Volume 15, Issue 4 | April 2017 |
Community News
Gain a bus, lose a busThe Beaverton School District approved changes to the transportation plan for the 2017-18 school year that can mean the addition or removal of bus service for students in selected areas. Changes for schools in the Cedar Mill area are: Sunset High SchoolThe 2016 High School Boundary Change moved this area from the Westview High School attendance area. This area is within the 1.5-mile boundary of Sunset High School, but does not meet the current standards for a safe walk to school. West Union lacks sidewalks from NW 147th to NW 143rd, and the volume of traffic on West Union exceeds our guideline for students walking on a street that lacks sidewalks. Stoller Middle SchoolNW Greenwood Dr has been extended and now connects with NW 130th St. The affected area (NW Bannister, NW 126th St, and Red Fox Dr) can all be accessed from NW 130th St. This creates a walkable path with sidewalks between 1.0 and 1.3 miles from school. 2017 Sunset Grad Party needs you!Every year a committee of parents organize a graduation party for all the graduating seniors immediately following the graduation ceremony in June. This event is a drug and alcohol free celebration party for the seniors to kick up their heels and celebrate in style with their fellow classmates. The 2017 Grad Party Team has been planning for this event since June 2016. We have been generating funds via grad party ticket sales, organizing multiple fundraising events, securing grants, and soliciting the local businesses for cash donations in an effort to insure that all seniors will have the opportunity to participate in this tradition. You can Help support the 2017 Sunset Graduation Party by making a cash donation either on the grad party website, or by sending a check to: 2017 Sunset HS Grad Party As part of Sunset PTO, a non-profit organization (tax ID number 93-0868697), your donations can be tax deductible. All donors will be acknowledged and thanked on our website, in the Cedar Mill News and in the letter sent to all senior parents. High schoolers: Get the jump on cyber crime
Cybersecurity is one of today’s hottest technical fields, with some experts forecasting a shortage of up to 1 million trained professionals in the coming years. Cybersecurity careers can be rewarding and high-paying. By participating in PDX Cyber Camp 2017 this summer, Cedar Mill area high school students can receive valuable education that could jumpstart a career in cybersecurity. Now in its second year, PDX Cyber Camp offers hands-on training coupled with talks by local cybersecurity experts. The camp is sponsored by Oregon-based companies including McAfee by Intel Security, Mentor Graphics, Galois, and PacStar. Three camps will be held in the Metro area, all during the week of July 17. Cost is $150 per person, with scholarships available based on need. Enrollment is limited to 25 students per location, so head over to softwarediligence.com/pdxcybercamp today to learn more. The camp is designed for students interested in learning about cybersecurity, but who do not have experience or prior training in this field. Prerequisites for the camp include an interest in computers or a teacher recommendation.
IAP2 Scholarships: Paying It ForwardInternational Association for Public Participation's Cascade Chapter (IAPT2) is offering two $2,500 graduate student scholarships, one to each Portland State University and the University of Oregon for the 2017-2018 academic year. These scholarships intend to support student studies in which public involvement is a critical element of their future professional roles. Students who will become decision-makers or provide the information upon which to make decisions are encouraged to learn best practices and further their skills to engage stakeholders. Applications due Apr. 3, 2017. Portland State University application is available on the Student Financial Resources webpage or email Robin Michell, Assistant Dean of Finance & Administration. University of Oregon application is available via email request to Bob Choquett, Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management.
Bee correctionLast month we included an article about the importance of bees. It inadvertently stated that bees pollinate up to 60% of human food crops. This was a typo, the correct figure is that about 30% rely to some extent on bees. Thanks to an observant reader who pointed out our error!
Sheriff responds to ICE reportOn March 20 the Department of Homeland Security released U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Declined Detainer Outcome Report. The press release states, “This report will be issued weekly to highlight jurisdictions that choose not to cooperate with ICE detainers or requests for notification, therefore potentially endangering Americans.” Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett issued his own press release to comment on the report. He states: The Declined Detainer Outcome Report does not accurately describe the difficulties or potential legal ramifications associated with honoring ICE detainer requests. In Apr. 2014, a judge for the U.S. District Court of Oregon found Clackamas County violated Maria Miranda-Olivares’ constitutional rights (Case No. 3:12-cv-02317-ST). Clackamas County honored an ICE detainer and held Ms. Miranda-Olivares, ultimately costing taxpayers in excess of $100,000. Additionally, any agency that honors an ICE detainer is subject to civil litigation. The Clackamas County court ruling led Washington County, along with every other county in Oregon, to immediately stop honoring ICE detainer requests. Washington County informed ICE officials that it will honor any warrant or court order to detain a person. Washington County will continue to follow the court’s clear guidance that these detainer requests are unconstitutional.
TVF&R hosts Scout Day for Girls and BoysSat., Apr. 8, 10-noon at the South Operating Center, 8445 S.W. Elligsen Road, Wilsonville. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue is hosting Scout Day for Girl and Boy Scouts from across TVF&R’s service area. Scouts will have an opportunity to tour a fire station, learn about firefighting as a career, go through the Fire Safety House, learn about fire safety and escape planning, and explore firefighting gear, fire trucks, and engines. This event is tailored for Scouts in first through fourth grades. Participants will be divided into groups and rotate through several hands-on and interactive stations. Scout leaders and parents will move through the activity stations with their Scouts. We will start promptly at 10 a.m. and encourage groups to arrive 15 minutes early. Those interested in attending the event can register online at www.tvfr.com. For more information about Scout Day, contact Dorene Boger at 503-259-1502 or dorene.boger@tvfr.com.
THPRD NewsLost Park volunteer plantingSat., Apr. 15, 9 am-noon, Lost Park, at the end of NW 111th Avenue, just south of Rainmont Road Volunteers will remove English ivy and Himalayan blackberries from the forested portions of Lost Park. Please bring a reusable water bottle to drink from throughout the project. Tools, snacks and a water cooler will be provided. Lost Park is located in the Cedar Mill area, just northeast of the intersection of NW Cornell Road and 119th Avenue. Please park along neighborhood streets. Cedar Hills Spring Artisan BazaarSaturday, April 15, 9 am-1 pm, Cedar Hills Recreation Center, 11640 SW Park Way The event kicks off at 9 am with the pancake breakfast and artisan bazaar, the latter of which will feature a wide range of local vendors selling metal art, baked goods, and much more (admission is free). The parent and child egg hunt (for ages 1-3 years) starts at 10 am, followed by an 11 am start for ages 4-8 years and a noon kickoff for ages 8-11 years. “This event is our way of connecting to the community and providing a safe, fun and affordable experience for the entire family,” said Lindsay Bjork, recreation center supervisor. The Beaverton Police Department will be in attendance to provide child safety information and more. Beaverton to host Rose Festival Half MarathonSun., May 28, Southridge High School, 9625 SW 125th Ave., Beaverton The 6th Annual Rose Festival Half Marathon will be held in Beaverton this year. The Beaverton race is a continuation of the Portland Rose Festival’s half marathon event, which was previously known as the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon. Hosting the event in the city of Beaverton is possible due in large part to the partnership between the Beaverton School District, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD), and the city. Rose Festival officials are coordinating with the Beaverton Police Department to determine the course route, which will be announced in detail in the coming months. Interested runners can get more information about the race at http://www.rosefestival.org.
Holocaust survivor’s odyssey to be retoldThurs., Apr. 6, 2-3 pm, First United Methodist Church, 12555 SW 4th St, Beaverton. Free In Tapestry of Hope—a Holocaust Story, Debbi Montrose, daughter of Holocaust survivors, shares the story of her mother’s odyssey from her Romanian village to the death camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen, liberation in 1945, and her eventual arrival in Portland. Alice Koppel Kern, was among the first Portland-area survivors to envision what was to become the Oregon Holocaust Memorial in Washington Park. RSVP to 503-746-5082, or VivaVillageEvents@gmail.com. Note: Viva Village will sponsor a docent-led tour of the Oregon Holocaust Memorial in Washington Park on May 11.
April Viva Village eventsAll are free and open to the public. Monthly nature walkSat., Apr. 1, 9 am, Tualatin Hills Nature Park, Oak Creek Trail, 15655 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton. Meet at the Interpretive Center. Information: vivavillage.org; click on Calendar or 503-746-5082. Dine around Beaverton & beyondWed., Apr. 12, 12:30 pm, Ernesto’s Restaurant, 8544 SW Apple Way & Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Portland 97225. RSVP: Frieda, f.pardo58@gmail.com or 510-693-2955. Village 101 presentationSat., Apr. 8, 10-11:30 am, Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton. An information session for prospective members and/or volunteers. Information: VivaVillage101@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Movie discussion group (new)Not Your Negro, Hidden Figures, Moonlight. Thurs., Apr. 20, 10:30 am-12:30 pm. See and choose at least one for discussion. Private home in Triple Creek Neighborhood. RSVP: vivavillagemovies@gmail.com or 971-400-9512. Thursday night socialApr. 20, 6-8 pm. Thai Apsara Restaurant, 11793 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. (On Trader Joe’s side of Beaverton Town Square). RSVP: VivaVillageSocial@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Men’s coffee breakTuesday, Apr. 25, 9:30-10:30 am. Java Lounge, Cedar Mill (corner of NW Cornell and Dale Ave). Information: Contact Ross Miller, 503-713-3563 Trip to Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens: Friday, Apr. 28, 115 S Pekin Road, Woodland, WA 98674. Leaving Beaverton at 9 am. For more information and transportation arrangements: VivaVillageEvents@gmail.com or 503-746-8052.
Learn green living tips through Green Bag Lunch SeriesLearn how to live more sustainably through lunch hour workshops co-hosted by Washington County and the City of Hillsboro. Bring your lunch to the Green Bag Lunch workshops for April: Urban bicycling clinic: Tues., Apr. 4, noon, Hillsboro Civic Center Room 113. Presented by The Street Trust. Learn more about using bicycles to get to work in Washington County. Make your own green cleaners: Thurs., Apr. 13, 1:30 pm, Washington Street Conference Center. Master Recycler and Sustainability Intern, Nancy Nordman, will give a hands-on demo on making non-toxic cleaners. Eat smart, waste less: Thurs., Apr. 20, 9am, Washington Street Conference Center. Isabella Barcelona of Solid Waste & Recycling will talk about ways to plan meals and grocery shop to reduce food waste. Naturescaping 101: Thurs., Apr. 27, noon, Washington Street Conference Center. April Olbrich of the Tualatin River Watershed Council will discuss gardening with native plants, composting, and reducing pesticides. Optional tour of the naturescaped garden may be included. For more information, contact Jennifer Nelson, Washington County Sustainability Program educator, (503) 846-8825, jennifer_nelson@co.washington.or.us. RSVP optional but appreciated.
Indivisible Cedar Mill aims to resist Trump administrationIndivisible, a national group organized to resist the Trump administration using nonviolent methods, has a local chapter in Cedar Mill. The national organization, which began in mid-December 2016, follows tactics originally initiated by the Tea Party against activities of the Donald Trump administration.
The local chapter was launched following the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 21, 2017. Indivisible Cedar Mill (ICM), which has grown to over 100 activists, publishes a weekly resistance letter for its members, and alerts them to opportunities for resisting the Trump administration. In addition, there is a monthly meeting to socialize, review progress, and announce what tasks lie ahead. John Fox and Karyn Servin, both of Terra Linda, serve as ICM organizers. Indivisible Cedar Mill emphasizes that it is an action-oriented group, not a think tank or neighborhood debating society. It exists primarily to oppose the Trump administration, and secondarily to see that Oregon stays blue (Democratic) in 2018. The group has a very narrow focus for action, and resists involvement with other causes that are not directly aligned with ICM’s goals. Instead, ICM urges its members and others, to donate to organizations such as ACLU, Sierra Club, NRDC, Planned Parenthood and others that support causes such as environment, women’s health, civil rights, and immigration. For more information, go to “Indivisible Cedar Mill” on Facebook or visit: indivisiblecedarmill.weebly.com.
Cedar Mill Elementary pancake breakfast
Sat., Apr. 8, 8-11 am, Cedar Mill Elementary School, 10265 NW Cornell Road The annual pancake breakfast hosted and served by the school’s fourth graders raises money for an overnight outdoor camp in May. This year's breakfast marks the last for longtime Principal Brian Horne who is retiring from the district this year. We're hopeful that this community event can help to welcome back some families and alumni and have some surprises set for him.
Local Red Cross blood drives
Volunteer donors are the only source of blood products for those in need of transfusions. Donors of all blood types are needed this spring. Make an appointment to donate blood by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Beaverton4/4/2017: 8:30 am-1:30 pm, DAT Solutions, 8405 SW Nimbus Ave 4/5/2017: 1-7 pm, Beaverton Activities Center, 12500 SW Allen Blvd 4/9/2017: 11 am- 4 pm, Best Buy Washington Square, 8905 SW Cascade Avenue 4/11/2017: 9 am-2 pm, BESThq Beaverton, 12745 SW Beaverdam Rd 4/13/2017: 1:30-7 pm, Village Baptist Church, 330 SW Murray Blvd 4/14/2017: noon-5 pm, Pilgrim Lutheran School, 5650 SW Hall Cedar Mill4/3/2017: 1:30-7 pm, Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road 4/4/2017: 11:30 am-4:30 pm, Sunset Athletic Club, 13939 NW Cornell Rd. 4/10/2017: 1:30-7 pm, Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road
Washington County Forum Apr. speakers, health discussion with Gov. KitzhaberStarting in Apr., the monthly forum will begin meeting at the Golden Valley Restaurant & Brew Pub, 1520 NW Bethany Blvd., Beaverton. But on May 15, former Gov. John Kitzhaber will speak on health care in Oregon, and will look at national health care on May 24 at the Beaverton City Library. Apr. 10: Denny Doyle, mayor of Beaverton, speaking on the State of the City. Apr. 17: Pat Garrett, Washington County sheriff, speaking on law enforcement levy and department updates. Apr. 24: Sarah Armstrong, of the ACLU, speaking on freedom, security and safety. May 1: Jo Ann Hardesty, of the Portland NAACP, speaking on racism in the Portland area--issues and actions. May 15: Gov. John Kitzhaber, speaking on Oregon health care. May 24: at 6:30 pm at the Beaverton City Library the Forum will have a special presentation by Kitzhaber on national health care, past present & future. With the exception of the May 24 event, the forum meets over lunch every Monday, September through June, (except holidays). There is no charge for admission. Doors open at 11:30 am and the speakers start at noon. Lunch is available to order from the menu.
Poetry Month with Beaverton City LibraryIn April Beaverton City Library is celebrating National Poetry Month with the following events for teens and adults: Anyone’s domain poetry workshopThurs., Apr. 6, 6-8:30 p.m. Paulann Petersen will lead a workshop devoted to generating new poems. Using innovative springboards that include notable poems, you'll make an exhilarating plunge into language. All levels of experience, including beginners, are welcome. The only requirement is your willingness to spend a couple of hours writing as part of a supportive community of other writers. Limited to 30 participants. Registration required; register online at BeavertonLibrary.org/Register. List poems contest and teen poetry coffeehouseBeaverton City Library and the Beaverton Library Foundation are holding a contest for teens in grades 6 to 12 to write a list poem—a poem with repetition, made up of a list of things, which may include rhyming. Cash prizes will be awarded to three winners in middle school and high school. Contest guidelines and an entry form will be posted on the teen page of the library website, BeavertonLibrary.org/Teens. Entries are due Sat., Apr. 15 and can be submitted in the Teen Room at the main library, 12375 SW Fifth St, or at the Murray Scholls branch, 11200 SW Murray Scholls Place. Winners will be announced at the Teen Poetry Coffeehouse on Apr. 27 at the Beaverton City Library. Parents, teachers and family members are welcome to stay for the announcement 6-6:15 pm. Only teens in grades 6-12 may be present for coffeehouse snacks and poetry 6:15-7:30 pm. Winning entries will be posted on the teen page of the library website on Fri., Apr. 28. For more information, visit BeavertonLibrary.org/Teens or call 503-350-4001.
PCC Rock Creek’s 40 years on exhibitThe Rock Creek campus’ 40-year history, drawn from PCC publications, old newspapers, and approximately 200 photographs, is on exhibit at the Washington County Museum at Rock Creek. The exhibit will be available through 2017. The museum’s Rock Creek site is at 17677 NW Springville Rd., Portland. Admission is free.
Spring concert series at PCC Rock CreekThe Portland Community College Rock Creek music program presents an exciting series of short concerts/lectures in April and May in the Forum, Building 3, Room 114, at the Rock Creek Campus, 17705 NW Springville Road, Portland. All concerts (except the May 3 concert) will begin at 7:30 pm. The concerts are presented in conjunction with the Music Appreciation class and are free and open to the public. Donations are welcomed. Parking is free in the event center lot behind Building 9. The following are: Wed., Apr. 12: the Lyrical Strings Duo of Lucia Conrad (violin) and Stephen Osserman (guitar), whose music spans the centuries and bridges the continents with original arrangements of classical music gems. In 2015, the duo released their second CD, On an Overgrown Path, which features their original arrangements of classical music from the Czech, Polish and Ukrainian traditions. For more information, go to lyricalstringsduo.com. Wed., Apr. 26: Marilyn Keller, Portland’s First Lady of Jazz and 2016 Jazz Society of Oregon Hall of Fame inductee, brings a special magic to the stage with her charming presence and flawless vocal stylings. Her musical roots are diverse, and she specializes in jazz, gospel, blues and popular music. She completed a tour of Scandinavia in March. For more information, please go to http://www.marilyntkeller.com.
Wed., May 3: Celso Machado, virtuoso Brazilian guitarist, percussionist, multi-instrumentalist and composer, will appear in a special concert as part of PCC Rock Creek’s 40th Anniversary celebrations. This concert is co-sponsored by the Portland Community College Internationalization Steering Committee. The concert begins at 7 pm. A donation of $10 for this concert is appreciated. Machado transports his audiences through the richness and diversity of Brazilian music and beyond. For 40 years Machado has performed on concert stages throughout Brazil, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Canada and the United States. Considered one of the most versatile and exciting musician/composers of Brazilian music today, his gift for making music out of anything and everything around us is his mission in life. While Machado’s music is rooted in Brazilian rhythmic and melodic styles, it also reflects his incurable fascination with other world music traditions. For more information, go to celsomachado.com. Wed., May 17: Piano duo XX Digitus Duo presents a dynamic recital of music from Frank Zappa to Radiohead. Members Momoko Muramatsu and Maria Garcia met while studying at the New England Conservatory in Boston. Muramatsu has appeared internationally as recitalist, concerto soloist and chamber musician. She has won top prizes from international competitions in Brazil, Japan, and Italy. She maintains a private teaching studio in Portland. Garcia began piano studies in her native Puerto Rico at the age of 4, and at the age of 10, she made her debut with the Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra. A recent transplant to Portland, she collaborates locally with Third Angle Ensemble, Bravo Vancouver Orchestra, and baritone Douglas Webster. She has a private teaching studio in Northeast Portland. For more information, please go to: xxdigitusduo.com/. Wed., May 31: Bossa Infinite, a guitar duo of Peter Zisa and Pam Beaty, will present music from Brazil and Cuba. Zisa began his guitar studies at age 10 and played for legendary guitarist Andres Segovia. He is a major figure in the Portland music scene as a guitarist and member of the eclectic ensemble Thousand Waves and as the producer of the annual concert program Season of Lights. Beaty has been teaching guitar at PCC Rock Creek for 13 years and has spent the last several years studying the music of Brazil and studying with the Brazilian choro ensemble Trio Brasileiro. She is a member of the Portland Brazilian music ensemble Choro da Alegria. For more information, please go to: peterzisa.com and eclecticacoustica.com. For more information, please contact Jason Palmer at jason.palmer@pcc.edu, 971-722-7869, or view the music program’s website pagehttp://www.pcc.edu/programs/music/rock-creek/ and Facebook page at facebook.com/pccrcmp.
13th Annual Storytelling Festival Washington County LibrariesThe Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) hosts the 13th Annual Storytelling Festival — Art of the Story Apr. 1-8. This year the festival will feature four professional storytellers: Kevin Locke (Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, South Dakota), Ingrid Nixon (Olympic Peninsula, Washington), Norm Brecke (Portland, Oregon), Brianna Barrett (Portland, Oregon) and four Story Slam contestants: David Alexander, Brian Belefant, Maura Doherty and Janis Collins. Admission is free and all festival performances are designed for the enjoyment of adults. Several shows, where noted, will also welcome children ages 6, 10 or 12 and up. The week-long storytelling extravaganza features 13 storytelling performances and one workshop at the WCCLS member libraries, the Glenn & Viola Walters Cultural Arts Center, Sherwood Center for the Arts, and North Plains Elementary. On Sat., Apr. 1 the festival kicks-off with the third annual festival Story Slam Contest hosted by the Beaverton City Library. Audience members will be invited to cast their vote to determine which Slam teller proceeds to tell at the festival finale showcase of storytellers. On Tues., Apr. 4, the Cedar Mill Library will host Norm Breck l Spaghetti Squids & Zombie Arms (adult program and ages 6+) at 6:30 pm. Saturday, Apr. 8th Kevin Locke, a world famous Native American hoop dancer and storyteller leads a free indigenous flute workshop hosted by the Garden Home Library. Registration is required – contact the Garden Home Library 503-245-9932. Space is limited. Locke provides instruction on creating a flute, breathing techniques and songs. Participants will craft their own indigenous flute to take home. The finale, on Apr. 8, will be held at the Beaverton Arts & Communication Magnet Academy auditorium. The showcase will feature performances by Locke, Nixon, Brecke, Barrett, plus the winner of the Story Slam Contest. A reception precedes the showcase performance offering complimentary beverages and hors d’oeuvres. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. The 13th annual WCCLS Art of the Story Festival is supported in part by grants from the Regional Arts and Culture Council, each of the local Friends of the WCCLS member libraries hosting a festival event, Recology and the Portland Storytellers’ Guild. Generous in-kind services have been provided by Pamplin Media Group, Courtyard by Marriott, the Glenn and Viola Walters Cultural Arts Center, and the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District. Directions to the performance venues and additional festival details are available on the festival webpage wccls.org/festival. The Cedar Mill Library and Bethany branch have fliers. To schedule assistive listening devices or sign language interpreters, call 503-846-3222 no less than three business days prior to a festival event.
Rep. Suzanne Bonamici town hall in PortlandSun., May 7, 11 am, Lincoln High School gym, 1600 SW Salmon St., Portland. Rep. Bonamici represents Oregon’s first district in Congress, including Cedar Mill. She will hold town hall meetings with constituents this spring throughout her district. Rep. Bonamici can be reached on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Her website is bonamici.house.gov.
Washington County Museum April eventsAll events at Washington County Museum, 120 E Main Street, Hillsboro. Sat., Apr. 8, Free Family Morning, 10 am-1 pmTo celebrate World Health Day and combat depression, the museum invites the whole family to engage in physical activities and learn how exercise can reduce anxiety and improve mood. Students from the Health and Science School in Beaverton will host activities to help boost energy and morale. Ongoing exhibit: Ladies of the Valley: Part I (1860 - 1910)This exhibit will be open to the public through Sept. 1. Our long anticipated display features artifacts from our collection. Included are women's clothing and accessories, sewing machines, beautiful photos and paintings of local women, old advertisements and much more. The museum is seeking donations of historic era clothing, particularly from the exhibit’s second period, 1910 to 1950. Ladies of the Valley: Part II (1910-1950) will open Sept. 6. Contact curator, Liza Schade, liza@washingtoncountymuseum.org.
Lake Oswego: from early native Americans to the 1950sTues., Apr. 11, 7 pm, Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton. Free Beaverton Historical Society presents Nancy Niland, executive director of Oswego Heritage Council and Dr. Mark Browne, board director and collections manager will present an abbreviated history of Lake Oswego, Oregon from early Native Americans to the 1950s. Of special interest will be the discussion of the archival project undertaken this past year, as well as the Oswego Heritage Museum. The event is free, but donations are welcome. For more information, email info@historicbeaverton.org or call (503) 430-0106.
Easter events at Christ United Methodist ChurchEvery year leading up to Easter time, the church hosts the following events to which the community is invited: Mon. and Tues., Apr. 10-11, 9 am-9 pm, meditation stations and labyrinth (candlelight walk is Mon., Apr. 10 at 7 pm) Wed., Apr. 12, 6:30 pm, Maundy Thursday love feast and Tenebrae service ($5 suggested donation) Sat, Apr. 15, 10-11:30 am, Family Easter egg hunt and breakfast ($5 suggested donation) Sun., Apr. 16, 9 am and 11 am, Easter worship services. Come early or stay late; breakfast served 10-11 am ($5 suggested donation) For more information contact: communications@cumcpdx.org, 503- 646-1598, Christ United Methodist Church, 12755 NW Dogwood St., Portland.
Cornell Road cleanupSat., May 6, 7-9 am, in front of Coldwell Banker SEAL offices, 12985 NW Cornell Rd. The Cedar Mill Business Association sponsors twice-yearly work parties to gather trash, pull weeds, and prune bushes in the medians and sidewalks of “downtown” Cedar Mill. Area residents over age 14 are invited to join in, since the county can’t afford to maintain plantings that were done in conjunction with road improvements. The work party starts early when traffic is light. Participants will be provided with safety vests and some tools. Please bring gardening gloves and tools if you have them. We can use brooms, rakes, clippers, loppers and hoes. Donuts and coffee will be offered to start the morning off right.
Teddy Roosevelt’s life, legacy to be presentedThurs., Apr. 13, 6:30-8 pm, Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW Fifth St. Free Historian and author Sig Unander will give a multimedia presentation about Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States, who served from 1901 to 1909. Born to wealth and privilege, Roosevelt became an advocate of the working man and populist reformer, taking on big oil, banks, and railroads. A combat leader and proponent of military strength, he also won the Nobel Peace Prize for ending a major conflict in Asia. No registration is required. For more information, visit www.BeavertonLibrary.org or call 503-644-2197.
Bonny Slope Science Fair promises exciting evening for allFriday April 7, 6-8pm, Bonny Slope School Cafeteria, 11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Bonny Slope’s annual Science Fair continues the tradition of both hands-on science inquiry, and an impressive student showcase. This family-friendly event is open to all parents and students as well as you Science Fair geeks out there, and will offer interesting options for all attendees to see, hear, and touch science at work In addition to BSE students displaying and discussing their projects, real live scientists and engineers from the local community will be on site to help inspire students and their families with additional STEM exposure. This year, a pair of beekeepers from BeeThinking will be on-hand to demonstrate what goes into running an apiary. No need to run out for an epi pen-- they're not bringing the bees! An engineer from TV Water District will chat about how they get water from the street to the house.
The Science Fair team has some things that they’re keeping under wraps for now, but let's just say they are not from this planet. Seriously. And to top it all off, the BSD’s Future Bus will be parked outside, displaying Ozobots and doing a family "Make & Take" project inside the bus. Several fifth grade students will be on board to assist younger students in exploring this exciting opportunity. Pizza will available for purchase starting at 5:45pm, so make a night of it with your entire family. Questions can be answered at sciencefair@bonnyslopebsco.org.
Local Girls Shine at State Gymnastics ChampionshipSeveral girls from the Cedar Mill area competed in the 2017 Oregon Women’s Optional State Championship Meet, held at the Oregon Convention Center on March 17-18. This year’s meet saw over 300 gymnasts compete, representing gymnastics clubs from all over the state. This meet marks the end of the qualifying season for Oregon’s top gymnasts who participate in the USAG Junior Olympic Optional program.
USAG women’s gymnastics meets generally span several days. Athletes compete in divisions by level and age. In women’s gymnastics, athletes perform on four events: Vault, Uneven Bars, Balance Beam, and Floor Exercise and are scored by a judge’s panel on a scale of 10. The individual scores from each of these events are then totaled for the gymnast’s All Around score. The top three scores from each team on each event are also totaled for an overall team score at each level. The State Championship meet saw notable performances from local gymnasts representing Multnomah Athletic Club, OMEGA, and Oregon Gymnastics Academy: For information on competitors and scores, visit the MyMeetScores page. At the State Optional meet, top gymnasts in levels 8 and above have the chance to qualify for Regionals. The 2017 Regional meet will be held April 7-9 at Century Link Arena in Boise, Idaho, where the top Oregon gymnasts will compete against gymnasts from Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana and Washington. Congrats ladies!
Beaverton Night Market Now Accepting Applications for Food, Arts, and Craft VendorsThe city of Beaverton is now accepting applications for food, arts, and craft vendors for the annual Beaverton Night Market events. Vendors that represent cultures from around the world are encouraged to apply for a booth space at the event. The Beaverton Night Market presents a multicultural evening of international food and craft vendors, as well as cultural performances, on two nights: Saturday, July 22 and Saturday, Aug. 12, 5-10 pm. The market, which has doubled in size since its beginning in 2015, is hosted by the city’s Diversity Advisory Board (DAB) and will be held at The Round, 12725 SW Millikan Way, just off the Beaverton Central MAX stop. The night market is a vibrant, intercultural event reminiscent of night markets experienced internationally. Exhibitors from many regions of the world represented in Beaverton will share handmade crafts and goods from their cultures. Applications are available now and will be accepted until Friday, May 19, at 5 p.m. For more information or to apply, visit www.BeavertonOregon.gov/NightMarket. Vendors will be chosen by a selection committee and notified of their selection by Friday, June 2. Vendor selection criteria include the following: Beaverton-area businesses, unique cultural products, previous market experience/preparation, and compatibility of business proposal with market mission.
Democratic Party of Washington County monthly meetingWed. April 26: Social Time: 6:30 p.m. Meeting Time: 7-9 pm, PCC Willow Creek Center, 241 SW Edgeway Drive, Beaverton, Room 103 (Entrance at southwest corner of bldg. across from Park & Ride lot and MAX Station). Meet your representatives, elected officials, candidates for office, and political appointees; vote on platform resolutions; join a committee, become a Precinct Committee Person or Neighborhood Leader. For more information: www.washcodems.org or (503) 626-7018.
Israeli folk dancing at Leedy GrangeMondays, April 3 & 17, 6:30-9 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd., $6 at the door, Learn and enjoy Israeli folk dances brought to you by Sue and Friends, on the first and third Mondays of each month! No experience necessary. 6:30 to 7 pm - Beginners class. 7-9 pm – easy and intermediate level dances. For details please visit Portland Israeli Folk Dance News at sites.google.com/site/pifdnews, or email Sue at pifdnews@gmail.com.
Senior Brain FitnessA program to enhance brain function and mental abilities. Get your brain loose and limber with fun brain training games and exercises lead by Certified Brain Fitness Trainer Sue Carres. Join the FUN!!! Two classes available at the Elsie Stuhr Senior Center (Age: 55+), 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton. Register Now: (Call or visit website) 503-629-6342, www.thprd.org. Can also drop in using the THPRD Deluxe Pass. Music, Art & Brain FitnessTuesdays & Thursdays, April 4-June 15, 1-2 pm, Ages 55+ Experience mental exercise with a dash of rhythm and music to make it fun. This program helps improve memory, executive processing, problem solving, visualization and focus. We will cover the latest research in neurogenesis and plasticity and what that means for you. Brain Fitness Cognitive ChallengeTuesdays & Thursdays, April 4-June 15, 2-3 pm, Ages 55+ Mental exercise for the cognitive challenged: early dementia and Alzheimers, post-stroke, or brain injury. Music, rhythm, and art contribute to the application of brain fitness exercises. May require a caregiver attending. |
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