June Business News
Dinihanian’s Farm Store now open
Get fresh locally-grown veggies and more every day right here in Cedar Mill, at Dinihanian’s Farm Market located on the farm at 15005 NW Cornell, just east of the Oak Hills subdivision. “Almost everything we have in the store now was grown right here,” says Lillian Logan, one of the owners of the farm and the associated CSA “farm-share” program, Your CSA. “We opened last week, and we have strawberries, lettuce, peapods, bok choy, Swiss chard, collard greens, vegetable starts, farm-fresh eggs, local honey, and lots more. Blueberries will be ripe soon.”
They do offer weekly baskets through the CSA, but if you’re not ready to commit to that, you can still get your fresh local produce at the Farm Store daily from 10-6. Enter the driveway on Cornell, drive through the holly trees, hang a right and continue down the driveway north of the farm, and head for the store adjacent to the loading docks. Call them at 503-432-6235 or visit yourcsa.com for more information.
CMBA June meeting
On Tuesday, June 11, “insurance coaches” Jennifer Allain and Adrienne Hutchins will discuss Oregon and the Health Insurance Exchange at the CMBA luncheon event, from 11:45-1:30. What do we need to know as small business owners? How do we sift through it all? How can we prepare for the changes? A Q&A will be part of their presentation, so bring your questions.
The Cedar Mill Business Association meets at the chapel at the Cedar Mill Bible Church at 12208 NW Cornell Road. For more information on CMBA membership, events, and more, visit cedarmillbiz.com/.
Summer Classes at Curious Farm
Learn to make crunchy, healthful, live-cultured pickles and sauerkraut this summer! “The Pacific Northwest’s bounty is glorious and ripe for pickling!” says Cathy Smith, owner of Curious Farm, a suburban farm in NW Portland. A maker of delicious old-fashioned brined pickles, sauerkrauts, kimchi and other live-cultured foods, she will offer classes this summer to teach people how to ferment vegetables into crunchy and probiotic-rich pickles and sauerkraut.
“It is a joy to celebrate the seasons by making live-cultured foods, and I love teaching people how to use ancient, safe, natural processes to transform vegetables into tangy, crunchy wonders. In classes at Curious Farm, students learn that—when fermented—a turnip becomes the life of the party. They learn that, as they’re growing in the field, cabbages dream of becoming sauerkraut one day…The Pickle Lab smells delicious with dill, garlic, ginger, and vegetables. This is very fun work. The classes are perfect for gardeners, cooks, cocktail enthusiasts, and anyone missing the fresh crunch of a real pickle or the satisfying richness of old-fashioned sauerkraut.”
Classes at Curious Farm are small, lively and empowering. They include a wide array of fresh, organic ingredients and equipment for making two different half-gallon recipes that students develop in class, with their family’s tastes in mind. Cathy Smith’s goal is to give students the equipment, knowledge and confidence necessary to continue fermenting sauerkraut and pickles long after the class ends.
All classes are taught at Curious Farm in Cedar Mill. Pre-registration is required—classes fill up quickly. To register, email Cathy, cathy@curiousfarm.com or call Curious Farm at 971-248-0717. For more information about Curious Farm classes go to curiousfarm.com/classes.
Bleachers has new owners
Terry McGowan and his sister Patti Lassel owned Bleachers Bar & Grill for 23 years. They recently sold the business to Ben Gilmer and Toby Harris. McGowan and Lassel will continue to operate their other two bars, The Club House in SW Portland, and The Seven Corners Bar & Grill in SE Portland. “It’s very sad to be leaving after so long. We still live in the area,” says Patti, “so we’ll be around.”
Gilmer and Harris own and operate Fryer Tucks and The Cider Mill on SW Capitol Highway. They’ll be bringing their great “broasted” fried chicken to Bleachers, along with a new staff, friendly attitude, and plenty of sports.
They’ve been working hard to renovate the interior, removing old carpeting, cleaning and reorganizing the space. They were only closed for 48 hours, but they’re not quite done yet, so mind the ladders!
Bleachers is located at 575 NW Saltzman Rd., in the “triangle” center behind Si Señor Mexican Restaurant. They’re open 9 am to 2 am daily.
Gardens of Eatin': Advanced Vegetable Gardening
Ready to take your veggie gardening to the next level? On Sunday, June 16, Cornell Farm Garden Store is hosting an advanced vegetable gardening workshop with Glen Andreson from 1-2 pm.
Learn how to plan for year-round harvests with careful crop choices, vertical gardening and techniques to stretch the growing season. Explore the principles of nontoxic weed and pest management to boost your harvests and reduce the amount of time and money needed for a healthy, productive garden.
Cornell Farm, located at 8212 SW Barnes Rd., is open daily from 9 to 6. For more information call 503-292-9895.
For your inner Mixologist
Cedar Mill Liquor and Cigar carries a wide selection of mixers and related items. Until recently, Angostura Bitters (formulated in 1824 as a cure for seasickness) dominated the market for bitters. With the current trend in custom cocktails, professional ‘mixologists’ and weekend bartenders alike are putting their signature on libations with new variations on this 189-year-old digestif.
Cedar Mill Liquor and Cigar carries a variety of brands and flavors including; Whiskey Aged, Cranberry, Grapefruit, Lemon, Mint, Old Fashioned, Orange, Peach, Rhubarb, Black Walnut, Celery, Cherry, and Chocolate. You can find the shop at 13528 NW Cornell Road, and online at cedarmillliquor.com
Virtue of the month: Wonder
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science” –Albert Einstein
Wonder is being open to the beauty and mysteries of life. It is our soul’s appreciation for what is precious and inspiring. When we look at the grandeur of nature, fully present to the moment, it can move us deeply. When we live reflectively, we delight in the signs and wonders that appear in our lives… Wonder makes our lives simply wonderful.
The Practice of Wonder: I take time to contemplate beauty. I am inspired by life’s mysteries. I am present in the moment. I am mindful of signs and wonders. I appreciate life’s synchronicities. I believe that my life is meaningful.
Affirmation: I am thankful for the gift of Wonder. It amazes me.
Written by Linda Kavelin Popov, Virtues Reflection Cards, www.virtuesproject.com. New Cards are now available at the Cedar Mill Farmers Market. Registration is open for Summer Virtues Day Camp for kids ages four to twelve, July 20-31 and Aug 1, 9-1. Call Delaram Adyani for more information. 503-267-0202.
Music Tasting
The Wine Cellar has spent the last several weeks finding some fantastic acoustic guitar, blues, and light jazz musicians, and is kicking off their live music program starting June 1. Music will happen every Saturday from 6-8 pm. There is no cover charge (feel free to tip the musicians), 21+ only. Happy hour still runs 5-8 pm every Saturday.
Do you know of a singer/songwriter/acoustic performer who might be a good match? Have them contact Laurie at events@portlandwinecellar.com. They should include a link to their music. They are looking for lounge music; blues, light jazz, light rock, soul. While there are tons of amazing performers out there, their need is mellow, easy, relaxing tunes. The Wine Cellar is at 525 NW Saltzman Road in the “triangle” center.
Visit them at: portlandwinecellar.com for more information. Cheers!
Colorevolution paint at Miller
Last month, Miller Paint Company unveiled their newest interior paint color collection called COLOREVOLUTION. Inspired by the artistic eye of landscape artist and Miller Paint founder Ernest Miller, the collection is the most advanced evolution of color and quality in the market today.
Handcrafting exceptional paint is Miller’s history dating back to the late 1880s, when Portland artist Ernest Miller decided to create a better paint formula. After 123 years of producing quality paint in the Pacific Northwest, Miller Paint is starting a color revolution where “texture meets technology and function meets fashion.”
The dynamic Evolution color palette is a collaboration of Miller Paint and five renowned Pacific Northwest designers. The color collection features 168 brilliant colors, many of them selected from the discontinued high-end paint line, Devine Color. Evolution paint uses the same formula as the Devine Color line. Customers can expect the same silky smooth coverage without any spatter, and a luxurious depth of color that transforms your walls into works of art. Just like all Miller Paint colors, the Evolution palette was developed for the Pacific Northwest. “Every time we craft our paint and select colors for your home we make sure that an equal measure of pride and protection goes into every can,” said Steve Dearborn, President and CEO of Miller Paint Company. “Evolution interior paint is our finest, most advanced paint and one that our Pacific Northwest customers will love.”
Customers can check out the new Evolution paint and Evolution collection in display racks at the Miller Paint store on Murray, just north of Cornell. Visit the millerpaint.com website for coupons.
Cedar Mill’s own Zen Center
Bright Way Zen moved into a space of its own in February. The zendo, or meditation hall, is located in a shared building at 12020 SW Barnes Road, across from Timberland. They meet on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings for Zen meditation and study, and are open to the public. They also offer one-day meditation retreats every other month. A 20-minute introduction to their practice is offered before each regular session.
The group has been meeting since 2008, spending its first four years borrowing space in Cedar Mill’s Christ United Methodist Church. When they held a one-day retreat, they rented the Leedy Grange and brought all of their stuff with them. Bright Way member Sean Graham said, “I could fit pretty much everything we needed for normal practice in my Prius (mediation cushions packed to the roof) and we could bust out a zendo in about 20 minutes.” Now the Bright Way Zendo stays set up all the time and doesn’t have to coordinate schedules with another group, so it meets twice a week instead of only once.
The move to their own space has meant the group has matured, and can offer more. Perhaps the best part of having a designated space is being able to make newcomers feel welcome. Domyo Burk, Bright Way Zen’s spiritual director and teacher, said, “When someone comes for the first time, I want them to have a sense that they are accessing a lasting, vital community and a space of refuge. It’s harder to provide that if you meet in borrowed space once a week.” More information on Bright Way Zen can be found at www.brightwayzen.org.
ID Theft Prevention
The UPS Store now offers customers in-store shredding services to further promote identity protection. This is in addition to services including mailboxes, packing, and shipping.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates that nearly nine million Americans have their identities stolen each year; and rummaging through trash is one of the common ways identity thieves victimize consumers.
The FTC encourages everyone to shred documents containing personal information before disposing of them to protect themselves against identity theft and fraud, and The UPS Store invites them to make use of their convenient shredding facilities.
“Securely destroying documents is a critical step in preventing identity theft,” said The UPS Store franchisee Tim Kimble. “Recognizing that there is a need for this type of service, we added a secure shredding container at our location. Customers can drop their sensitive documents into the container and our secured shredding service provider Iron Mountain will pick up these documents and shred them in our parking lot using one of its patented mobile shredding trucks.”
The FTC encourages consumers to shred charge receipts, copies of credit applications, insurance forms, physician statements, checks and bank statements, expired charge cards that you're discarding, and credit offers you get in the mail. For additional information on consumer protection against identity theft and fraud, visit http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/.
The UPS Store, located at 10940 SW Barnes Road in the Peterkort Towne Square, has convenient hours: Monday to Friday 9-7, and Saturday 9-5. For additional information, visit www.theupsstorelocal.com/3379 or call 503-646-9999.
Village Gallery of Arts
June’s featured artist in the gallery is Laura Hopper, who paints a wide variety of subjects in many different color palettes, often adding bits of collage, gold-leaf, or other textural elements for interest.
Village Gallery of Arts will be celebrating its fiftieth anniversary in September, with a historical exhibit commemorating five decades of local art and artists in the community. If you or someone you know was a past member of Village Gallery of Arts, please email publicity@villagegalleryarts.org to receive an invitation to our September 21 reception.
Kristi Roberts (www.kristisfineart.com) teaches Children’s Art Classes for ages 9-14 yrs on Mondays June 3, 10, and 17 from 4:30-5:30; and for ages 7 - 12 yrs on Wednesdays June 5, 12, and 19, 3:45-4:45. Registration for any children's class is $35. Classes fill quickly, so please call the gallery for registration.
Emma Achleithner’s Traditional Watercolor class is ongoing April to August, Thursdays from 9:30-12:30. Learn traditional techniques and principles of watercolor, and how to create completed compositions, with lots of individual attention from an instructor. All levels ages 13 and up are welcome. $120 for four drop-in classes to be used within three months. Start on any Thursday through August. A supply list is available at the gallery.
Linda Rothchild-Ollis’s Acrylics for Brilliant Transparent Paintings meets Mondays, June 3, 10, and 17 from 9:30-noon. Create paintings that require no glass or frame. Use fluid acrylic paints to create traditional and realistic subjects including skies, clouds, trees, rock textures, landscapes, still life, and more. A supply list and examples of Linda’s paintings are available on her blog: www.lrothchildollis.blogspot.com. Rothchild-Ollis is an award-winning member of Watercolor Society of Oregon and a signature member of Northwest Watercolor Society.
Please call the Gallery at 503-644-8001 or visit their website www.villagegalleryarts.org for additional information about membership, classes and special events. The Gallery is at 12505 NW Cornell Road next to the Cedar Mill Library.