Volume 17, Issue 5 | May 2019 |
Business News
Sign up for Love Farm CSAA CSA (Consumer Supported Agriculture) is a business model where the member pays the farmer in advance for a whole season of fresh, locally-grown produce. You pick up your box of produce each week during the season, at a local drop site. You can choose a Standard Share for 2-3 people, or a Double Share for 5-6 people who cook at home frequently. You can choose to pay in full at the beginning of the season or split your payment into two or three installments. Love Farm has been providing delicious, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables since 2005, gradually expanding their offerings and pickup locations to serve their growing membership. We wrote about Love Farm in March 2017. They provide a wonderful variety of vegetables, from greens to beans and squash, and berries in season. If you want to get some of that goodness for your own family, there’s a convenient pickup location on 119th, and the first day to pick up your produce will be Thursday, June 6. Other pickup locations are available that might be closer to where you work. Learn more on the Love Farm website. Sign-up is easy on-line or you can mail a check. Just click on the Join page, and select the Bonny Slope location, or whichever location is most convenient to you.
Marion Acres Farm TourSaturday, May 11, 10 am, Marion Acres Farm, 23137 NW West Union Rd, Hillsboro We're kicking off our monthly "Second Saturday" Farm Tours! Bring your own mug and we'll provide the hot coffee and a morning treat. Come see the entire farm with us as owners Geoff & John take you on a guided tour to meet all the animals. We will talk in depth about our sustainability, processing, methods, and plans. You'll get to see the entire "farm-to-table" process from chick, to pasture, to processing, to packaging. We'll visit all the animals and see how they play a major role in the sustainable cycle on the farm. Cows, pigs, laying hens, broilers, chicks, turkeys in the fall, the brooder, the processing facility and more! Register at www.MarionAcres.com. Village Gallery of ArtsVillage Gallery is a non-profit, educational art gallery in operation since 1963, located next to the Cedar Mill Library at 12505 NW Cornell Road. Gallery hours are Monday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm, Sunday, 12- 4 pm. Learn more and see the complete class schedule at www.villagegalleryarts.org or call 503-644-8001. May Show ReceptionSunday, May 19, 2-4 pm, free Join us for refreshments and meet our Featured Artists. Take in the show and remember to cast a vote for your favorite artwork for the People's Choice award! Date changed because of Mother’s Day. Featured Artists: students from West Sylvan Middle School; Featured Fine Crafter: Debbie Beeman; Susan Pfahl, Big Beautiful Painting APRIL was our VGA Awards Show. Our juror Elizabeth Higgins awarded the following artists for their standout submissions:
First Place: April Xu, “The Girl in the Red Sweater;” Second Place: Liz Walker, “Making Her Entrance;” Third Place: Janice Payne Holmes, “Mountain Memories” A big thank you to Blick Art Supplies for providing gift certificates for our Award Show winners! Classes and workshopsPlease see our website for complete class and instructor information at www.villagegalleryarts.org. To register, visit or call the Gallery at 503-644-8001. Debbie Teeter ~ Children’s Art ClassesThursdays, May 2, 9, 16 & 23 OR May 30, June 6 & 13, 3:45-4:45, ages 7-11 yr Come join an exciting class, learn a variety of art forms, and find out what you enjoy. I will develop your child’s art ability and provide them an opportunity to build their skills while exploring different media and approaches. Leslie Boyce ~ Watercolor 101Tuesdays, May 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18 & 25, 12-3 For beginners and those who want to feed their creative muse! This is the perfect class for you to get started on your watercolor journey or brush up on your skills. Our classes will be structured, fun and easy to follow, focusing on materials, basic technique, value, paint-to-water ratio, color mixing, identifying your watercolor style, underpainting, glazing and basic composition, and building a solid foundation of basic watercolor skills. Students will receive individual instruction and feedback. Brooke Walker-Knoblich ~ Painting with BrookeThursdays, May 23 & 30, 10-1 This class will be a general themed oil painting class, so students can bring in any subject matter they choose. Brooke will demonstrate in the first hour, leaving time for students to integrate techniques into their own work. Each class also includes a small group critique at the end. Painters using oils of all skill levels are welcome. Mary Burgess ~ Watercolor: Painting White and Black Animals using ColorWednesdays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and June 5, 9:30 am– 12:30 pm or 6-9 pm In this six week session, we will explore techniques for painting white and black animals using rich color. Learn pigment combinations to create warm, cool and colorful darks and lights. As we paint dogs, cats, crows, goats or other critters, we will concentrate on achieving vibrant highlights and shadows. Capture a likeness, while keeping your painting fresh and lively. Some watercolor experience helpful. Jo Reimer ~ Collage Workshop—Playing with StencilsMonday, May 20 or June 17, 9 am–1 pm Whether a collage novice or more experienced, you’ll find something useful as you play with collage and stencils. Add interest to your watercolor and acrylic paintings, or build a collage using stencils on paper to add layers of pattern to your work. Demos and plenty of time to play will inspire your creativity. Spring Spa Day at PharmacaSaturday, May 11, 1-5, Pharmaca, 240 NW Lost Springs Terrace, free
Meet with experts from some of our favorite brands. Enjoy a mini-facial & personalized skin care consultations. Take home product samples & great gifts with purchase from evanhealy, jane iredale and Jurlique. Enter to win raffle prizes & and save 20% on your entire purchase! Mini-facials require a $10 service fee; participants receive a $10 gift coupon. Discount excludes pharmacy items. Other limitations apply. See store for details. Contact Patrick Healey at 503-596-3552 for more information. Sanitas Mini-facialsFriday, May 17, 11-3, free Grab your best friend and come in for a mini-facial featuring Sanitas. Call to reserve your spot! Mini-facials require a $10 service fee, and you receive a $10 off coupon valid on event day. Touchmark events open to the publicThe public is invited to the following events at Touchmark in the West Hills. There is no charge for any of these events, but seating may be limited. To RSVP, call 503-954-1640. Touchmark is located at 840 SW Touchmark Way, adjacent to Southwest Barnes and Leahy roads. Stars Invisible by Day: Fascinating Truths about Creativity and the Older BrainMonday, May 6, 2:30 pm Portland-based social gerontologist and community educator Jeanette Leardi will lead this stimulating and engaging 90-minute presentation. Attendees are encouraged to take notes. Lunch & Learn: Cellutions Regenerative MedicineThursday, May 9, 11 am Dr. Jeffrey Tunick will talk about stem cell treatments and how stem cell therapies work to reduce inflammation, decrease pain and regenerate healthy cells to return people to a healthy state. Culinary Passport: UkraineFriday, May 17, 11:30 am Are you or someone you care about interested in exploring assisted living? Join us as we experience traditional Ukrainian fare and culture during our culinary travels to Ukraine.
Touchmark Health & Fitness ClubThe Touchmark Health & Fitness Club is open to those 50-plus. For more information about class schedules, rates, etc., please call 503-542-1999. Spring classes and offerings include:
The best place for your valuable documents and heirloomsSafe deposit boxes are a smart way to save your important documents and heirlooms. If you’re considering renting a safe deposit box to keep your valuables or important documents, here are a few things to consider. It’s important to make sure you can access your safe deposit box for things you may need to get before a trip or on a moment’s notice. Items that take a longer time to replace such as a birth certificate or family records definitely belong in a safe deposit box. Make sure you remember to add family members to your safe deposit box access—if you’re out of town and someone in your immediate family needs to gain access to a document that is stored in the box, the financial institution needs to know that your significant other or children are allowed to view or remove items. Here’s a short list of things to keep in your safe deposit box:
If you’re interested in a safe deposit box, call 503-643-1335, or stop by Sunset Credit Union at 1100 NW Murray Blvd., #200.
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