Volume 17, Issue 2 | February 2019 |
Community News February 2019
Cedar Mill library has free e-books and audio books
Rakuten OverDrive announced today that Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) reached a record-breaking 1 million digital book checkouts in 2018. This accomplishment illustrates the continued growth and importance of library digital lending of ebooks and audiobooks. WCCLS is one of 65 public library systems worldwide that surpassed 1 million checkouts. WCCLS has been providing readers 24/7 access to ebooks and audiobooks for several years. Reader interest and usage has grown every year. The highest-circulating title WCCLS readers borrowed through OverDrive in 2018 was Origin by Dan Brown. The top-circulating genre, romance, represents the most popular in a vast catalog that also includes mystery, historical fiction and children/young adult.
Readers in Washington County just need a valid library card to access digital books from WCCLS’ OverDrive-powered digital collection. Residents of Washington County are able to register for a library card online for immediate access. Readers can use any major device, including Apple®, Android™, Chromebook™ and Kindle® (US only). Visit www.wccls.overdrive.com or download the Libby app to get started and borrow ebooks and audiobooks anytime, anywhere. Cedar Mill Farmers MarketWe want to thank the Cedar Mill Community for supporting the market over the years! We love this community! Did you know that last season, just about half of our vendors actually lived in the Cedar Mill Neighborhood (or right next door to it)?
Our 2019 season is just around the corner and we are working hard behind the scenes, planning and prepping for it. Opening Day is Saturday, May 4th, so please mark that date, and every Saturday through October 12 on your calendar. We want you to get in on all the goodness that is coming. Our goal is to be your neighborhood/community Farmers Market, where you can shop for fresh local produce & other local items, meet up with friends and neighbors, hang out for a while & listen to some music, support small businesses & the local economy, and feel welcome! We are now accepting vendor applications. Please check our vendor page at cedarmillfarmersmarket.org for information on how to apply and what the requirements are for vending at our market. We are also scheduling musicians. If you are a local musician and would like to perform this season, please contact us at ourcmfm@gmail.com. We'd love to talk with you about it. Indivisible Cedar MillMonday, February 4, 6:30-8:30 pm Come join Indivisible Cedar Mill for our February meeting. We are a progressive, grass-roots organization that opposes the Trump administration and believes in furthering progressive causes as well as acting locally to keep Oregon blue. Our February meeting will host speaker, Washington County Commissioner Chair Kathryn Harrington. This is a great opportunity to hear the priorities of the new Chair. There will be an opportunity to ask questions as well. Please email Karyn (karyn@karynservin.com) or John (theportlandfoxes@gmail.com) for location. Help Multnomah County plan the next 20 years of road improvements[Ed. note: we may not live in Multnomah County, but most of us drive on its roads. This is open to everyone!] Every few years, Multnomah County updates a 20-year plan of roads to improve. Crosswalks and signals, guardrails, wider shoulders, turn lanes, bicycle and walking paths, and more. Your voice can shape what’s built five, 10 and 20 years from now. With help from your feedback last spring, the County has drafted lists of projects and trial projects. Come see what’s on the lists. Learn why and how the County updates the road plan. Tell the County:
Visit the online open house at www.multco.us/CIPP. You can comment online from February 1 through March 4. County-maintained roads are mainly in three areas:
Only a few roads in your area belong to the County. For example, the city of Portland has more than 2,000 miles of roads—compared to about 274 miles for the County. FREE FAMILY MORNINGS:
Saturday, February 9, 10 am-1 pm, Washington County Museum, PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17677 NW Springville Rd., free Make collage art greeting cards with artist Dey Rivers.The Washington County Museum launches another series of Free Family Mornings for 2019 with a collage card workshop lead by artist Dey Rivers. This workshop, like all of the Free Family Morning events, is a chance for families and folks of all ages to experience the museum as well as roll up their sleeves for some hands-on learning. Rivers presents a celebration of craft, fine art, and the coming together of different elements. She describes teaching art “as a way to actively bring a dialogue into the community on personal and social issues both past and present while expressing the value of our differences”. Visitors will create their own collage art greeting cards for Black History Month, Valentine's Day, and other celebrations. The workshop provides instruction on the process of collage while exploring the history of this fascinating art form. Experience Music Spring Series at PCC Rock Creek Presents the Dan Balmer Quartet
Tuesday. February 12, 7:30 pm, Forum, Building 3, at the Rock Creek Campus, 17705 NW Springville Road, $2 parking fee The Portland Community College Rock Creek music program presents the Dan Balmer Quartet as part of the Experience Music Series. Dan will present a clinic on improvisation the same day from 3-4 pm, also in the Forum. The public is welcome to attend both events. The series is sponsored by grants from the Beaverton Arts Program and the Washington County Cultural Coalition. Dan Balmer has been has been called "the model of what a contemporary guitarist should be" by the LA Times and will perform music from his ninth CD, "Not A, The". Dan says of the CD, “this CD presents the music I've written in the past few years reflecting my growth as a composer and guitarist with soulful, heartfelt compositions reflecting fatherhood, divorce, and the death of my father.” From coffee house gigs at age fifteen to chart-topping success with the Tom Grant Band in the 90s, world tours with two-time Grammy Award winner Diane Schuur and contemporary jam-bands, Dan Balmer brings fire and heart every time he plays the guitar. His playing spans nearly one hundred CDs including twelve as a leader from which his original works have appeared internationally in television, film and radio. For more information, please go to: danbalmer.com. For more information about the concert, please view the music program’s website page and Facebook page. How PGE responds to a power outageQ: My power went out last week and I saw a PGE truck outside, and then it drove away but my power was still out. What gives? A: We respond to power outages in a way that makes the most efficient use of our crews. Often, you’ll first see what we call an “eagle” — one lineworker in a small bucket truck who assesses the situation. If it’s damage that can be done safely by one person, that lineworker will get to work. If it’s a more complex repair, the eagle then notifies our dispatchers of the type of crew and equipment needed. (Chances are, that was the situation with the outage in your neighborhood.) If there is a downed line or fallen tree, the eagle will also secure the area and may call in flaggers to divert traffic before moving on to the next outage or downed line. A tree crew may arrive next if there are fallen trees or big branches that need to be cleared before repairs can be made. Our crews are committed to making repairs as quickly as safety, and Mother Nature, allows. If it’s a major outage, it’s all hands on deck at PGE, and there are many people behind the scenes, such as dispatchers, equipment and storeroom teams, and customer service representatives, all working together to get you back in power. Go to https://www.portlandgeneral.com/outages/outage-info to learn more about how we deal with outages. Washington County Forum scheduleThe forum meets over lunch every Monday, September through June, (except holidays) at Coyote’s Bar & Grill, 5301 W Baseline Rd, Hillsboro. The formal program begins at noon. Following the speaker, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Asking questions of our speakers is a privilege of Forum membership Monday, February 4, 11:30 am Patrick Maguire, Chair, Washington County Democratic Party, will be discussing the Democratic Party – the Philosophy, the Policies. Monday, February 11, 11:30 am Arnie Leppert, Faith Cafe & Jay Gilbertson, Meals on Wheels, will be discussing feeding the hungry in Washington County Monday, February 18, 11:30 am Detective Mark Povolny (Washington County) & Esther Nelson (CEO), Safety Compass, will be discussing human trafficking in our state & county Monday, February 25, 11:30 am Denny Doyle, Mayor, City of Beaverton, will be discussing state of the city. Monday, March 4, 11:30 am Peter Truax, Mayor, Forest Grove will be discussing state of the city. Viva Village public eventsFor Information, to RSVP and/or register (where requested), contact www.vivavillageevents.org or 503-746-5082. To see a complete list of February events, go to www.vivavilllage.org, click on Calendar. Nature WalkSaturday, February 2, 9:30, Vista Brook Park/Pond, 6697 SW 88th Ave. Women’s CoffeeTuesdays, February 5 and 19, 10 am. Jim and Patty’s Coffee, 4130 SW 117th Ave. Village 101 PresentationSaturday, February 9,10-11:30 am, Elsie Stuhr Center, Cedar Room, 5550 SW Hall Blvd. Information for prospective members and/or volunteers. Aging with Grace Video ReplaySaturday, February 9, 1:30-3 pm. Elsie Stuhr Center, Manzanita Room, 5500 SW Hall Blvd., $5 fee for public. Key Legal Documents for You and Your Family’s Planning. Darin Dooley, JD & Megan Fuhrer MBA, JD, Nay and Friedenberg Elder Law Firm. RSVP Thursday Night SocialThursday, February 21, 6 pm. Café Murrayhill, 14500 SW Murray Scholls Dr. #103. RSVP Men’s Coffee BreakTuesday, February 26, 10-11 am. Solace and Fine Espresso, 4655 SW Griffith Dr. #160. “Our Community, Our Stories” to open at Hillsboro Civic Center
“Our Community, Our Stories” is organized by The Immigrant Story, a local non-profit organization that documents, narrates, and curates the stories of immigrants, with the aim of building empathy and promoting an inclusive community. The exhibition features the photographic portraits of immigrants and refugees living or working in Hillsboro, displayed alongside their biographic narrative. The exhibition will be on display at the Hillsboro Civic Center beginning January 15 and running through April. The Civic Center is free and open to the public Monday through Friday, 9 am-5 pm. Opening Reception: Tuesday, February 5, 5:30-7 pm, The Civic Center, 150 E. Main St. The City of Hillsboro Cultural Arts Division is pleased to announce “Our Community, Our Stories,” an exhibit featuring portraits and personal stories of Hillsboro immigrants and refugees. “The Immigrant Story” founder, Sankar Raman, will speak about the importance of the growing immigrant and refugee population in Hillsboro, joined by individuals featured in the exhibition. Hillsboro is the most diverse city in Oregon and is home to a growing immigrant population, in part because many immigrants gain employment in Hillsboro’s burgeoning tech sector. Beaverton Historical Society presents Ellen Crauthers, Director, Newell Pioneer Village Museums
Tuesday, February 12, 7 pm (doors open 6:45 pm), Elsie Stuhr Senior Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd., suggested $3.00 donation to benefit Beaverton Historical Society. "The Newell Pioneer Village Museums, including the Newell House, Butteville Academy, and Pioneer Mothers Memorial Cabin tell a part of our rich pioneer history through living history tours and events throughout the year. Museum Director, Ellen Crauthers, dressed in period dress, will be sharing some information about pioneer cooking. A small hands-on demonstration will introduce a taste of what it may have been like to help keep the family fed in the mid-1800's. Like the other living history interpreters dotting the Champoeg museums, Ellen is enthusiastic about showing and telling history in a way that makes our pioneer history come to life." Refreshments will be provided! For more information, please call 503-430-0106, or email at www.historicbeaverton.org. Skyline Grange NewsSkyline Living Series: Soil Science and CompostingWednesday, February 20, 7-9 pm, Skyline Grange, 11275 NW Skyline Blvd., free. Multnomah County Master Gardeners will present info about your soil as the foundation of everything that happens in your garden; principles of soil health; and ways to improve your soils through composting & other methods. Spring Garage SaleFriday, March 8, 9 am-7 pm and Saturday, March 9, 9 am-5 pm, Skyline Grange, 11275 NW Skyline Blvd., free. “Everything BUT the Kitchen Sink”. Donations from over 30 households. For more information, please visit http://www.srnpdx.org/events.html, or email Skylinegrange8894@msn.com. Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries Participate in See to Read Program
More than 15% of US preschoolers have an undetected vision problem, which is why Oregon’s legislature mandated a new law in 2013 that requires all children entering kindergarten to show proof of a vision screening. See to Read is part of this statewide initiative, aiming for earliest detection through a partnership with The Elks Children’s Eye Clinic at OHSU’s Casey Eye Institute, the Oregon State Elks, the Oregon Library Association and the Oregon Lions. Trained screeners from the Oregon Elks and Oregon Lions will administer free drop-in vision screenings at our libraries for children ages 3-7 years old on the following dates: Cedar Mill Library, 12505 NW Cornell Rd., Suite 13, 503-644-0043Thursday, January 31, 10:30 am-11:30 am; Saturday, February 2, 10:30 am-11:30 am; Wednesday, February 20, 10:30 am-11:30 am Bethany Library, 15325 NW Central Dr., Suite J-8, 503-617-7323Tuesday, January 29, 10:30 am-12 pm Washington County offers options for getting kids immunized before February 20 Exclusion DaySchool Exclusion Day is Wednesday, February 20, 2019. Washington County Public Health officials remind parents to make sure their children’s immunizations are up to date. Any child without the required immunizations or an exemption certificate will not be allowed to attend school or child care on or after February 20 until they provide documentation of immunizations or exemption. “The current measles outbreak in Clark County is a compelling example of why getting your children vaccinated is so important,” says Deputy Health Officer Dr. Christina Baumann. “Measles is preventable because we have a safe and effective vaccine available. Protect yourself, your children and your community.” Students in Washington County have several options for immunizations. They can see their health care provider; go to National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), Beaverton Health Center, Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center (VGMHC), or Neighborhood Health Center (NHC); or attend one of several special immunization clinics taking place in the coming weeks. Please call ahead for an appointment and bring any known immunization records and/or any related vaccine documents or letters. Walk-in slots are available on a limited basis, but there may be long wait times. NHC Tanasbourne Medical & Dental Clinic ImmunizationsMonday-Friday, 7 am-6 pm, 10690 NW Cornell Rd., Suite 220. To schedule an appointment, call 503-848-5861. NHC Merlo Station High School SBHC ImmunizationsMonday-Friday, 7 am-3:30 pm, 1841 SW Merlo Dr. To schedule an appointment call 503-941-3210. NUNM Beaverton Health Center Vaccination EventSaturday, February 9, from 9 am-1 pm, 11975 SW Second Street, Suite 110. Appointments are available for youth between 0-18 years of age without insurance, or who have OHP/Medicaid or private insurance. To schedule an appointment, call 503-552-1552. The following VGMHC school-based health centers (SBHCs) will hold special immunization clinics. Students 14 and under need to have a legal guardian present. Students 15 and older can go on their own, but ID and insurance information is required. SBHCs may charge a visit fee for uninsured clients; however, the School Based Health Center front desk staff will work with families regarding payment options. Most insurance plans are accepted, except Kaiser. Proof of coverage is required, if applicable. Beaverton High School SBHCMonday, February 11, 8:30 am-4pm, for all students and children ages 4-20 in the Beaverton School District/district boundary. 503-356-3985 Patients will be billed according to their ability to pay. Proof of income is required to be eligible for discount. No patient will be turned away for their inability to pay. For additional information on where to get immunizations or other health care services, call the Washington County Health Care Resource Line at 503-846-8851. You can be a vital link in the chain of survival for cardiac patientsDuring American Heart Month, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue invites you to join us in raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and the importance of immediately calling 911 in the event you or someone nearby experiences symptoms. Unlike a sudden cardiac arrest that strikes suddenly and includes a loss of consciousness, a heart attack can develop slowly enough that you are not aware you are having a medical emergency. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle is severely reduced or cut off completely. Symptoms typically include:
TVF&R crews responded to 4,115 cardiac-related calls in 2018. Firefighters often hear heart attack patients say, “I wasn’t sure it was a heart attack,” or “I didn’t want to bother anyone.” Remember, TVF&R crews are here for you. Our highly trained firefighter paramedics can diagnose a heart attack and start treatment right away. Crews can also relay your EKG information to the hospital, enabling its staff to activate special heart teams and prepare for your arrival. A heart attack can cause sudden cardiac arrest, when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly. Sudden cardiac arrest leads to death when the heart stops working properly. This can be reversed if CPR is performed and a defibrillator is used to shock the heart and restore a normal heart rhythm. Studies show that CPR can double or triple a cardiac arrest patient’s chance of survival, but only 46 percent of those who suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital get bystander help, according to the American Heart Association. Every minute CPR is delayed, the chance of survival decreases by 10 percent. Your assistance in performing hands-only CPR until crews arrive can make a difference. Hands-only CPR has just two easy steps: Call 911 and push hard and fast in the center of the chest to the beat of the disco song “Stayin’ Alive.” TVF&R remains dedicated in its efforts to work with community groups to teach hands-only CPR, encourage law enforcement partners to respond to cardiac emergencies equipped with automated external defibrillators, and invite community members willing to perform CPR to download TVF&R’s free PulsePoint smartphone app so that they can be alerted when someone is in need of this life-saving assistance. For more information about PulsePoint, symptoms of cardiac emergencies, and CPR training, visit www.tvfr.com. Thank you for your willingness to team up with our crews to save more lives and create a safer community. Willamette Water Supply Program UpdateAnother remarkable year has concluded for the Willamette Water Supply Program. The Program has purchased property for key facilities, communicated with thousands of neighbors and stakeholders, received federal and state permits, and initiated several local land use processes. Additionally, the Willamette Water Supply Program partners—TVWD and Hillsboro—were selected to apply for millions of dollars of loan assistance, which will save customers money. Highlights include:
When complete, the Willamette Water Supply System will provide enough water to serve future generations and will be one of Oregon’s most seismically-resilient water systems—built to better withstand earthquake damage than existing public infrastructure. The system will also provide an additional source of water in case of drought or other emergencies with existing supplies. For updates, visit www.ourreliablewater.org.
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