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Volume 15, Issue 4
April 2017


April plant sales and garden events

THPRD Spring Native Plant Sale

Sat., April 29, 10 am-2 pm, Tualatin Hills Nature Center, 15655 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton

The Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District hosts its annual Spring Native Plant Sale. Native plants are a great way for gardeners to create a beautiful backyard habitat. This year, the sale will highlight plants that attract native pollinators such as birds, bees, and butterflies.

Visitors can learn more about how to improve habitat, save water and reduce pesticide use at the sale’s resource fair. Plant experts, THPRD park rangers and a host of community groups will lend their expertise to the event.

Established native plants can flourish with less care, water, fertilizer and pesticide than non-native ornamental plants. More than 100 varieties of trees, shrubs, ground covers and perennials will be available.

A small selection of native plants—including trilliums and other early-blooming wildflowers—are available now at the Nature Center during business hours (8:30 am-5 pm weekdays, 9 am-5 pm on weekends).

Friends of the Tualatin Hills Nature Park sponsor the sale. Proceeds will support environmental education programs and future improvements at the Tualatin Hills Nature Park, a 222-acre wildlife reserve in the heart of Beaverton.

The Tualatin Hills Nature Center hosts education and recreation programs for children, adults and families, including summer camps. For more information about the Native Plant Sale or other THPRD nature programs, call 503-629-6350.

Aloha Garden Club plant sale

Sat., Apr. 29, 9am-2pm, Aloha-Huber Park Elementary School, 5000 SW 173rd St., Beaverton

The Aloha Garden Club meets the second Thursday of every month September through June at 10 am at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 18865 SW Johnson Street, Aloha.

Master Gardeners

Membership is open to anyone who is interested in: Gardening; the study of horticulture, floriculture, landscape design, bird and plant life; protection and conservation of natural resources; promoting scenic beauty and roadside beautification; and promoting involvement in local community projects. Additional information is available on the club’s Facebook page.


Washington County Master Gardeners plant sale

Plant Sale

Sat., Apr. 29, 9 am-2:30 pm, Hillsboro Amory, 848 NW 28th Ave., Hillsboro

Selections include: hardy perennials and annuals, shrubs and berries, herbs, natives, and drought tolerant plants. Master Gardeners will be available to answer your gardening questions. Raffles for an assortment of fun and fanciful prizes will be held.  


Skyline Grange annual native plant, tree sale

Fri.-Sat., Apr. 14-15, 9 am-5 pm, 11275 NW Skyline Blvd.

Over 80 species of native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees from licensed local nurseries will be on sale in the grange’s 12th annual native plant sale. Selections include plants that thrive in sunny, shade, wet or dry locations, control erosion, and are beneficial for birds, bees, and other wildlife. Each species will have an informative display sign.

There will be a selection of bareroot fruit-bearing, shade, and ornamental trees and shrubs, most of which are not true natives, but have been selected to not out-compete our native plants.


Plants may be pre-ordered by 5 pm, Sat., Apr. 8, by emailing

Additional questions or to volunteer, contact Catherine at 503-621-0225 (bareroot stock) or Sen at 503-708-1414 (native plant stock).


Naturescaping workshop at Leedy Grange

Sat., May 13, 9-11 am, Leedy Grange, 835 NW Saltzman Road

PCC learning garden

Looking for a low-maintenance landscape option? Learn how to naturescape your yard through this free workshop put on by the Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District. Naturescaping concepts covered include: Pollution prevention through the reduction or elimination of chemical use; how native plants help create a thriving landscape that’s attractive to native birds, butterflies, and other pollinators; basic site planning principles; native plants; and other gardening tips. Sign up at


Soil school at PCC Rock Creek

PCC bulb shed

Saturday, Apr. 8, 8 am to 4 pm, 17705 NW Springville Road, Portland

Learn about maintaining healthy soil for your garden or small farm during a day-long soil workshop at PCC Rock Creek. James “Dr. Soil” Cassidy, Oregon State University soil instructor, and other garden experts will speak on analysis and testing of soil, invasive weeds, planting for pollinators, irrigation, cover crops, erosion control, permaculture, composting, fungi, pest management and the principles of soil health.

Soil School 2017 is sponsored by West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District, and OSU Extension.

PCC signs

 For more information, call WMSWCD Communications Coordinator Carolyn Lindberg at 503/238-4775, ext. 101 or email at

Register at

Cost is $30 for one; $50 for a couple with breakfast snacks and lunch provided in the fee.


Cedar Mill Community Garden plots available

123rd Ave, just south of the Cedar Mill Bible Church

PCC spring greens

The Cedar Mill Community Garden serves the community by providing plots for local residents to rent for growing their own organic produce. The garden provides not only a productive area to grow vegetables, but also a peaceful, relaxing environment.

The garden is on the property of the Cedar Mill Bible Church. There are 44 raised beds, as well as grape vines, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries for all to enjoy. As well as tending their plots, gardeners work together to help maintain the property, have the opportunity to participate in social gatherings, and to donate their extra produce to the needy.

Several garden plots are currently available.  Plots are 4x8 feet, and rent for $10 for the season. The fee includes water, hoses, mulch, and the use of gardening tools. We welcome new and experienced gardeners. For more information, please contact the garden manager, Joanna Curran, at


Cedar Mill Garden Club

Wed., April 19, Beaverton Activities Center, 12500 SW Allen Blvd., Beaverton

The speaker will be Kristin Van Hoose from Hydrangeas Plus who will have shrubs available. 

The Cedar Mill Garden Club general meetings are free to all plant lovers.  See our Facebook page or the website at for additional information.

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Published monthly by Pioneer Marketing & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291
© 2017