Volume 18, Issue 3 | March 2020 |
County committees seek membersCommittees, commissions, councils, and boards advise the Washington County Board of Commissioners (BCC) on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. The committees do not pass ordinances to establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations. Members are volunteers appointed by the BCC. In many cases, members must be residents of Washington County. Serving on an appointed committee is a great way for Washington County residents to participate in decisions that affect them and to learn more about how local government works. The County Administrative Office solicits applications from individuals for a six-week period. To learn more or to apply, follow this link to the county website.
Aging and Veteran's Services Advisory Council–Two positions available now and three positions available after June 30, 2020.This council serves as an advocate for veterans and the elderly. Council members plan for services and review current programs. Council members have community ties and personal or professional familiarity with issues facing seniors and veterans, enabling them to advise the Aging and Veterans' Services and the Washington County Board of Commissioners on policy, programs, and actions affecting delivery of services. Term: Three years; Contact: Janet Long, 503-846-3081 Audit Committee–One position available now and one position available after June 30, 2020.The committee provides independent monitoring and auditing of the county's finances, in the belief that access to knowledgeable individuals helps prevent an excessive reliance on the external auditor. The five committee members are knowledgeable in accounting and auditing as demonstrated by professional employment in accounting, auditing, or finance, and include one member of the Washington County Board of Commissioners. Term: Three years; Contact: Jack Liang, 503-846-8756. Board of Property Tax Appeals–Six positions available after June 30, 2020State law established this board to consider taxpayer petitions challenging real market value, maximum assessed, specially assessed, and assessed value as determined by the county assessor. The board also considers requests to excuse penalties assessed for the late filing of real and personal property returns. The six board members are residents of the county who are not employees of the county or any taxing district within the county. Qualifications include knowledge of real estate, appraisal, and assessment practices; patience; understanding and a sense of civic responsibility. Term: One year; Contact: Margarita Lopez, 503-846-3913 Civil Service Commission–Two positions available after May 31, 2020This commission provides a third-party review of the county's implementation and interpretation of civil service rules that relate to aspects of the county's hiring and other employment practices. The commission hears and decides appeals by employees and candidates for employment. The commission consists of five members who are registered voters within the county. No commission member may be a member of the governing body or an employee of the county or Clean Water Services, except that any commissioner may serve as a member of any other civil service commission. Term: Two years; Contact: Eva LaBonte, 503-846-4476 Cultural Coalition of Washington County–Five positions available now and three positions available after December 31, 2020The coalition administers state funds directed to Washington County from the Oregon Cultural Trust and promotes greater awareness of the cultural life of Washington County. The coalition distributes funds through a competitive grant program to Washington County-based arts, heritage, and humanities organizations to address priorities identified in the Washington County Cultural Plan. The nine to fifteen members reside in Washington County or are members of a business or organization significantly involved in arts, heritage, or humanities activities in Washington County. Term: Three years; Contact: Jodi Nielsen, 503-846-3235 Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District/Urban Road Maintenance District Budget Committee (ESPD/URMD)–Four positions available now and one position available after June 30, 2020This committee reviews the proposed budget for the Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District in unincorporated Washington County. The committee consists of the Washington County Board of Commissioners plus five residents who live within ESPD boundaries. Term: Three years; Contact: Jack Liang, 503-846-8756 Fair Board–One position available now and one position available after December 31, 2020The Fair Board oversees the planning, preparation and production of the County Fair and provides input for the county’s facilities maintenance plan of the fairgrounds. The board has seven members, who are selected based on their interests, including agriculture, livestock, youth/education, exhibitors/vendors, and urban agriculture. Term: Three years; Contact: Leah Perkins-Hagele, 503-648-1416 Fairgrounds Advisory Committee–Three positions available now and two positions available after December 31, 2020The committee provides input on the priorities and development of the fairgrounds master plan and other plans, including: capital projects, maintenance, non-fair marketing and other strategic initiatives. As advocates, committee members work with the community and local partners to encourage participation in fairground developments. The committee's nine members represent the county geographically and in fields of interest or occupation. Term: Two years. Staff Contact: Lea Perkins-Hagele, 503 648-1416 Homeless Plan Advisory Committee (HPAC)–Two positions available nowHPAC oversees the development of additional resources to meet the goals of A Road Home: 10-year Plan to End Homelessness, which includes reviewing the annual work plan, making recommendations to the Housing and Supportive Services Network, increasing public awareness, recruiting community partners, and advocating for additional public and private funding. The 17-member committee includes representatives from the city and county government, local businesses, law enforcement, the faith community, major hospitals, the community, and a homeless/formerly homeless person. Term: Three years; Contact: Annette Evans, 503-846-4760 Housing Authority Board of Directors–One position available nowThe Housing Authority of Washington County owns properties, and the Department of Housing Services operates the programs and provides services to meet the housing needs of low-income people in Washington County. Due to reductions in federal housing support, partnerships are key to the success of this work. The board is made up of the members of the Washington County Board of Commissioners plus two additional community members. Term: Four years; Contact: Melisa Dailey, 503-846-4773 North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee–One position available now and two positions available after June 30, 2020This committee reviews the proposed budget for the North Bethany County Service District for Roads in unincorporated Washington County, and is composed of the Washington County Board of Commissioners plus five residents of the North Bethany CSDR. Term: Three years; Contact: Jack Liang, 503-846-8756 Park and Recreation Advisory Board–Five positions available now and three positions available after June 30, 2020Provides advice on the maintenance, operations, and capital development needs of county parks, including Scoggins Valley Park/Henry Hagg Lake. The nine members are residents of the county, who are traditionally appointed from all commissioner districts. Term: Three years; Contact: Carl Switzer, 503-846-7001 Planning Commission–Three positions available now and one position available after January 31, 2021The commission had nine county residents, who advise the Washington County Board of Commissioners on land use and transportation planning issues. The commission conducts public hearings, makes final decisions on some changes to land use plans, and conveys recommendations to the board on comprehensive plan and community development ordinances. Term: Four years; Contact: Todd Borkowitz, 503-846-3593 Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC)–One position available now and seven positions available after January 31, 2021The PHAC is appointed by the Washington County Board of Commissioners to fulfill federal and state-mandated responsibilities and to advise the board in its role as the Board of Health for Washington County. The council makes recommendations to the board and the Public Health Division Manager to improve the health and well-being of everyone in Washington County. The council has between 15 and 17 members, representing many dimensions of the community, and one Washington County Commissioner. Members of communities that experience health and social inequities are given preference for membership on the council. Term: Four years; Contact: Vivianna Lindley, 503-846-8246 Public Safety Coordinating Council–One position available nowThis council coordinates local criminal justice policy and makes recommendations for the use of state resources for public safety purposes. The council includes public safety and justice officials, other stakeholders from city, county and state agencies, and members appointed by the Washington County Board of Commissioners. Term: Two years; Contact: Erin Calvert, 503-846-8685 Washington County and SDL Number One Budget Committee–Two positions available now and two positions available after June 30, 2020.This committee reviews the proposed county budget submitted by the budget officer each fiscal year, and consists of the Washington County Board of Commissioners plus five residents of the county. Each commissioner district is allocated an appointment, however, the representative does not need to reside in that district. Term: Three years; Contact: Jack Liang, 503-846-8756.
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