Cedar Mill Business News May 2013
CMBA meeting
Cathey Armillas, a non-traditional marketing strategist, will speak at the next monthly (free!) lunch meeting of the Cedar Mill Business Association on May 14.
Marketing is about getting people to love you. That’s what it comes down to. Love. Love for you, your ideas, your products, your services, your organization or anything you are trying to market. No matter what it is, you have to know the rules. The Unbreakable Rules of Marketing are the rules on how to get that love.
The luncheon will be held at Cedar Mill Bible Church at 12208 NW Cornell Road, 11:45-1:30pm. From 1-1:30 participants will be free to network. Visit cedarmillbiz.com for more information about the CMBA.
Bales offers more healthy choices
The meat department is now offering grass-fed beef from Painted Hills. If you like buying locally-grown products and don’t want to give up your hamburgers and steaks, here’s an easy-to-find option!
The new Wellness Center continues to add natural products, including many from local suppliers. Angie Shuler is the manager, and is available to help customers choose the right products and answer questions during most afternoons. She is currently splitting her time between the Wellness Center and the produce area, so if you don’t see her you can find her with the lettuce!
She’s making an effort to bring in plenty of informative literature about the products she carries, from natural skin treatments from Healing Tree to the Natural Vitality line of bio-available mineral supplements. She’s also providing tester samples for many of the lines she carries. Also in the department: baby care and diapers, skin care tools like sponges and brushes, and fresh juices and other fresh items in the refrigerated case.
Nutrition Specialist at West Hills Chiropractic
Shelly van Dresser, NTP, CGP has joined the team at West Hills Chiropractic Clinic. West Hills Chiropractic Clinic is 1070 NW Murray Blvd, near the corner of Murray and Cornell. She sees clients on Tuesdays and Fridays. Call the clinic at 503-644-5100 to make an appointment. Shelly can be reached at Shelly.NTP@gmail.com.
Shelly is a Nutritional Therapist and Certified GAPS Practitioner concentrating on whole family health. She specializes in helping children with ADHD, asthma, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and allergies, but works with a wide array of clients. She is passionate about eating nutrient-dense, properly prepared foods. Shelly helps clients with menu planning, elimination diets, weight loss, and blood sugar and digestive issues.
Local Business? Local Printer.
"The UPS Store franchisees are small business owners who have skin in the game," says Tim Kimble, owner of The UPS Store. “We're passionate about the UPS brand and serve as trusted advisors to small business owners.”
Many small businesses indicate they don't have sufficient resources available to them, which is why UPS has continually enhanced and expanded our service offering to include a variety of shipping, printing, mailbox, marketing, and logistics services.
Print promotional materials: From paper-on-glass banners, brochures, menus and many other products.
Print from your phone: HP® ePrint is a mobile print solution that allows customers to tap into the power of cloud services for printing on the go.
Print from home: Use The UPS Store online printing to upload and submit documents online to get professional-looking results.
Every customer, every door: The UPS Store coordinates with the U.S. Postal Service® to provide Every Door Direct Mail Retail®, a targeted, direct mail service that allows small businesses to market to specific zip codes and neighborhoods.
The UPS Store located at 10940 SW Barnes Rd. in Peterkort Towne Square is open Monday thru Friday 9 am to 7 pm and 9 am to 5 pm on Saturdays. For more information, call 503-646-9999. http://www.theupsstorelocal.com/3379
Virtue of the Month: Flexibility
Flexibility is being open to change. You consider others’ ideas and feelings and don’t insist on your own way.
Flexibility gives you creative, new ways to get things done. You get rid of bad habits and learn new ones.
Flexibility helps you to keep changing for the better.
You are practicing flexibility when you… learn from your mistakes, are willing to change bad habits, try imaginative new ways to do things, are open to the ideas and feelings of others, can adjust when something unexpected happens, go with the flow and trust the unexpected.
Affirmation: I am flexible. I keep changing for the better. I use my creativity. I welcome surprises. –From Embrace Virtues Cards, http://embracevirtues.com/virtue-of-the-month
Virtues Connection Portland will be at the Cedar Hills Farmer’s Market Opening on Mother’s Day weekend: Saturday, May 11, 8-10 am. Special Embrace Virtues Cards are now available!
Village Gallery News
The Fourth Annual Art Challenge show and sale will run May 7-31. This year, 104 artists of all ages have painted, sculpted, and created four 6-inch square canvases into amazing pieces of artwork which will be displayed at the gallery during the month of May, resulting in an eye-catching array of over 400 works of art. The spontaneity, variety and quality of this show brings artists and patrons back year after year. All pieces will be priced from $25-$50. Proceeds will help the gallery update its hanging system. Also available for sale will be wearable works of art created by over twenty jewelry artists, who have been given square jewelry blanks as their “canvases” to complete and contribute to the Art Challenge. Come view the show during normal gallery hours. A reception will be held on Saturday, May 11, 10-4.
Gallery member Liz Walker’s painting "On The Rocks With A Twist" was accepted into the 73rd Northwest Watercolor Society International exhibition. The show runs April 15-May 31, 2013 at the Mercer View Gallery, 8236 SE 24th St, Mercer Island, WA 98040. Reception and Awards Ceremony is April 25, 6-8pm.
Classes this month:
Linda Rothchild Ollis - Acrylics for Brilliant Transparent Paintings
Kristi Roberts - Children’s Art Classes (www.kristisfineart.com)
Nancy Cuevas - Beginning Drawing, Beginning Oil Painting, Figure Drawing
Group with Live Model, Printmaking Group (www.nancycuevas.com)
Emma Achleithner - Traditional Watercolor
For more info, call the Gallery at (503)644-8001 or visit their website www.villagegalleryarts.org for additional information about membership, classes and special events. Or visit the gallery at12505 NW Cornell Road, next to the Cedar Mill Library. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10- 4 pm; Sunday 12-4 pm.
Senior Move Managers
Beth Giles, Professional Organizer and Senior Move Manager with NW Organizing Solutions, is celebrating National Senior Move Managers Week, May 12-18, 2013. As a Senior Move Manager, Beth assists adults and their families both with downsizing to remain in their current home, as well as the entire process of moving to a new residence. Senior Move Managers specialize in helping their clients with the emotional and physical aspects of sorting through a lifetime of memories in the transition process.
“Most older adults making a transition have been in their homes for 30, 40 or 50 years and need to downsize considerably,” said Beth. “The organizational and physical tasks—whether you are moving or downsizing to stay in the home—can be overwhelming. We work to reduce the stress that can accompany these transitions. Family and friends often want to help, but there may be barriers. Adult children may be sandwiched between their parents, their careers, and their own family obligations. For family members living far away, the barriers are often geographic. Some seniors have no surviving children, or their children are seniors themselves. If illness or death precipitates the transition, the family may already be drained both emotionally and physically. Senior Move Management has emerged to fill the gaps and to make downsizing easier for everyone involved.”
NW Organizing Solutions is a member of NASMM and serves seniors and their families in the Portland Metro area. For more information contact Beth at 503-709-0791, Beth@NWOrganizingSolutions.com or www.NWOrganizingSolutions.com
Go West at the Grange Hall
Country-Western dancing is coming on Friday nights to the Leedy Grange at 835 NW Saltzman. Join Impressions Dance Club for Texas Twostep, Country Waltz, West Coast Swing, Line and Pattern Dance lessons. Classes start May 17. Check their schedule at www.ImpressionsDanceClub.net.
You can also still join them for their open Community Dances at Leedy Grange every second and fourth Saturday at 7:00pm. Contact Michael and Cynthia Parent at 971-226-1119 or email DanceTeachers@aol.com.
Neighborhood Nights at the Wine Cellar
Looking for the right place for your Bunko! group, book club, PTA meeting, or neighborhood moms to gather? The Wine Cellar has you covered! Now groups of 10-35 can reserve one of our two private rooms with no rental fees on Wednesday or Thursday nights. This comfortable and lovely venue is a great neighborhood destination for your group to meet. All they ask is that this is not a for-profit business gathering, and that your guests are age 21 or over and plan to spend a minimum of $10 each on food and beverage. And with a shop full of local and international wines, as well as gourmet foods, it's easy to do. Visit them at: portlandwinecellar.com for more information. Cheers!
New website offers more for the local yoga community
Sunset Yoga Center recently launched a redesigned website (sunsetyoga.com) that features a responsive design that adapts to the smaller screens on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Boasting a brighter color palette, the updated site also includes a new calendar that lets visitors view the class schedule by day, month or class level.
Yoga fans can also expect more blogging about yoga topics, along with features written by Sunset Yoga Center instructors and students.
Sunset Presbyterian News
Sunset Presbyterian Church is busy planning another fun Kids Camp with Mr. J and his band! This year’s theme is “The King Has Lost His Rhyme,” a whimsical story of a king who decided that he wants to be the “King Most High.” In the process he loses his ability to rhyme and speak with the real King-Most-High. Campers will sweep through the book of Psalms and learn what it means to worship the King Most High. Kids Camp is open to all kids 4 years (by Sept 1, 2013) to 5th Graders (Fall 2013). Preschool: 9:10-11:50 am, Elementary: 9 am – Noon. Register for Kids Camp at: kidscamp.sunsetpres.org. Some scholarships are available if needed.
Sunset Presbyterian Church invites you to travel with Pastor Ake Lundberg this Fall, September 29 – October 6 on his tour called Autumn in New England. Enjoy eight days of gorgeous scenic landscapes, quality lodging and all tours included. Contact Ake or Karen at 503-292-9293 or email: karencarroll@sunsetpres.org. Reservations need to be made by May 29.
And if you are unable to attend church on Sundays, Sunset Presbyterian Church has a new service called Last Wednesday. It begins with a light lunch at 11:45 am. The service begins at 12:15 and is finished promptly at 12:45, so it is perfect for busy business owners and employees who find it hard to come to worship. Our next Last Wednesday is on May 29. Everyone, all faiths, and no faith, are welcome.
Fun at the Greek
Owner Irene Pavlatos has been busy organizing a weekly schedule of grown-up games and activities at the Greek Village Tavern, just south of Highway 26 on Murray.
Trivia Mondays begin May 13, with prizes for winners. Games begin at 7 pm. Tuesday evenings bring Bobble Ball, a hilarious game on pool tables with egg-shaped balls. Thursday evenings at 7:30, and Saturday afternoons at 2:30, are pool tournament times—round balls for those!
Friday and Saturday evenings at 9 pm you’ll find your favorite DJs and KJs (Karaoke Jockeys) to keep the place hopping. Sundays you can join a Texas Hold’em game at 2, 4 and 6 pm.
Drink specials during Happy Hour daily from 3-7, plus the Happy Hour menu daily from 4-7 pm. And stop in for lunch—they have a great selection of burgers and other hot and cold sandwiches at very reasonable prices. Find them on Facebook for spur-of-the-moment deals and news.
A Child’s Way to Celebrate
A Child’s Way Kindergarten-Preschool is celebrating 30 years serving young children and families on Saturday, May 11 from 10:30-1 pm. There will be a “Fun Walk / Run” with musical entertainment donated by 1-Wire. A birthday cake will be served with ice cream donated by Umpqua Bank. Pizza will be available for purchase and served out of the mobile Bellagio’s Pizza kitchen. Alumni and currently enrolled families will join the activities that include an obstacle course and chalk drawing. Alumni of all ages are encouraged to attend the festivities.
The NAEYC-accredited school has been based in the Christ United Methodist Church, 12755 N.W. Dogwood St., in Cedar Mill area for 19 years. In the 30 years since four women founded the non-profit kindergarten-preschool it has had several homes including the old Cedar Hills Elementary, Ridgewood Elementary, Cedar Hills Recreation Center and more. The founding four women include Sarah Harris, Elaine Winans, Laura Eaton, and Arlene Robinson. Sarah Harris continues to co-direct the school in its thirtieth year.
A Child’s Way Kindergarten-Preschool continues to grow Community by providing a nurturing, quality early childhood experience for young children and their families. Enrollment includes children age two (Parent-Child class) through kindergarten. For more information about the school and openings for 2013-2014 call the Child’s Way office at 503-644-8407 or achildsway@gmail.com.
Art and Craft in the Spring
Oregon College of Art and Craft is having their Spring Studio Sale on Saturday May 18-19, 10 am-4 pm. Buy local and support emerging artists in ceramics, metals, fibers, and book arts. Peruse the functional, inventive, and sculptural work created by OCAC students and alumni. The event will be held at Oregon College of Art and Craft, 8245 SW Barnes Rd.
Extended Hours at Cedar Mill Liquor
Cedar Mill Liquor has increased their hours. They are opening an hour earlier Monday through Saturday and are staying open an hour later Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Their hours are: Monday to Thursday, 10-8 pm; Friday and Saturday 10-10 pm; Sunday 11-6 pm.