Volume 13, Issue 4 | April 2015 |
Community News
CPO 1 monthly meetingTuesday, April 7, 7 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Citizen Participation Organization 1 provides land use and other topics for residents of Cedar Mill and Cedar Hills. The meetings are open to anyone, and begin with announcements of interest from CPO leaders and community members. Programs for April are: Washington County Health and Human ServicesMarni Kuyl, Director of Washington County Health & Human Services, will give us an overview of the Department and the viewpoint that she brings to the position. She was appointed in May 2014. Her career in health care and management spans approximately 30 years and she has held positions in Arizona, Montana and most recently Clark County, Washington. Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation UpdateJennifer Nelson, Outreach,Volunteer and Education Program Manager, Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District, will join us to promote the April 9th Weed Watcher Program that will be sponsored by Leedy Grange and held at the hall. She will also discuss a survey of Washington County residents about resource concerns to help guide an update of the TWSCD business plan for the next five years. Skyline Grange’s 10th Annual Tree & Native Plant SaleFriday and Saturday, April 3-4, 9 am-5 pm, Skyline Grange NW Skyline Blvd This will be Skyline Sale’s 10th year. They put on a great sale, with over 85 native species available, an informative Native Plant Description Handout, excellent display signs for each species at the sale, all plants from a licensed nursery, and adequate parking. They have updated references listed on the Pre-Order Form, adding Real Gardens Grow Natives by Stark – it is a well-designed reference book. At the Sale (but not available by pre-order), there will also be a Bareroot Section. Most trees and shrubs in this area are not true “natives,” but Skyline has selected them for their compatibility to thrive in the area but not out-compete plants in our native habitat. At the Sale, visit their good selection of bareroot fruit-bearing, shade, and ornamental trees, and ornamental shrubs too. See you at the Sale! Cedar Mill Farmers Market opens May 9Saturday, May 9, 8 am-1 pm, parking lot in front of Safeway at Murray & Cornell Come to the first Market of 2015 for local early-season veggies like asparagus, radishes, spinach, and a few others. Plus beautiful flowers, delicious baked goods, and the lovely work of local artisans! Sponsored by THPRD. Danny Rodriguez, who took over for Dina Gross, invites you to visit their new website: cedarmillfarmersmarket.wordpress.com. Free Naturescaping Workshop at Leedy Grange HallSunday, May 3, 1-5 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd., free
Learn to Naturescape! Naturescaping is the practice of using native plants and simple techniques that mimic nature so you can have a garden that helps you reduce your water use, your use of harmful chemicals and your maintenance. This introductory workshop introduces the core concepts of naturescaping, and also explores:
Even if you decide to enlist the help of a contractor, you’ll have the framework to make decisions and effectively communicate the vision you have for your yard. The class will visit a nearby naturescaped project to see design principles in action. You’ll receive a comprehensive workbook and even a free native plant to help you get started. This Naturescaping Basics workshop is presented by the team from East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, and is co-sponsored by the Tualatin Basin Partners for Clean Water and Leedy Grange. It’s been hard to find these workshops here on the west side, because while they are offered free to hosting organizations on the east side of the Willamette, those wishing to bring them to other areas must pay. Take advantage of this partnership to learn about this wonderful approach for earth-friendly gardening. Sign up now, space is limited! You might also want to make plans to attend the 2015 Naturescaped Yard Tour. Enjoy behind the scenes access to naturescaped yards & gardens that are bursting with color & creativity on this FREE self-guided tour! Yard Tour is a unique opportunity to meet the do-it-yourself gardeners who have created low-maintenance landscapes that feature native plants, attract wildlife, and conserve water, all without relying on synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Saturday, May 16th, 11 am–4 pm. Advanced registration is required. Registration opens on Tuesday, May 5th. Visit emswcd.org/subscribe to sign up for the newsletter. About 2 weeks prior to Tour Day, EMSWCD will send an email announcement to tell folks how to register online. Cedar Mill Garden ClubApril 15, 9:30 am, Beaverton Community Center, 12350 SW 5th Street, Beaverton (across from the Beaverton Library) Please join the Cedar Mill Garden Club as they enjoy a presentation by Kenn Parry of the Lily Store on Growing Lilies. Business starts at 9:30 am and The Growing Lilies program begins at 10 am. For more information please visit their website, thecedarmillgardenclub.org. They also remind us to put their Plant Sale on our calendars: Sunday, May 10, 9-5 next to the JQA Young House on Cornell at 119th. Repair CafeSaturday, May 9, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Beaverton City Library There will be a Repair Cafe at the Beaverton City Library during the Farmers Market!
What is a Repair Café? Repair Cafés are free events focused on repairing things (together). People who know how to fix things share their time and skills to help others get their things fixed. Common items you’ll see at a Repair Café might include clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, or jewelry. How can you help? If you know how to fix something (small appliances, electronics, jewelry, mending clothes or fabrics, small motors, yard tools) please contact repaircafewest@gmail.com to be added to the “Fixer community” list. If you aren’t particularly handy with tools, there is still plenty to do. A few volunteers are needed at each event to help staff a registration table, guide attendees through the process, set-up and cleanup. With the help of RepairPDX.org, a model of organization for Cafes in Washington County, the Repair Cafe will be a success!
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Now’s the time to put garden expertise in your pocket! Your mobile device or computer can be your newest garden tool. Grow Smart, Grow Safe ranks garden products by name or type for their safety to you, pets, wildlife and waterways. Rankings range from lowest hazard practices (like avoiding overhead watering to minimize mildew) to high-hazard products. It’s also available as an iPhone app.
A well-made tool makes any task a pleasure—and that’s especially true for garden tools like pruners or hand-hoes. Use Metro’s $5 coupon at 33 local garden centers to help you buy a better quality hand-tool.
For more information call 503-821-1150 or email them at mastergardener.wc@oregonstate.edu.
Saturday, April 25, 9 am-2 pm, Aloha Huber Park School SW 173rd Avenue
The Aloha Garden Club Plant Sale is taking place at the end of April. There will be Hardy Perennials, Shrubs, Trees, and art by local artists. They suggest coming early for the best selection. All proceeds are used for grants and scholarships for Washington County residents.
Easter week services at Sunset Presbyterian Church include:
Friday, April 3, Good Friday service at 7 pm
Easter services on Saturday, April 4 at 5 pm and on Sunday, April 5 at 9 am and 11 am
Children’s programming is available at the Easter services (Saturday to age 4, Sunday is full programming from birth to 5th Grade).
They invite you to include Sunset Presbyterian Church in your Easter plans. Everyone is welcome!
The Washington County Public Affairs Forum meets over lunch every Monday at the Peppermill Restaurant in Aloha at 17455 SW Farmington Road. There is no charge for admission. The doors open at 11:30 am and the speakers start at noon. Lunch is available to order from the menu. Following the speaker, members may ask questions of the speakers. For more information contact the forum president, Rob Solomon, at president@washingtoncountyforum.org.
April 6: “Hillsboro Airport: What’s Happening, What’s New?” Speaker: Stephen Nagy, General Aviation, Airports Manager, Port of Portland.
April 13: Candidates for Hillsboro School Board (All Candidates invited, Most have confirmed). Position 4 Candidates: Kim Strelchun; Tim Reeves; Christian Honi; Position 5 Candidates: Lisa Allen; Bart Rask; Christopher Barry; Position 7 Candidates: Jaime Rodriguez; Wayne Clift.
April 20: Candidates for Beaverton School Board (All candidates invited; Most have confirmed); Zone 3 Candidates: Melissa Potter; Eric Simpson; Zone 6 Candidates: Daniel Vasquez; Becky Tymchuck; John Somoza; Zone 7 Candidates: Linda Degman (I); Andrew Beach
Also candidates for Tualatin Valley Water District: Position 4 Candidates: Richard Burke (I); Lars Hedbor
April 27: Candidates for Banks School Board (All candidates invited; Most have confirmed); Position 3 Candidates: Laurie Schlegel; Tom Forest; Position 4 Candidates: Ron Frame; Todd Iverson; Position 5 Candidates: Will Moore; James Harris. Also: City of Cornelius Five Year Fire Services Local Option Levy – Rob Drake, City Manager
Board of Directors: All positions on the Board are open for election this coming June. Past President Esther McAlpine is heading our nominating committee. If you are interested, please contact her or any current Board member. The forum is looking for folks who are excited about helping them grow.
The MATCHING GRANT fundraising effort continues: All donations to the Forum between now and the end of June are matched by our anonymous benefactor, up to $3500. So far we have collected over $600. As we develop the Forum's future, please give....if you can.
After more than sixty years, the Washington County Public Affairs Forum has its own (part time) Executive Director. Mr. Eric Squires, uniquely qualified in so many ways for the job, began his part time contract this past week. Eric's major focus will be on networking and promotions to increase Forum membership. The Board looks forward to a great future with Eric.
Wednesday, April 8, 7-9 pm, Private home in the Highland Neighborhood
Beaverton area residents age 50 and older who want to remain in their own homes and communities as long as possible rather than move to senior and/or assisted living facilities, are invited to an information session in a private home in the Highland Neighborhood.
Viva Village is a grass roots non profit organization currently being formed in the Beaverton area of Washington County. This voluntary network of adults shares a common goal of caring for and supporting each other in ways that enable them to live in their homes and stay engaged in the community for as long as they choose. Village membership will include access to volunteer and affordable services such as transportation, home repairs, social activities and trips. To RSVP or learn more, call 503-644-7417, or email rbarsottic@hotmail.com.
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Every Monday, starting April 27-through October 27, 8-9:45 am, Claremont Golf Course
Join the women of Claremont for golf and fun! All beginners and women are welcome! It is only $63 per season (includes OGA membership). For more information call: Jerrie, Club President (503) 645-7126 or Janice, Club Vice President (503) 913-1240.
Monday, April 27, 7:30-9:30 pm, $6
Would you like to learn fun and easy Israeli folk dances? Join local resident Sue Wendel and friends for one hour of instruction for beginners, followed by one hour of review and open dancing. Its only $6 at the door! For details please visit Portland Israeli Folk Dance News (sites.google.com/site/pifdnews) or email Sue at pifdnews@gmail.com.
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The Willamette Water Supply team is pleased to share the preferred pipeline route, which stretches more than 30 miles from Wilsonville to Hillsboro and Beaverton. The route reflects the criteria established early in the selection process and the insights provided by local government, state and federal agencies, and the public. In particular, the route corridor considers opportunities of planned new or improved roadway construction projects to reduce costs and public inconvenience.
The route remains a work in progress. The next step is to work with each of the affected communities and Washington County to refine engineering and construction planning documents. These in turn will produce reliable cost projections. Once complete, they will develop plans with each community to establish the final route corridors and construction schedules.
The Willamette Water Supply team’s goal is to provide a reliable source of fresh water to Washington County homes and businesses by 2026.
Friday, May 1, 9 am-4:30 pm, Cedar Mill Community Library
The Cedar Mill Community Library is hosting a Smart Driver class powered by AARP. It will be held in the Meeting Room at the Library. There will be a break for lunch. To get more information or to enroll in the class by calling Tom Wilson at 503-286-9688. Cost for the class is $20 and $15 for AARP members.
The Smart Driver course is designed to help you learn research-based safety strategies that can reduce the likelihood of having a crash. Understand the links among the driver, vehicle and road environment, and how this awareness encourages safer behavior. Learn how aging, medications, alcohol and other health-related issues affect driving ability, and ways to adjust to allow for these changes. Increase confidence, know how to drive safely when sharing the road with other road users, learn the newest safety and advanced features in vehicles. Learn when driving may no longer be safe, and explore other ways to travel.
In addition, you may qualify for a discount on your auto insurance by completing this course.
Tuesday, April 14, 7-8:30 pm, The Beaverton History Center, 12412 SW Broadway
Come learn about S.A.R. (Sons of the American Revolution). Grier Ingebretsen will talk about how the organization preserves history by marking compatriot graves. The grave of Compatriot William Cannon is located in St. Paul Oregon. The organization honors outstanding junior and senior ROTC members, and Eagle Scouts. They participate in parades and programs with the American Legion, and schools in the area. Mr. Ingebretsen will give his presentation dressed in uniform, and will also discuss a project in Beaverton’s Blue Star Park at Washington and Watson, between 7th & 9th Street. There is a suggested $2 donation. For more information call 503-430-0106 or email info@historicbeaverton.org.
Tuesday, April 14, 6:30-8:30 pm, Beaverton High School Cafeteria, 13000 SW 2nd St.
The Beaverton School District will host a Candidate Forum. Candidates running for School Board will have the opportunity to give an opening statement, answer questions from the moderator and give a closing statement.
For more information, please contact the Communications & Community Involvement Department at 503-591-4360. Do you have a question for School Board candidates? Send your questions to community_involvement@beaverton.k12.or.us.
The Beaverton School District has announced possible changes to their policies on bussing children for the 2015-16 school year. They are proposing that in places where crossing guards, cross walks and crossing signals allow for safe crossing of streets, that students less than one mile of their schools would walk to school instead of being bussed. BSD has endorsed this policy change as a cost saving measure but also say it is a healthier alternative which reduces pollution and encourages more physical activity among children.
A final decision on the proposed bus route cuts has not yet been made. Public comment will be taken at the beginning of the April school board meeting scheduled on Monday, April 27 at 6:30 pm at Mountainview Middle School. This is likely when a final decision by the school board will be made. All interested parties are asked to make their safety or other concerns known either at the April meeting or by leaving comment before the April meeting. Please contact transpiration manager, Jane Langlois at 503-672-3721 to leave a comment.
First and third Saturday of each month, 10 am-1:30 pm, on SW Fifth Avenue, Beaverton, near the Beaverton City Library
The Beaverton Farmers Market is now open with winter/cool season offerings. The Winter Market will continue through April when the market begins its weekly schedule once again.
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Published monthly by Pioneer Marketing & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291
© 2013