Volume 15, Issue 3 | March 2017 |
What’s Happening at…“Little Store” nearing completion
All the fixtures are on site, and installation is proceeding. They are submitting an application to sell beer and wine, and will be installing the sidewalk and paving the parking lot soon. “Neighbors stop by regularly to find out how we’re doing, when we’re there on the weekends. The weather hasn’t been helping, but we’re getting very close to opening now,” he says. Dale Ave. commercial building approved
The proposed single-story commercial building (approximately 6,400 s.f.), will accommodate a retail space and a 4290 s.f. gym/health fitness center, according to the county staff report. The new building will be on a lot just south of Cornell on the west side of Dale. Neighbors were concerned about additional traffic and parking in the neighborhood and how it will affect pedestrian safety. A half-street improvement to Dale, along with a 12-foot sidewalk that will connect to the existing sidewalk next to the Foot Traffic building, should provide “improved safety for the traveling public” according to the report. A new parking lot north of the commercial building will provide some parking. The owners propose to combine the parking needs for both this building and the existing Foot Traffic building, which is allowed by county standards. New spaces next to the existing building will combine to provide a total of 40 parking spaces, connected by a driveway between the two lots, that will serve all the businesses. Although the owners have received “Approval with conditions” from the county, co-owner Joel Jorgensen says there is additional information that the county has asked for, so it’s uncertain how soon they’ll be able to start construction. Neighborhood meeting for West Haven seven-lot subdivisionThurs., Mar. 9, 6:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, 12505 NW Cornell Road. The property is 0.47 acre in the TO: R12-18 District (Transit Oriented Residential 12-18 units/acre) and is located at 725 SW 90th Ave. Contact Wayne Hayson, Pioneer Design Group, at 503-643-8286 or whayson@pd-grp.com.
Meet The Contractor open house for 158th Avenue projectTuesday, Mar. 14, 5-7 pm, Kaleo Covenant Church, 15900 SW Regatta Lane. The event, sponsored by Washington County Department of Land Use & Transportation (LUT), provides the public with a chance to meet the contractor, Kodiak Pacific Construction. County staff will also be available to answer questions about the final design and construction schedule. No formal presentation is planned. The $8.1 million project will widen SW 158th Avenue, between Walker Road and the Merlo light rail station south of Jenkins Road, to two travel lanes in each direction with a continuous center turn lane. The project will include improving intersection safety, continuous bicycle and pedestrian facilities, storm drainage upgrades, street lighting and landscaping. Construction is expected to begin in March and be completed in spring 2018. For more information, visit the project website, call 503-846-7800, or email lutproj@co.washington.or.us. 158th Avenue is a heavily used north/south arterial that provides access between rapidly expanding residential and commercial areas. The road has experienced an increase in traffic over the years (currently carrying almost 23,000 vehicles a day), which is anticipated to continue to grow. The $8.1 million project cost includes the estimated cost of design, right-of-way, and construction and is subject to change.
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