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Volume 16, Issue 4
April 2018


Spring plant sales

Skyline Grange’s 13th Annual Tree & Native Plant Sale

Friday-Saturday, April 6 & 7, 9 am 5 pm, Skyline Grange, 11275 NW Skyline Blvd., (1.6 miles east of NW Cornelius Pass Rd & 2.4 miles west of NW Germantown Rd.)

Resources, information, & handouts. Lists of native plants benefiting pollinating insects, bees, hummingbirds/birds, erosion control, sunny locations, shady locations. Handouts of care of bareroot trees, proper planting techniques. Display of noxious weeds and other weeds of concern. Friday staffed by WMSWCD.

Native plants, like this pink-flowering currant, feed native birds

All stock from licensed local nurseries. Quality and quantity at good prices. Grange has Temporary Nursery Sale license from Oregon Dept. of Agriculture.

Over 95 species of native wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Each species has an informative display sign. They thrive in local conditions.

Good selection of bare-root fruit-bearing, shade, flowering, & ornamental trees, & ornamental shrubs. Lots of apples, filberts, cherries of course, combination fruit trees, maples, smoke trees, weeping trees, lilacs, red & yellow twigged dogwoods, and more.

No cane berries this year.

Restrooms accessible only by stairs. Warm beverages & baked goods fresh from the oven. Rain… yes, but who cares! Plants love the wet.

Portland Audubon plant sale

Saturday-Sunday, April 21-22, 10 am - 4 pm, Audubon Society, 5151 NW Cornell Road,

Native Plants for Native Birds: Spring is sprouting and blooming at the Audubon Native Plant Sale! All gardeners are welcome – we are eager to help you celebrate the growing season.

More than 100 species of Oregon wildflowers, shrubs and trees will be available to enhance your yard, woodland or stream bank. Special shopping lists will be available for shade, sun, butterflies and hummingbirds. Plant experts will also be on hand to answer questions and talk about topics like: why native plants benefit habitat; how to design a native plant area; planting and care of native plants.

These events are free and open to the public. All proceeds benefit Portland Audubon programs such as nature education, wildlife sanctuaries, and wildlife rehabilitation.

Information: http://audubonportland.org/sanctuaries/plant-sale.

THPRD Spring Native Plant Sale

Saturday, April 28, 10-2, Tualatin Hills Nature Center, 15655 SW Millikan Way

Shop for native plants (proceeds benefit the Nature Center) and get advice from staff and volunteers. “Even though native plants are adapted to our climate and soils, they still need some care when planted to give them the best chances of success,” said Karen Munday, program coordinator at the Tualatin Hills Nature Center. “Come talk with our staff and volunteers to pick the right plant for the right spot in your garden. Plus you can browse information from local organizations to learn more about what you can do to augment your soil, save water and reduce pesticides in your garden.”

Information: http://www.thprd.org/events/detail/spring-native-plant-sale.

Aloha Garden Club Plant & Garden Art Sale

The Aloha Garden Club sale is held in a covered area
The Aloha Garden Club sale is held in a covered area.

Saturday, April 28, 9 am-2pm, Aloha Huber Park Elementary School, (on the covered playground), 5000 SW 173rd Avenue, Aloha, just off Farmington Road.

Thousands of plants at great prices, this is always a very popular and well-known plant sale. All proceeds are returned to Washington County in the form of Grants and Scholarships. Debit and credit cards accepted.

No veggies, but perennial flowers, hostas, ferns, ground covers, sedums, shrubs, and a few trees.

Information: https://alohagardenclub.weebly.com/plant-sale.html.

Washington County Master Gardeners plant sale 

Saturday, April 28, 8:30 am–2:30 pm, Hillsboro US Natl. Guard Armory, 848 NE 28th Ave., Hillsboro

 You’ll find hardy perennials, shrubs, berries, natives and even some annual bedding plants, all at great prices, at the WCMGA Annual Plant Sale. Master Gardeners will be on-site to answer your gardening questions. Feeling lucky? Buy a raffle ticket and take your chances on lots of fun prizes. 

Information: washingtoncountymastergardeners.org/plant-sale/.

Five Oaks Garden Club Plant Sale

Saturday, May 20, 9 am-4 pm, 1209 Northwest Cornell, Hillsboro

Vegetables, ornamentals and sound advice.

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Published monthly by Cedar Mill News LLC
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291
© 2018