Volume 11, Issue 4 | April 2013 |
April Community News
Cornell CleanupThe Cedar Mill Business Association will again sponsor a weed and trash collection event from 7-9 am on Saturday, May 4. This is a great opportunity for everyone who would like to do their part to keep our community pleasant for walking, working, and shopping. The landscaping along Cornell between Murray and Saltzman is not maintained by the County, so it's up to us to keep it looking nice. If you have a little time to share with your community, please join us. No need to pre-register, just show up dressed for the weather. We'll supply some tools, gloves, and refreshments. Meet at the overlook area between A Cut Above and Dale St. Ages 12 and over please. The county will provide traffic control for work in the medians.
Sunset Station & Barnes Road development meetingA neighborhood meeting will be held on Thursday, April 25 from 6-7:30 pm at Christ United Methodist Church, 12755 NW Dogwood, to present and discuss the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Land Use Application that will be submitted to Beaverton. This is the first step leading to eventual development of the Peterkort properties around the Sunset Transit Center and along both sides of Barnes Road. For past articles about this subject, use the search box in the upper right hand corner of the CMN home page and search for “Peterkort.” May 21 Election – study up!If you’re concerned about your taxes and who is spending the money, the May election will give you a voice. Join us for the CPO 1 meeting on Tuesday, May 7 at 7 pm to meet the candidates for a variety of service district boards, and to hear about the Beaverton School District and the Metro Natural Areas levies. CPO 1 meets in the dining area of Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman. This will be a joint meeting of CPO 1, which represents Cedar Mill and Cedar Hills, and CPO 7, which represents Bethany and Rock Creek. Beaverton Historical Society Monthly PresentationThe Beaverton Historical Society’s monthly presentation will take place on Tuesday, April 9,7-8 pm at the Beaverton History Center at 12412 SW Broadway St. With guest speaker Richard Matthews, this month’s topic will be “Who was Dr. John McLoughlin?” After retiring in 2008 as a manager of a small company, Matthews became a volunteer for the National Park Service at the McLoughlin House in Oregon City. As he grew in his calling as docent he wanted to know more about Dr. McLoughlin and the history of the region, so for the last four years he has researched both Dr. McLoughlin and Dr. Barclay through letters, newspaper articles and other sources. He has developed a great understanding of who Dr. McLoughlin was and what he did for the American emigrants while he was in charge of the Hudson Bay Company operations in the Oregon Country, and in his later years. Upcoming Public Affairs Forum TopicsIt’s election season! We’ll be voting on May 21 for several tax levies and for candidates for many of the important Boards that control our service districts. The Forum will provide an opportunity to hear from the candidates and supporters of the various measures. April 8: Beaverton School District Board Candidates Jay Bengel, Anne Bryan, Michael Richter, Donna Tyner and LeeAnn Larsen. Candidate bio info here: http://www.beaverton.k12.or.us/home/departments/community-involvement/events/school-board-candidate-forum/ April 15: Candidates for board positions of the Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue and the Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation District will present. April 22: The Beaverton School District Local Option Levy will be discussed by representatives of the Beaverton School District. April 29: International sex trafficking will be discussed by Washington County judge Thomas Kohl. The Washington County Public Affairs Forum meets at the Old Spaghetti Factory, 18925 NW Tanasbourne Drive, across from the Evergreen movie theaters in Hillsboro. The doors open at 11 am, with a first lunch serving at 11:30 and a second at noon. The hour-long program begins at noon, and is open to the public. Only members have the opportunity to question speakers— sometimes the most interesting part of the program. Protect Park Natural AreasTHPRD Natural Resources is in need of volunteers to participate in our habitat restoration monitoring program. This includes photographing natural areas using a designated protocol to monitor success of native plant installations over time. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Melissa Marcum at mmarcum@thprd.org or 503/629-6305 ext. 2720. http://www.thprd.org/pdfs/document1217.pdf Garden Club goes edibleThe Cedar Mill Garden Club's April 17 meeting will be on Edible Plants—presented by the Master Gardeners with food tasting by a local chef. The meeting will begin at 11:30 am at the Beaverton Community Center, 12350 S.W. 5th, across from the Beaverton City Library. All those interested in gardening are welcome to attend at no cost. For further information about the Cedar Mill Garden Club, please contact Barbara Cushman, president 503-649-7741 or see our website: thecedarmillgardenclub.org. Weed Wise—Look out for lesser celandine!!
Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District warns us to watch for lesser celandine, a perennial buttercup commonly found in flower gardens or surrounding landscapes. Although it is a beautiful early spring bloomer, lesser celandine can quickly take over a garden. In the wild, the plant can completely overtake the forest floor, outcompeting native wildflowers. Identifying lesser celandine: Bright yellow flowers bloom March-April • Plant forms dense green clumps, 5-6" tall • Flowers extend above kidney shaped leaves (the less invasive buttercups have lobed leaves) What to do if you find lesser celandine: Dig up small patches and be sure to remove ALL the tubers. DO NOT put the plant in your compost—dispose of it in your garbage. Larger patches can be sprayed with herbicides at bloom time. Report patches to the Oregon Invasives Hotline when found in wild or natural areas: http://oregoninvasiveshotline.org More information: http://cwmatest.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/celandine.pdf or http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/PLANT/WEEDS/pages/profile_lessercelandine.aspx
School Funding 101 EventOregon State Senator Steiner Hayward says, “Education is by far the issue I hear about most from my constituents. I know that many of you are concerned about increasing class sizes as well as the cuts to physical education, shop, and arts classes. On April 23, a number of Washington County area legislators and I will be hosting an event we are calling School Funding 101. A representative from the Oregon Department of Education will be on hand to explain the history of education funding in Oregon and how we got to where we are now. After the presentation, we will have time for a conversation between community members and elected officials. I hope you can join us.” The event will include Senator Steiner Hayward, Senator Hass, Representative Barker, Representative Harker, Representative Read. It will be held at Mountain View Middle School Cafeteria, 17500 SW Farmington Rd on April 23 at 7 pm. Bible Church Jazz Jam moves downtownRon Carlson, a pastor at the Cedar Mill Bible Church, organized a monthly jazz jam group that has been meeting for several years at Leedy Grange Hall. The project has been a popular success, and has found a new venue and will be moving their third-Wednesday jam to the Grand Café in northeast Portland. Music is from 7-9 pm and it’s free and open to the public. Night closures of Sunset HighwayU.S. 26 nighttime closures at Bethany Boulevard and Cornell Road are scheduled to occur on April 10 and 11 between 11 pm and 5 am (alternate closure dates are April 15 & 16 – pending unforeseen circumstances resulting in delays). The nighttime highway closures are needed to install the new bridge beams for the Bethany Boulevard overpass (http://www.bethanyovercrossing.org) widening work. Visit the Road Closures and Traffic Advisories page for details (http://www.wc-roads.com/index.cfm?page=2), including the detour map. NEWS HOME |
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