Volume 15, Issue 6 | June 2017 |
June 2017 Community News
Cedar Mill Library News
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We have a fun-filled summer reading program planned at your library for all ages. Sign-ups began on June 1. Visit the library or the library website at library.cedarmill.org.
Saturday, June 24, 1-4 pm, free
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Join your neighbors for coffee and a chance to get that broken lamp (or whatever) fixed at the library’s Repair Fair and have your bike checked for summer riding. It’s a free event that brings volunteers who like to fix things together with people who have broken items that need fixing. Learn more about how Repair Fair works at repairfair.org/home/faq.
In addition to repairs of common items such as small appliances and clothing, bring your bike for a safety check. The Bike Gallery will be in the west parking lot to offer safety checks for all ages. They will check your air pressure and lube and even give advice on helmets, bike fit, and gear.
Summer vacation is fast upon us, and that means there will be lots of parents taking trips to the library with their children. And lots of library books checked out because you can’t get just one picture book. Parents fearing those many children’s books will translate into huge fines, needn’t worry. Books, tapes and DVDs for children are now fine-free.
The Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) announced the change, which took place beginning June, to coincide with the 2017 Summer Reading kick-off. As WCCLS Director, Eva Calcagno noted, “we’re hoping families will sign up their children knowing that the barrier of fines is going away. We want all Washington County kids to read this summer.”
Overdue fine rates are attached to the intended audience of the material, not the age of the patron, so all materials with a Children’s (Juvenile) material type will become fine free regardless of who checks them out. This helps families that prefer to use one card for all their checkouts, or parents, teachers, homeschoolers and others who use early literacy and children’s materials.
But fines for all adult and young adult materials will go from 15 cents to 25 cents per day,starting July 1. The WCCLS member libraries have undertaken this change to simplify the policy - charging one rate of $0.25 per day for Young Adult and Adult materials, regardless of format. Fine rates for print and recorded materials had not been adjusted since 2003 and the video fine rate has been the same since the 1980s. It is important to note that the fine rate changes will exclude some unique materials which may include items such as admission passes, equipment, puppets, board games, Kill-A-Watts, tote bags, and the Library of Things (at Hillsboro).
The majority of library materials are returned on time and only a small percentage are ever overdue. A recent WCCLS snapshot report noted that countywide only 3.7 percent of checked-out items were overdue. Library fines serve as an incentive to return materials, not as a punishment or to generate revenue. According to Calcagno, “this year, the total revenue from all overdue fines is projected to equal 1.8 percent of total countywide library operating expenses, and projected fines from Children’s materials will account for less than 1 percent.”
E-book readers will have a change this month in where they go to check out library books. Starting June 14, the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) will move out of the Oregon Digital Library Consortium (Library2Go) into its own OverDrive collection. Many of the e-books and all audiobooks currently in Cloud Library will move over to the OverDrive platform.
The move to the new platform will benefit e-book readers by reducing wait times for popular titles and increasing limits for holds and checkout time. In addition, the library system’s collection will be expanded with the new platform.
To check out e-books after June 14, users will need to update their bookmarks and re-login to OverDrive or Libby apps, choosing WCCLS as your library rather than Library2Go. Both the Libby and OverDrive apps will provide access to the same WCCLS digital collections.
WCCLS will retire the Cloud Library platform by Aug. 31. If you have holds on titles in Cloud Library that you don’t think you will read by June 13, please log into your OverDrive account and place new holds on those same titles using OverDrive. After August 31, users will no longer have access to Cloud Library.
Eight Beaverton School District seniors were chosen from a talent pool of more than 15,000 outstanding finalists in the 2017 National Merit Scholarship Program. They are: Lucia Zheng, International School of Beaverton (ISB); Kaitlyn Stoehr, Southridge High School; Markab Han, Mara Pearson and Rohan Varma, Sunset High School; and Bryan Lee, Anshuman Radhakrishnan, and Priyansh Sharma,Westview High School. All were all awarded $2,500 scholarships.
National Merit Scholarship winners are the finalists in each state judged to have the strongest combination of accomplishments, skills and potential for success in rigorous college studies. The number of winners named in each state is proportional to the state’s percentage of the nation’s graduating high school seniors.
These scholars were selected by a committee of college admissions officers and high school counselors, who appraised a substantial amount of information submitted by both the finalists and their high schools: the academic record, including difficulty level of subjects studied and grades earned; scores from two standardized tests; contributions and leadership in school and community activities; an essay written by the finalist; and a recommendation written by a high school official.
For more information, please contact the Communications & Community Involvement Department at 503-356-4360.
The 2017-18 school year will begin in September with new leadership at five area schools: Bethany, Cedar Mill, Findley and Oak Hills elementary schools and Springville K-8.
Glen Rutherford was appointed interim principal at Bethany Elementary School in May, replacing Rafael Montelongo who resigned for personal reasons. Glen retired from the Beaverton School District in 2014 after serving as a principal at the middle school and elementary levels.
Cedar Mill Elementary will welcome Amy Chamberlain, formerly assistant principal at Findley Elementary, in the fall. Replacing retiring Principal Brian Horne, Amy has 16 years of elementary teaching experience working in several schools in Beaverton.
Jennifer Whitten was named assistant principal at Findley Elementary School effective July 1. Jennifer worked for more than 18 years at Beaver Acres Elementary School. In addition to being a classroom teacher, she has also been a Title I intervention teacher. Her strong instructional background, Spanish skills and ability to work collaboratively with staff are recognized throughout the district.
Jennifer DeMartino was named assistant principal at Oak Hills Elementary School effective July 1. Currently the Bethany Elementary School Library Instructional Technology Teacher (LITT), Jennifer has also taught primary students at Hazeldale Elementary School and been a pre-school teacher. Her strong literacy background and Spanish skills have benefited the students and families with whom she has worked.
Ellen Arnold was named assistant principal at Springville K-8, effective July 1. Currently Springville’s student supervisor, Ellen is replacing Jennifer Vanderschuere who has accepted a position in the St. Helens School District. In addition to being a district Talented & Gifted (TAG) specialist and having more than 24 years of elementary teaching experience, Ellen has been a teacher in Singapore and at Bonny Slope, Sexton Mountain, Elmonica, and McKinley elementary schools.
The monthly forum meets at the Golden Valley Restaurant & Brew Pub, 1520 NW Bethany Blvd., Beaverton. Doors open at 11:30 am, and the speakers start at noon. Lunch is available to order from the menu. Following the speaker, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Asking questions of our speakers is a privilege of Forum membership. The Forum completes its year on June 26. New programs begin in September.
June 5: Erica Stock, Director, Sierra Club, Oregon Chapter, to speak on “Challenges to Environmental Advocacy.”
June 12: Maria Caballero-Rubio, Executive Director, Centro Cultural, to speak on “Latino Issues in Washington County.”
June 19: Andy Duyck, Chair, Washington County Commission, to speak on “The State of the County.”
June 26: Bob Horenstein, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, will speak on “Anti-Semitism in Modern America.”
Sat., June 10, 10am-1pm, 120 E Main St. Hillsboro, OR 97123. Free
Is there a story hiding inside you? Come on down to the Washington County Museum and learn how to pull that idea out, give it a shine, and put it on display for the world to see. Your story can be anything from a favorite childhood memory to a pirate adventure to a cupcake mystery to your grandfather’s favorite tale. Bring it with you and Tonya, Raymond, Damien, and Heléna Macalino of The Macalino Authors will show you how to lay it out into the form of a story and make it into a book that you can share with friends and family as a gift when you go visiting this summer.
Every second Saturday of the month, we bring families together for truly engaging and unique learning experiences. For more information and to see other events at the museum, visit the website here.
Mondays, June 5 and 19, July 3, 6:30-9 pm, $6 at the door, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd.
Discover or rediscover the joy of Israeli folk dancing, brought to you by Sue and Friends, on the first and third Mondays of each month. No experience necessary. First timers are free.
6:30 to 7 pm, beginners class. 7-9 pm, easy and intermediate level dances.
For details please visit Portland Israeli Folk Dance News at sites.google.com/site/pifdnews/home, or email Sue at pifdnews@gmail.com.
The American Red Cross needs to maintain a stable blood supply for patients in need of lifesaving transfusions. The following blood drives are scheduled in Cedar Mill in June:
June 1: 11 am - 4 pm, Sunset Athletic Club, 13939 NW Cornell Rd.
June 5: 1:30 p.m. - 7 pm, Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road
June 12: 1:30 - 7 pm, Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road
June 15: 9 am - 2:30 pm, Women’s Healthcare Associates, 9555 SW Barnes Rd., Suite 100
Join us for a week of fun and learning at Lutherwood Day Camp. We will make new friends, play games, learn about God’s creation, enjoy craft time, and toss water balloons! July 17-21 Monday-Thursday 9-3, Friday 9-12. $50 per camper. Camp is open to children entering first grade through sixth grade for the 2017/2018 school year. Registration forms and payments are due by Friday, June 30. Visit www.standrewlutheran.com for more details and to register for camp.
The Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation publishes a quarterly newsletter with interesting and useful articles that can help you better understand how funding, operations, and other county government functions work. Subscribe online at washtech.co.washington.or.us/subscriptions. You’ll be able to choose from a variety of county publications including Updates.
The annual all-night party for Sunset High School graduating seniors is coming down to the wire.
The drug and alcohol free celebration party has been in the planning stages since June 2016. Parents and the community have been generating funds to insure that all seniors will have the opportunity to participate in this tradition.
The Cedar Mill community may donate to the event. For more information, please visit the grad party website.
As part of Sunset PTO, a non-profit organization (tax ID number 93-0868697), your donations can be tax deductible. All donors will be acknowledged and thanked on our website, in the Cedar Mill News and in the letter sent to all senior parents.
The following businesses have generously made donations for the class of 2017 Sunset Grad Party: Adidas, Benson Hotel, Bethany Public House, Big Time Music Store, Columbia Sportswear, Ensley Orthodontics, PC, Fox 12 News Weather, Happy Dogz Dog Training, Jimmy Johns, Jersey Mike’s Subs, Jon Goodwin, DMD, Orthodontics and Dentistry, Kirsti Holley Photography, Laughing Planet, Market of Choice, Mentoring Metamorphosis,Nike, PWU Engineering Inc., Pizza Schmizza Pub and Grub, Timbercon and Verizon.
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Sat., June 10, 10 am-1 pm, Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW Fifth St. Free
Looking for ways to get involved and make a difference in the community? Attend the Beaverton Volunteer Fair and learn about where your helping hands are needed. More than 40 local nonprofits and groups, including Habitat for Humanity, the Oregon Food Bank, and the Master Recycler Program, will be represented. Attendees will have the chance to ask questions, get information, and sign up for volunteer roles.
Attendees will also have the chance to win raffle prizes provided by sponsors, including a $100 gift certificate to Villa Sport, $50 gift certificate to Solace & Fine Espresso, craft kits provided by Barnes & Noble, and Beaverton branded items. Refreshments will be provided by local businesses. For more information and a complete list of participating organizations, visit beavertonoregon.gov/VolunteerFair.
Serving on an appointed board, committee or commission is a great way to participate in decisions that affect you and to learn more about how your local government works. The County's boards, commissions and committees play a variety of roles in advising the Board of Commissioners on service priorities and how to distribute available resources and improve our collaboration with other parts of the community.
Get more details and apply by July 18.
Caption: At the Beaverton Volunteer Fair on June 10, attendees can learn more about volunteer opportunities at more than 40 organizations, sign up to volunteer, enjoy refreshments from local businesses, and enter to win raffle prizes provided by sponsors. (Photo/City of Beaverton)
Volunteers who want to team up to remove invasive ivy at two local nature areas will have a chance in July. Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation is sponsoring the following park improvement days:
NE Park, NW Saltzman and Laidlaw Road: Sat., June 10, 9 am-noon. Please park along neighborhood streets, just north of Laidlaw.
Willow Creek Greenway, Sat., June 10, 9 am-noon. Volunteers are to meet at the trailhead off of NW Eastmoreland Court.
Local residents who bike, walk and roll to get around Beaverton have a chance to comment on proposed bike and pedestrian facilities through the city’s second virtual open house, through Monday, June 12. As part of Beaverton’s Active Transportation Plan, the city asked for feedback on biking, walking, and rolling around Beaverton. Now it has provided a project update, a summary of the public input, and an opportunity for all to provide feedback. Please visit the second virtual open house.
Bicyclists can download Ride Report, the free app to rate your bike ride, at ride.report/. The app anonymously tracks your route and lets you rate how it went. The city will use this information to learn about what routes residents use the most and to gather data on community needs to support bicycling.
For more information on the Active Transportation Plan visit BeavertonOregon.gov/ActiveTransportationPlan.
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The free Beaverton Third Thursday summer concert series kicks off the season June 15 with Patrick Lamb Band and a performance by Painted Sky Northstar Dance Company. (Photo/City of Beaverton) |
Thursdays, starting June 15, 5:30-8 pm, The Round, 12600 SW Crescent St. Free
Beaverton’s annual summer concert, Beaverton Third Thursday, series kicks off on Thurs., June 15, with the Patrick Lamb Band and a performance by Painted Sky Northstar Dance Company.
The concert series continues through the summer with : Barracuda, with performance by Def Con 5 on July 20, and The Beatniks, with performance by Pendulum Aerial Arts on Aug. 17.
Attendees are encouraged to take alternate transportation including MAX. Limited parking is available on-street and in the public garage at SW Millikan Way & Rose Biggi. ADA accessible parking is available near the venue on Crescent St. and in the lot directly north of The Beaverton Building. Attendees should observe restricted parking signs in nearby surface lots.
For more information, visit BeavertonOregon.gov/BTT.
Photo caption: The free Beaverton Third Thursday summer concert series kicks off the season June 15 with Patrick Lamb Band and a performance by Painted Sky Northstar Dance Company. (Photo/City of Beaverton)
All are free and open to the public:
Nature Walk: Cooper Mountain Nature Park. Sat., June 3, 9 am, 18892 SW Kemmer Rd., Beaverton 97007. RSVP recommended. VivaVillageNatureWalk@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Information: VivaVillage.org, click on Calendar.
Village 101 presentation: Information for prospective members and/or volunteers. Sat., June 10, 10-11:30 am. Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton 97005. Information: VivaVillage101@gmail.com or 503-746-5082.
Dine Around Beaverton & Beyond: Wed., June 14, 12:30 pm, Chart House Restaurant, 5700 SW Terwilliger Blvd, Portland 97239. RSVP: Frieda, f.pardo58@gmail.com or 510-693-2955.
Movie Discussion Group: (New) Thurs., June 15, 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Private home in Triple Creek neighborhood. RSVP and for list of movies or discussion: vivavillagemovies@gmail.com or 971-400-9512.
Thursday Night Social: June 15, 6-8 pm, Thai Apsara Restaurant, 11793 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. (on Trader Joe’s side of Beaverton Town Square) RSVP: VivaVillageSocial@gmail.com or 503-746-5082.
Field trip: International Rose Test Garden. Wed., June 21, 10 am, Washington Park . Meet at Rose Garden Store, 850 SW Rose Garden Way, Portland 97205. Shuttle every 15 minutes from Zoo MAX stop. RSVP Recommended: VivaVillageEvents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082.
Men’s Coffee Break: Tues., June 27, 9:30-10:30 am, Java Lounge, Cedar Mill (corner of NW Cornell and Dale Ave.) Information: Contact Ross Miller, 503-713-3563.
For more information, visit vivavillage.clubexpress.com.
As we welcome warmer summer weather, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue reminds parents, grandparents, and babysitters that window falls are preventable.
Each year, window falls account for about eight deaths and more than 3,300 injuries to young children in the United States. In Oregon, 26 children ages 5 and younger fell from windows in 2016. Window screens are not strong enough to keep a child from falling out of a window. They are designed to keep bugs out, not kids in.
The Stop at 4 Inches Campaign to Prevent Window Falls recommends keeping windows closed and locked when not in use. Other tips are: Keep furniture and anything a child can climb on away from windows. Do not open windows more than 4 inches and install window stops. Window stops prevent windows from opening wide enough to allow a child to tumble out, but should be easily removed by an adult in the event of a fire or other emergency, as windows serve as a secondary means of escape. For a double-hung window, open the top portion near the ceiling for ventilation while keeping the bottom portion closed. In addition, actively watch children near windows — no device can replace adult supervision, encourage children to keep a safe distance away from windows, and ask about window safety when your child visits other homes.
For more information about window safety, appropriate safety devices for your style of windows, and locations to purchase window stops and guards, visit StopAt4.com.
Want to take your recycling skills to the next level? Take an eight-week course on the latest information on consumption and recycling, through the Master Recycler Program. Held on consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30 pm, beginning Sept. 6, and Saturdays, Sept. 15 and Oct. 14, the program aims to teaching recycling leadership that can be taken into the community.
Once certified, master recyclers promise to volunteer 30 hours to share what they learned with neighbors, coworkers and their local community.
Classes are held at the Beaverton Community Center 12350 SW 5th St. There is a $50 fee, but partial and full scholarships are available without extra application requirements, thanks to Washington County and the Cities of Portland and Beaverton. Deadline for applications is noon, Wed., Aug. 2. Details and application: www.masterrecycler.org.
The Master Recycler Program is committed to providing equal access and will arrange for special accommodation, interpretation or translation.
Sat., June 17, 9 am-2 pm, Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Rd. Free
Get rid of your hazardous household waste the environmentally correct way at Metro’s free collection event. Waste accepted: paints, stains, thinners, solvents, pesticides, poisons, cleaners, disinfectants, sharps (medical syringes), batteries, aerosols, automotive products, thermometers, pool and spa chemicals, and hobby chemicals. No electronics (cell phones, computers, etc.), garbage or empty containers.
Learn how to prep your load here.
From the WashCo Sheriff’s Office Newsletter. Sign up here.
You're driving along, minding your own business, then . . . BAM! Another car collides with yours. Do you need to call the police or just exchange information?
You do not need to call for non-injury collisions if you can safely exchange information with the other driver. In these situations, police do not determine which driver was at fault for the crash; that will be decided by the insurance companies.
No one plans on getting into a car crash, but being prepared can help reduce anxiety and get you back on the road quicker. Print our Accident Information Exchange Form for your glovebox. You can use it to help you and another driver exchange the necessary information.
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Published monthly by Pioneer Marketing & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291
© 2017