleasant walk with the feel of the deep woods. RSVP recommended: vivavillagenaturewalk@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Information: vivavillage.org, click on Calendar. Village 101 Presentation (open to all)Sat., Feb. 10, 10-11:30 am. Elsie Stuhr Center, Cedar Room, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton. Information for prospective members and/or volunteers. Information: vivavillage101@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Life Stories (members and volunteers)Tues., Feb. 13,1:30-3:30 pm. Private home in the Vose Neighborhood, Beaverton. Listen to and share life stories. Get to know fellow Viva Village members and volunteers. For the address and to reserve your spot: RSVP: vivavillageevents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Dine Around Beaverton & Beyond (open to all)Wed., Feb. 14, 12:30 pm. Black Bear Diner, 13435 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy (at Hocken Ave), Beaverton. RSVP: vivavillageevents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Thursday Night Social (open to all)Thurs., Feb. 15, 6-8 pm. Thai Apsara Restaurant, 11793 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy (on Trader Joe’s side of Beaverton Town Square). RSVP: vivavillageevents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Ted Talk & Potluck Luncheon (open to all)Thurs., Feb. 22, 11-1. Private home in Terra Linda Neighborhood. RSVP: vivavillageevents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Men’s Coffee Break (open to all)Tues., Feb. 27, 10-11 am. Bogza Coffee, 12600 SW Crescent, Beaverton (at The Round, across from City Hall).
Library News and EventsBy Dawn Anderson A Special Valentine’s Day PerformanceWed., Feb. 14, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, free. John Nilsen, pianist, guitarist, vocalist and songwriter native to the Pacific Northwest, will deliver a baby grand piano to CML and spend an hour in the evening playing love songs for his hometown community. Writers Mill: Guest: Zita Podany will present “Designing Author Websites.”Sun., Feb. 18, 1 pm, conference room of the Cedar Mill Library, free. Author Zita Podany (Vanport, from the Images of America series) will present a workshop on creating a writer’s website at the regular meeting of Writers’ Mill. The members of Writers’ Mill always welcome newcomers. Increase Your Knowledge of Animal LawWed., Feb. 21, 6:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, free. Nicole Schaefer, a local attorney, will talk about Animal Law, which has the potential to affect any pet owner. Topics of possible discussion include veterinary malpractice, custody, animal abuse, and even estate planning. Washington County Resistance - Monthly MeetingWed., Feb. 21, 7-8:30 pm Build community with fellow neighbors interested in pursuing local actions to stand up for justice, equality, and environment. Guest speaker: Teressa Raiford, founder of Don’t Shoot Portland. Contact jess.angle@gmail.com for details. Folk Dancing at Leedy Grange HallMondays, Feb. 5 and 19, 7-9 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd, $6/$10 couple, free for first timers. Join in for fun Israeli and International folk dancing every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays. Easy to intermediate level dances, everyone welcome, no partner necessary. Note: no beginner's class during February and March 5. For details please visit Portland Israeli Folk Dance News at sites.google.com/site/pifdnews, or for questions please email Sue at pifdnews@gmail.com. Metro 2018 Regional Transportation Plan - Comment NowWhat should the transportation system do for greater Portland? Now through Feb. 17, tell leaders what or how you would focus investments in our transportation system.
We all use our system of throughways, roads, bridges, sidewalks, bikeways, transit, and freight routes. So we should all get a say in how we create a transportation system that is safe, healthy, reliable and affordable. Regional leaders want to know how you would prioritize the next 20 years of transportation investments. The 2018 Regional Transportation Plan will establish priorities for state, federal and regional funding and help set the stage for the new and expanded options for people and products to get where they need to go. Projects are submitted by city, county, regional and state partners and evaluated for what they will do for the people and businesses of greater Portland. What projects are most important to you? Take 5-7 minutes to share your thoughts through the online survey. Find out more and explore an interactive map projects at oregonmetro.gov/2018projects. Send comments by email to transportation@oregonmetro.gov or mail to Planning and Development, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232. The survey results and feedback we hear at the Community Leaders’ Forum and business/community outreach will be synthesized for the Regional Leadership Forum on March 2. Furthermore, your input will be shared with policymakers as they work together to provide direction on finalizing the project priorities to be included in the 2018 Regional Transportation Plan. Find out more about the RTP at www.oregonmetro.gov/rtp. Refurbished Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center now openThe Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center is open for regular programming following a major renovation that will provide multiple improvements for the public. The renovation represents the first time the pool deck has been replaced since the center opened in 1978. In addition, the plaster pool tank and the dressing room floors have been resurfaced, and the diving tower and platforms have been refinished. The Aquatic Center is located at the district’s Howard M. Terpenning Recreation Complex, 158th and Walker Rd, Beaverton. Its Olympic-size pool is the only one of THPRD’s six indoor pools to feature diving platforms of 5, 7.5 and 10 meters. Group fitness classes, open swims, swim lessons and organized club activities are available. Visit here for the schedule. THPRD seeks applicants for Board PositionThe Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation District is now accepting applications for a vacant position on its five-member elected board of directors. The deadline is Feb. 7. Candidates must live within THPRD boundaries and must also be registered to vote with the Washington County Elections Office. Applications are available at the park district’s Administration Office, 15707 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton, or online at www.thprd.org. For more information, call Jessica Collins, executive assistant, at 503-645- 6433 or send an email to jcollins@thprd.org. Based on discussions at the Jan. 9 board meeting, board members plan to announce their appointee on March 12. Prior to that decision, top candidates will undergo a thorough assessment based on their qualifications and suitability. The appointee will serve until June 30, 2019. A public election will then be held to determine who will serve the remainder of the open seat’s term, which is set to expire June 30, 2021. That election will happen in the spring of 2019. Also on Jan. 9, the board voted Ali Kavianian as new president. Felicita Monteblanco was elected board secretary, and John Griffiths was approved as secretary pro-tempore. Register now for Nature Kids Preschool
THPRD Nature Center, 15655 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton. Turn your preschooler into a Nature Kid at THPRD’s Nature Kids Preschool. Registration for the 2018-19 preschool year opens on Jan. 30 at 8 am. Priority will be given to walk-ins; no online registration will be available. Please call 503-629-6350 with questions. The Tualatin Hills Nature Center is the park district’s nature-based preschool program for kids ages 3 to 5. The nine-month program offers half-day morning and afternoon sessions designed to help preschool children develop skills through a balance of tactile activities, play and academic experiences. The curriculum introduces developmentally appropriate activities with a structure that emphasizes hands-on learning through exposure to nature and the changing seasons. Bonny Slope Elementary Preschool Now EnrollingWe are very excited to announce the opening of Bonny Slope Elementary’s very own 4+ Preschool! Beginning Feb. 5, we will have preschool Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Our morning session will go from 8-10:30 am and our afternoon session will go from 12:15-2:45 pm, each taught by a certified teacher and two instructional assistants. Each session includes breakfast or lunch, where students will be eating among their peers and practicing daily skills. On Wednesdays, the certified teacher and an instructional assistant will do optional home visits for interested families. As a team, they work on developing skills in behavior, academics, and social-emotional skills. Cost is dependent on income (maximum monthly cost is $300). Call us at 503-356-2040 for more details. Enrollment is happening now, so stop by Bonny Slope Elementary for a sign up sheet or print one off online and bring it in!
Register now for Soil School 2018!
Sat., April 7, from 8-4 pm, PCC Rock Creek Event Center, 17705 NW Springville Rd., $30 per person or $50 for two people (Breakfast, snacks & lunch provided) The health of your soil determines the health of everything growing in it—the food you eat and the crops you produce. Soil School 2018 will be a day packed full of information for small acreage farmers, landscapers, gardeners, grounds managers and anyone else who wants to improve their soil. Attendees will hear from a variety of speakers and panelists and learn about soil composition and analysis as well as topics such as pollinator hedgerows, principles of soil health, landscaping with native plants, permaculture, pest management without pesticides, diagnosing plant problems and rebuilding urban soils. A new feature this year will be the Hands on Soil session, repeating throughout the day, in the outside Learning Garden at PCC Rock Creek. Attendees will view the garden and get their hands dirty while learning about soil composition, compaction and density. Note: While the garden itself is easily accessed, the ground may be muddy and uneven and is not wheelchair accessible. Soil School 2018 has been approved for Oregon Landscape Contractors Board Continuing Education Hours (CEH) and certificates will be available for registered landscape professionals. Soil School 2018 is sponsored by West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District (WMSWCD), Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District, and OSU Extension. For more information, please visit the event page, call WMSWCD Communications Coordinator Carolyn Lindberg at 503-238-4775, ext. 101 or email: carolyn@wmswcd.org. Learn about communicating with your healthcare providerTues., Feb. 6, 1-2 pm, Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th Street, Free. Learn how to effectively communicate with your healthcare provider at “Engage for Health.” Through the tips and techniques shared, you will improve your ability to talk with your healthcare provider, know what questions to ask each time you have an appointment and why these questions are important, and learn where to search online for easy-to-understand and factually correct health and medical information. This program is led by Michele Spatz, Interprofessional Education & Outreach Coordinator at Pacific University Libraries and a healthcare provider. This program is free and open to the public. For more information www.BeavertonLibrary.org, 503-644-2197. Commissioner Malinowski opens campaign office in Cedar Mill12555 NW Cornell Rd., In the former cafe space across from Mike’s Auto Parts. Hours: To be determined. Washington County Commissioner Greg Malinowski is opening his campaign office right here in Cedar Mill. Together with his team he will organize volunteers to go out and talk to voters about their ideas and concerns for the future of Washington County. For those looking to get involved in a local election that will have a big impact, feel free to stop by our office to hear about how you can help out. Right now, Greg is hoping to get the office furnished with tables, desks, chairs and lamps and office supplies like paper and pens. If you have any items you are able to donate, or if you have any other questions about Greg and his campaign, please call our campaign manager, Pablo Nieves-Valenzuela at (503)-601-9730 or email us at info@gregmalinowski.com. Obituary ID FraudThe death of a loved one can take an enormous toll—physically, emotionally and even financially. Beyond that, there are online scammers who will try to cash in on your already-difficult situation. The fraudster could try to open new credit cards in the deceased person's name, or use a phishing scheme to pressure a grieving spouse into paying for a bogus benefit. Perhaps he says that he is calling from an insurance company and is able to re-instate an expired life insurance policy if she just makes a payment to cover the last few years of unpaid fees. ID thieves may even try to use the deceased person's Social Security number to create a new identity. So how do you protect your family after the loved one has passed?Limit the information you put in your loved one's obituary or post online, including on social media. For instance, know that scammers are looking for dates of birth, mothers' maiden names, addresses and other personally identifiable information. Alert the major credit reporting agencies as soon as you can as to the passing. They will want copies of the death certificate as well as specific details about your relative, including date of birth, Social Security Number, full legal name and recent addresses. The agencies will flag the person's credit file and put a freeze on it to prevent others from opening new unauthorized lines of credit. Make sure to also notify any current banks, credit unions or financial institutions that the deceased person used so that all checking, savings, investment or credit card accounts can be flagged appropriately. And do the same for insurance companies holding auto, home or life insurance policies. Check with the financial institution to see what access survivors are entitled to, and what protections will be put in place to keep scammers out. Send a copy of the death certificate to the IRS so that the person's tax account can be flagged as well. Send the death certificate to the mailing address that the deceased individual would normally use to submit tax returns. You may also submit a copy of the death certificate when you file the person's final tax return. Sometimes your funeral home will notify the Social Security Administration - but if not, you should do so right away. Finally, obtain a credit report for the deceased person right after death and a few months down the road. This will help you to identify any otherwise unknown accounts and to watch for any attempted fraudulent activity after the death. If you have been victimized by an online scam, be sure to report it to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center at www.ic3.gov or call your local FBI office. PCC Rock Creek Music ProgramsChristopher Brown BandFeb. 13, 7 pm, the Forum, Building 3, 17705 NW Springville Rd in Portland, parking is $2. Christopher Brown (son of legendary Portland drummer Mel Brown) has played music since the age of five. An accomplished drummer and saxophonist, he has more than two decades of musical experience that includes the Marine Corps and Army National Guard Bands and performances with artists such as Beyoncé, Esperanza Spalding, Roy Hargrove, Wynton Marsalis and many others. The band will perform American pop music through the lens of the African American jazz tradition. For more information, please go to coutureofmusic.com. Tim Connel and Eric SkyeFeb. 20, 7 pm, the Forum, Building 3, 17705 NW Springville Rd in Portland, parking is $2. Their latest release, June Apple, is a unique and unexpected take on traditional American fiddle tunes arranged for mandolin and guitar. Tim Connell is recognized as “a world-class mandolinist” by Mandolin magazine and is a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music. He regularly tours Europe and North America and is also a member of the acclaimed Portland groups Stumptown Swing and Rio Con Brio. Eric Skye occupies a unique niche between Americana, jazz, and blues. For more information, please visit ericskye.com/tag/tim-connell. For more information about the concerts, please contact Jason Palmer at jason.palmer@pcc.edu, 971-722-7869, or view the music program’s website pcc.edu/programs/music/rock-creek/ and Facebook page. Supporting Community Social Justice and Economic Equity... Together – A Panel DiscussionTues., Feb. 20, 1:15 pm, Washington Street Conference Center.
Please join us for a panel discussion exploring how public-private partnerships and programs promote social justice in Washington County. Network with panelists and learn more about the work of their organizations: Katherine Galian, Director of Family & Community Resources at Community Action; Nancy Milligan-Mock, Program Coordinator for Employment Services at Washington County HHS Developmental Disabilities; and Maggie Riley from Craft3. Topics include the 2017 Washington County Issues of Poverty Report, how agencies are helping people with disabilities find mainstream work, and the role of community development financial institutions. Washington County employees, our partners and the community are all welcome. Please RSVP, request a webinar link if you cannot attend, or send questions to: sustainability@co.washington.or.us. Washington County Juvenile Department Launches Mentoring ProgramThe Washington County Juvenile Department is excited to announce a new mentoring program, utilizing community volunteers. The Mentoring Program is a component of the Juvenile Department's Supervision, Training, and Employment Programs (STEP) and is designed to help at-risk youth reach personal goals, achieve academic success, obtain employment and develop social skills. Volunteer mentors are paired with youth ages 12-17, and are matched with them based on mutual interests, personalities, and specific requests of the youth and parents. The program operates on a “trauma-informed care” model whereby mentors receive training on the impact of trauma on the lives of young people and how they can help mitigate the negative impacts of that trauma, simply by being a supportive adult in a youth's life. Mentors and youth participate in fun, pro-social activities they identify together, to include opportunities for volunteer work in the community. In addition to meeting eligibility requirements and receiving orientation training, mentors must commit to meet with their mentee for a minimum of eight hours per month for a minimum of six months. The benefits of mentoring are well-known and include improving self-esteem, academic achievement, and peer relationships while reducing drug use, aggression, depressive symptoms and delinquent acts. The Juvenile Department is actively seeking volunteers, 20 years of age and older, who are interested in making a difference in the life of a young person. For more information, go to co.washington.or.us/Juvenile/step.cfm. School Board Passes Resolution to Authorize Local Option Levy RenewalOn Jan. 22, the Beaverton School Board unanimously adopted a resolution to place a five-year Local Option Levy Renewal on the ballot for the election on May 15, 2018. This is a vote-by-mail election. If approved, the Local Option Levy Renewal would allow Beaverton schools to preserve 300 teaching positions, maintain class sizes, and help ensure students are prepared for post-high school success. The levy renewal costs $1.25 per $1,000 assessed property value. Homes with the median assessed value of $238,000 would continue to pay less than $25 per month. The levy could raise approximately $31-$35 million a year. In 2013, voters approved a five-year local option levy to restore teaching positions that had been cut due to repeated state funding shortfalls. The levy has raised $128 million, and 100% has remained in Beaverton schools to fund approximately 300 teaching positions and reduce class sizes. In the 2017-2018 school year, 158 of these positions were allocated to Beaverton's elementary schools, 53 to middle schools, 70 to high schools, and 18 to options schools. Immunization Exclusion Day Feb. 21State law requires that all children in public and private schools, preschools, Head Start and certified child care facilities have up-to-date immunizations, or have a religious or medical exemption. Parents or guardians will receive a letter in early February if their child’s immunization record shows that he or she has not received the required vaccinations. Children will not be able to attend school or childcare starting Feb. 21 if their records on file show missing immunizations. The Beaverton School Based Health Center (SBHC) will host an Immunization Clinic on Mon., Feb. 12, 2018 from 8:30 am-4 pm. Students under the age of 14 need to have an adult present. Students over the age of 15 can come in on their own, but ID and insurance information is required. Patients will be billed according to their ability to pay. Proof of income is required to be eligible for discount. The BSBHC takes most major insurances, but does not accept Kaiser. No patient will be turned away for their inability to pay. Please ask the SBHC front desk for more information. SBHC is located across from the Beaverton High School Main Campus, 13000 SW 2nd Street, Beaverton, open Mon.-Fri. 8 am-4:30 pm (closed 12-12:30 pm for lunch). For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call 503-356-3985. Metro’s 2018 Nature in Neighborhoods Nature Education and Outdoor Experiences Grants AvailableDeadline: March 6, 2018 Does your organization offer young people of color work training in parks and natural areas? Maybe you have a partnership that introduces refugees and new residents to the outdoors in greater Portland? Or do you teach school kids how nature connects to their STEM classes? Do you hope to create a program that improves water quality, restores fish and wildlife habitat, or connects people to nature? Metro’s Nature in Neighborhood nature education and outdoor experiences grants supports programs like these. With the goal of building cultural, environmental and economic equity, these grants provide communities of color and underserved communities educational opportunities, work training, organizational development and the chance to get out and spend meaningful time in nature. This round of grants is possible thanks to support from voters, who in 2016 renewed the Parks and Natural Areas levy, extending funding to 2023. New this round, the nature education and outdoor experiences grants will be offered every two years. The nature education and outdoor experiences grants program will award $700,000 this year. Two-year grants are up to $30,000, while three-year grants can be up to $100,000. Groups throughout greater Portland are encouraged to apply. Click HERE to learn more about Metro nature education and outdoor experiences grants and fill out a simple application by March 6, 2018. For questions, contact the grants coordinator, Crista Gardner, at Crista.Gardner@oregonmetro.gov.
Free Cat Spay and Neutering in FebruaryFeral Cat Coalition of Oregon (FCCO), a nonprofit spay/neuter program for stray and pet cats, is offering FREE spay/neuter services for feral and stray cats in February. In addition, there are specials for pet cat neutering during the last week of February. February is a good time to spay/neuter cats before the spring breeding season. It will improve livability in neighborhoods with fewer kittens born and decrease cat fights and other nuisance behaviors often associated with outdoor cats.
Founded in 1995, FCCO’s mission is to reduce the population of feral and stray cats and improve their welfare, helping nearly 90,000 cats throughout the years. Call 503-797-2606 or visit feralcats.com to schedule an appointment. Sunshine Pantry Seeking VolunteersThe Sunshine Pantry is looking for volunteers to help with sorting food and working with clients. Additionally, they are seeking monetary donations and gift cards to grocery stores and gas stations for clients to help with transportation to the Sunshine Pantry. For more information on how to help, please contact sunshinepantrydir@gmail.com or visit sunshinepantry.org Oregon Department of Transportation Seeks Advisory Committee MembersThe Oregon Transportation Commission is seeking Oregonians interested in volunteering for the new Continuous Improvement Advisory Committee. The Oregon Legislature created this important committee as part of the recent transportation funding bill, HB 2017. The committee will advise the commission on how to improve the Oregon Department of Transportation by recommending ways to make the agency more efficient, recommending measures to gauge the agency’s performance, and addressing audits. Information on the committee is available on ODOT’s website. Which includes background on the application process, member roles, desired attributes, and how to apply. Applications are due by midnight on Mon., Feb. 19. ODOT staff is available to answer questions and can be reached at CIACadmin@odot.state.or.us. Cedar Mill Creek Flood Remediation Collaborative MeetingMon., Feb. 5, 1-5 pm Beaverton City Hall, Council Chambers at 12725 SW Millikan Way. The agenda includes consideration of the revised Shared Understanding Statement (SUS), a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) orientation to currently planned infrastructure within the watershed, and a special presentation by representatives from the Rain Ready program, a Chicago-based non-profit initiative that assists communities with flood management. Agenda, previous meeting notes, and more information are on the website, along with opportunities to share your comments: cedarmillcreek.org. Senator Wyden hosts a Town Hall on Super Bowl SundaySun. Feb. 4, 12 pm, Century High School in Hillsboro. U.S. Senator Ron Wyden will hold a Washington County Town Hall. For more information: wyden.senate.gov/oregon/events/washington-county-town-hall2018 Donate new and gently-used children's booksThrough Tues., Feb. 20, Beaverton City Hall, 12725 SW Millikan Way Give your old books new life! Stop by the Beaverton Building now to drop-off new and gently used books for children in grades K-8. Beaverton City Hall is a collection site for the Assistance League of Greater Portland’s Legacy of Literacy project. Donated books benefit children living in area shelters, transitional housing and hospitals. The Beaverton Building is conveniently situated along the MAX Blue Line at the Beaverton Central station. The Beaverton Building is open Mon.-Thurs. 7 am-9 pm and Fri. 7 am-7 pm. For more information about the Assistance League of Greater Portland, visit portland.assistanceleague.org. Are You Eligible for EITC?Feb. 1 to Apr. 17 at the Beaverton Activities Center, 12500 SW Allen Blvd. The city of Beaverton, in partnership with AARP Tax-Aide and CASH Oregon, wants to make life a little easier for workers by helping them claim tax credits. Free tax preparation and filing is available. IRS-certified volunteers will assist local workers through the process of determining the tax credits that they are eligible for, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Last year, program volunteers served 1,755 taxpayers and brought more than $2.4 million in tax refunds back into the community. The amount of EITC varies by income, family size and filing status. It can mean up to $506 for people without a qualifying child, and up to $6,269 for those with three or more qualifying children. On average, the EITC adds $2,130 to refunds in the state of Oregon. Free tax assistance will be offered in Beaverton Tuesday through Friday from 10 am-6 pm, and Saturday from 9 am-4 pm on a walk-in basis only. Assistance will be offered in English, Spanish and several other languages. For more information, visit BeavertonOregon.gov/taxprep. Join THPRD Restoration ProjectsJoin us at the park improvement projects listed below and help us protect and restore local natural areas. New projects will be listed periodically. For more information, contact Melissa Marcum at mmarcum@thprd.org, 503-619-3941. Feb. 10: Jackie Husen Park, Cedar Mill area Feb. 17: Lost Park, Cedar Mill area Feb. 24: NE Park, near Saltzman & Laidlaw
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