Volume 14, Issue 3 | March 2016 |
Business News March 2016
Dinihanians Farm Market and CSA is closedThe organic farm, CSA, and Farm Market will not open for the 2016 season. Co-owners Vahan Dinihanian and his sister Lillian Logan hope to use a different area of their property for a farm in the future, and they plan to retain their permit to operate a farm stand. The land along Cornell is slated for some type of development. Cedar Mill Liquor is expanding!Randy Guerra is pleased to announce that they are adding over 800 additional square feet previously occupied by Venetian Nail Spa. The store is expanding into the space at the back that had been office and storage, and the new space will be the new office. They’ll be increasing stock and variety in all categories, including distilled spirits, beer, wine, premium cigars, and other related items. Renovations should be complete by April 1. Bales Wellness Center welcomes new Manager
Ron Sibert is the new Manager of the Wellness Department at Bales Marketplace Cedar Mill. Lisa Taylor, who developed and has run the department for several years, is opening a Wellness center in the Garden Home store. Ron brings over 20 years of experience in the wellness and nutrition field to the store. He worked for Standard Process Labs, a highly-respected manufacturer of supplements that are only distributed to licensed physicians, first as a sales rep to physicians, and later calling on manufacturers to sell their ingredients to the industry. Because of that experience, he knows which lines of supplements contain well-sourced ingredients, an important topic in the largely unregulated supplement industry! Prior to joining Bales, Ron worked at a local Whole Foods store. He has known Lisa for 15 years, and decided to apply for the position here when he found out it was available. He’s enjoying working with the great staff at Bales, and is excited to meet customers and answer their questions. He’s particularly knowledgeable about digestive health and nutrition. Science is uncovering more evidence all the time that the health of our digestive system, with its billions of helpful flora, plays a critical role in overall health. Ask Ron for recommendations! Si Señor opens in new location
The Villacruz family is excited to welcome their customers to their new location, just west of Cedar Hills Blvd. off Barnes. They have completely redecorated the interior with bright paint and the colorful furniture and décor that is specially made for them in Mexico. In addition to several large dining spaces, the remodeled bar will be a great place to enjoy their delicious margaritas and other cocktail specialties, along with their tasty appetizers. Come by soon and sample their wide variety of authentic and delicious Mexican fare, and enjoy the great service provided their friendly staff. Visit their website to view the menu, order takeout online, and more, and LIKE them on Facebook at Si Señor - Cedar Mill. Lindsey for Nails and Skin CareLindsey Pruett is a Cedar Mill native, offering outstanding services for nails and skin care at the Ahead of Style salon in Rock Creek, at Cornelius Pass and West Union. She’s currently offering a Spring Break Special. She says, “Get your feet ready for sandal season and your spring vacation with a Spa Pedicure for only $30. Sit back and relax as your shoulders are warmed with a lavender-infused neck wrap and subtle jasmine fills the room. Your feet will be sugar scrubbed, masked and wrapped in hot towels, then massaged and finished with your polish color of choice.” She also provides amazing facials—relaxing and stimulating at the same time—that peel away dead skin layers and moisturize your face, while you enjoy a neck, shoulder, hand and arm massage. Your skin will glow for weeks afterward! She uses the Naturopathica Holistic Skin Care line of products, which are pure, organic, and delightfully and naturally scented. Call 503-708-5557 or book online at vagaro.com. Coleurs de ProvenceLes Couleurs De Provence has been a small business in the Cedar Mill area since 2000. The owner , Mireille Nett, is from Provence and was one of the first vendors at the Cedar Mill Farmers Market when it started in 1999. She is still sharing the vibrant and high quality fabric she imports from Provence to make tablecloths, napkins, bread baskets, and all indoor and outdoor kitchen linens. Where can you find her? She receives her customers at home by appointment—just call 503 679-1681. Mireille also sells on line on ETSY at etsy.com/shop/FabricOfProvence and will be at the Cedar Mill Market on Saturdays during this spring. Follow Les Couleurs De Provence on Facebook at “Kitchen linens from Provence” to know when and where she will be in 2016!
Farmers Insurance continues expanding staffBrett Veatch has joined Joey LaParne at the Famers office on Murray. Joey says, “He will be a sales rep, helping spread the good word and drumming up business with his vast experience in marketing and communications. His part time position will most likely morph into full time as time progresses.” The three-person Farmers team is now well rounded and focused on building their agency with customer service being their top priority. Kristina and Brett also fit right in with Farmers style of sales, and passion for establishing relationships with prospective clients and maintaining an ongoing relationship with current customers. Watch for good things coming from the Famers agency in 2016 and beyond! The Joseph LaParne Agency is located in the Cook Building, just north of Cornell on Murray, Suite 6 at 1070 NW Murray. Contact them at 971-228-8966. CMBA MeetingTuesday, March 8, 11:45-1:30, Cedar Mill Bible Church Chapel, 12208 NW Cornell Road The Cedar Mill Business Association’s next General Meeting will feature Alan Levine, CPA, P.C., who will be giving us tips on reducing our taxes. Alan has been a Certified Public Accountant at the same location in Cedar Mill since 1995. He was one of the original members of the Cedar Mill Business Association. Alan thrives on helping individuals and small businesses discover all the expenses they can deduct. He is also a power lifter and sets new records every time he competes! Visitors welcome to attend one or two meetings before joining! 11:45: Lunch and Mingle; noon-1pm: Meeting; 1-1:30: Extra Networking Time. For more information, visit cedarmillbiz.com. Leedy Artisan MarketSaturday March 5, 9 am-2 pm Another wonderful totally fun Leedy Grange Artisan Flea Market is approaching! There will be two rooms of curious finds, fun bargains, amazing crafts, outstanding variety of new and old trinkets, a story behind each treasure and tales to share. Come hang out and support this community market! leedymarket@gmail.com or call 503-626-9065. Refinish First LLC Earns Angie’s List Award Again!
Refinish First LLC has earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of service provided to members of the local services marketplace and consumer review site in 2015. “We are very pleased that for three years in a row our customers were so happy with our work that they were willing to take the time and write a review for us. We are very blessed and feel honored that we have worked for such great people. It has been a huge boost to our business,” said David Luton, owner of Refinish First. “Only about 5% of the Carpentry/Woodworking and Cabinet Refacing/Restoration companies in the Portland market have performed so consistently—well enough to earn our Super Service Award,” said Angie’s List Founder Angie Hicks. “It’s a really high standard.” Angie’s List Super Service Award 2015 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, which include an “A” rating in overall grade, recent grade, and review period grade; the company must be in good standing with Angie’s List, pass a background check and abide by Angie’s List operational guidelines. Service company ratings are updated daily on Angie’s List. Companies are graded on an A through F scale in areas ranging from price to professionalism to punctuality.
Second Edition holds a Quilt RaffleNow through March 17, 12505 Northwest Cornell Road. A generous and talented donor has created a beautiful large quilt that is being raffled at Second Edition to benefit the Cedar Mill Libraries. The large (92”x94”) quilt features rectangular pieces in a pleasing combination of greens on a cocoa-colored background. The quilt is now on display at Second Edition. Raffle tickets are on sale at $5 each or three for $10. The drawing will be held on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. The winner need not be present to win. All proceeds benefit Cedar Mill Libraries.
Open House at New HeightsThursday, March 10, 5-8 pm, New Heights Physical Therapy Cornell Clinic, 13306 NE Cornell Rd. Come tour the new west side clinic, chat with physical therapist Michelle Gilpin and staff, and enjoy some light refreshments. Learn more at newheightstherapy.com. Village GallerySunday March 13, 2-4 pm Opening Reception for Featured Artist Marie Ofner
Marie describes her artwork as a combination of spontaneity and control. She seeks to communicate a sense of hope, mystery, and the balance of forces found in the world around us. Upcoming Classes:For complete details on all classes please visit villagegalleryarts.org. Kristi Roberts - Children’s Art Classes Mondays and Wednesdays, for children ages 7 - 14 years old Units in drawing, watercolor, acrylic, pastels, clay and mixed media allow children to discover what they will enjoy. Subjects explored include landscapes, people, faces, animals, cartooning and perspective. Classes are held weekly with registration required one month in advance. Mary Burgess - Intermediate Watercolor Wednesdays, 9:30 am-12:30 pm March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 13 and 20. This class will explore the use of watercolor to paint animals with fur, feathers, and slippery skin. Each class will include structured lessons and guidance on individual projects. Some watercolor experience is helpful. Mary Burgess- Beginning Watercolor Wednesdays, 6-8 pm March 16, 23, 30, April 13, 20 and 27. Explore essential watercolor techniques and learn how to achieve desired effects through structured lessons. Students will complete several small paintings. Jo Reimer- Collage Bootcamp Saturday March 12, 10 am - 3 pm. An introductory workshop for beginners to the art of collage. You’ll learn about supports, paper, adhesives, tools, and simple composition, with demonstrations of various techniques and time to make several experimental collage paintings in your sketchbook. Jo Reimer - Collage Adventures- The Creative Process Saturday April 16, 9:30 am - 3 pm. A hands-on class for beginning and advanced artists filled with discussions and demonstrations. We explore elements and principles of design and how to make them work for you as you build interesting collages. Jo Reimer - Collage Adventures - Print and Play Saturday April 23, 9:30 am - 3 pm This workshop digs into creating unique collage papers. We’ll learn simple printmaking using the Geli-Plate; make Magic Paper; create unusual stamps; work with stencils and more. Classroom Rental Did you know you can rent Village Gallery’s classroom? The classroom can be used by any group that needs a place to meet. The rental rate is $20 an hour for non-members. The space is ideal for painting parties, sewing groups, home school classes, informal lectures or workshops. Contact The Village Gallery Class Scheduler, Bobbie Willard, to determine availability of the room and answer any questions at bobbienewt@gmail.com. United Homecare Caregiver SupportThird Saturday monthly, 10-11:30 am, 5050 SW Griffith Drive Do you provide care for a family member? Experience exhaustion, stress, or guilt? Join The United Healthcare caregiver support for free monthly group meetings. Counselor Camille Keith, MS, LPC-Intern helps participants to relax, discover new ways to care for yourself, and share with other caregivers in a non-judgmental environment. For more information contact Regina Ford, UHS Beaverton Manager, at 503-433-8079 or regina@homecarepartner.org to reserve a spot in the group. Monthly Virtue: DetachmentDetachment is experiencing our feelings without allowing them to control us. We step back and look at things objectively. We let go and accept what we cannot change. We detach from others’ choices, knowing that their spiritual work is not ours to do. We choose how we will act rather than just reacting. We step away from harmful cravings. Detachment is a deep breath of peace and patience in response to unexpected anger. We can listen without losing ourselves. With detachment, we see our mistakes honestly, make amends and start afresh. Detachment allows us be in the world but not of it. It frees us to lead our lives with grace. “You always have the choice to take all things evenly, to hold onto nothing, to receive each irritation as if you had only fifteen minutes to live,” said Tolbert McCarroll. The Practice of Detachment
Virtues Reflection Cards , Linda Kavelin Popov virtuesproject.com. For more information about the Virtues Project, or to sponsor a workshop for your family, school or organization, contact Delaram Adyani at virtuesconnectionportland.com 503-267-0202. Yoga Training Program Gives Back to the CommunitySantosha Yoga studio, located in the Bethany Village Centre, offers a yoga teacher training program each fall and requires those accepted into the program to complete community service, known as karma yoga, during the four-month training. Santosha Yoga’s co-owner, Dina Lang, created and leads the 200-hour Initial Yoga Teaching Certification program. She felt strongly that every teacher trainee needs to give back to the community and created the Karma Yoga requirement. As Dina explains, “it can be anything in which they are offering selfless service and expecting nothing in return, even recognition.” At the end of January, 22 graduates completed their certification. Since all of them had completed their selfless service, this adds up to 88 hours of good works and volunteering since the program began last September. One group of four decided to go together to the Oregon Food Bank and donate their time there. Others volunteered in their church or with local programs. The feedback was positive and comments often expressed gratitude for the encouragement to make the time to give back. Programs like Dina’s at Santosha Yoga include yoga philosophy and history, and selfless service. Each teacher trainee also teaches one free hour-long Community Class. This is a way for the trainees to gain real experience teaching people, and it’s a way for Santosha Yoga to bring yoga into the community without any financial barriers. Katy Nadal, co-owner, says the program taught by Dina, “is sending out new, well-trained yoga teachers into the community.” If studying yoga or becoming a yoga teacher interests you, Santosha Yoga has the information posted for the 2016-2017 Yoga Teaching Certification on the website. Information sessions will be offered in April. How to Be a First-time Home Buyer in 2016by Sunset Science Park Federal Credit UnionBuying your first home involves much more than simply making the decision to become a homeowner. Here’s how to get on the right track to becoming a first-time homeowner in 2016. Keep (or Get) Your Credit Score in Good Standing: Your credit score is one of the most important factors in your mortgage approval, because it’s used to determine your risk as a borrower. Check for errors on your credit report. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that one in four credit reports contains a serious error. You can receive your free credit report by going to annualcreditreport.com. Pay all of your bills on time. Even one reported late payment can drop your score anywhere from 60 to 110 points, depending on your credit history. Don’t apply for new lines of credit or any other types of loans. New credit inquiries can drop your score, and taking on more debt can lower your mortgage affordability. Keep balances low on revolving credit (i.e. credit cards). Aim to keep balances less than 30% of your credit line. Start Saving: Even if you are eligible to purchase with a loan that finances 100% of the home cost, you’re still going to need some reserves. You may need some cash for new furniture, new appliances, paint, hiring a moving company, etc. Pay Off Some Debt. Most lenders recommend that your mortgage payment, including principal, interest, taxes and insurance, be less than 28% of your gross monthly income. Your mortgage provider will also analyze your debt-to-income ratio, which includes other monthly obligations like credit card payments, auto and student loans, alimony, child support, etc. along with your principal, interest, taxes and insurance. Lenders ideally want this to be at or below 36% of your gross monthly income. Meet with a Mortgage Specialist: In today’s hot home buying environment, a pre-approval should always be the first step in home buying. To get a pre-approval, your mortgage specialist will run your credit score and compile a loan application with the information you provide regarding income, assets, employment, etc. The lender will analyze this information and determine how much you can afford. If you have mortgage questions or need additional information about purchasing a home, visit Sunset Science Park Federal Credit Union or contact them at 503.643.1335 or cuteam@sspfcu.com. Local Music Studio Growing by Leaps and BoundsHoffman Academy is expanding its music teaching in Cedar Mill and around the world. In February, Hoffman Academy added a second location, moving into the bottom floor of the new building at 12700 NW Cornell Road next to Peninsula Insurance. This new building, Hoffman Academy’s “North Campus,” has three teaching studios, one sound studio, and office space for the online team. Hoffman Academy has also hired a new piano teacher and extended the hours of one of their guitar teachers to serve more students. Currently Hoffman Academy provides lessons to approximately 350 music students in Cedar Mill, and expects to be able to grow to 450 piano, guitar, and voice students with this expansion. If you are interested in seeing the new studios, they would love to give you a tour. Just stop by the Academy main office on Cornell Road! Hoffman Academy is also growing its online business. Hoffman Academy has 120 free online piano lessons and serves thousands of students around the world as far away as Australia, China, and the United Kingdom. In February the academy launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to create an additional 120 online lessons and add interactive music learning games and other features to their website. Already more than $52,000 has been pledged to Hoffman Academy through Kickstarter, and the team is hoping to reach its goal of raising $60,000 by the end of the campaign on March 10. For more information about Hoffman Academy’s Cedar Mill location visit HoffmanAcademy.com/Portland and for more about the online lessons visit HoffmanAcademy.com. The main address is 12660 NW Cornell, and their phone number is 503-336–3121. |
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