Volume 14, Issue 7 | July 2016 |
July Community News
CPO 1 looks at roads, parks, and coyotesTuesday, July 12, 7 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Worried about coyotes? Want to know more about them? How about traffic problems on your neighborhood roads? And if you ever visit Cedar Hills Park, find out about the exciting new plans. Neighbors from the Butner Road area, and the 107th & Leahy Road area, will visit to share their concerns. Mike Mills, Neighborhood Streets Program Coordinator for Washington County, will also attend to provide more information about what neighbors can do. Eric Owens, THPRD Superintendent of Recreation, will join us to talk about Cedar Hills Park renovation plans. And Zuriel Rasmussen, Project Coordinator and Doctoral Student, Geography Department, Portland State University, will talk to us about the coyotes among us. CPO 1 brings community involvement in Land Use and other issues to residents of Cedar Mill and Cedar Hills. Everyone’s welcome to attend. And if you have a concern that you would like to share with neighbors, there’s time for that too! Sign up to receive the CPO1 Newsletter, by mail or in your inbox, here.
Shakespeare Comes to BeavertonFriday-Sunday, July 7-10, The Round, 12600 SW Crescent St Experience Theatre Project will present Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream Friday through Sunday. This event is the first of its kind at The Round and the first full-length production by the Experience Theatre Project. The event is free to the public! Alisa Stewart, artistic director of Experience Theatre Project, describes the project as long overdue, stating, “I’m very grateful to the city and The Round for having enabled us to put on this show. I’m eager to invite the community to experience free Shakespeare this summer without having to drive through the Vista Ridge tunnel.” Stewart is confident that residents will embrace the idea of making Shakespeare in The Round an annual event. “Our production style is different from most ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ productions. We produce immersive shows, which brings audiences much closer to the performers. Essentially the actors’ performances take place all around audience members, instead of being confined to a limited stage area in front of them. The show will be full of beautiful costumes and original music with live musicians and acrobatic fairies. We are also including kids from our summer kids’ camps to perform as fairies. Those kids will love the chance to perform in a Shakespeare play in front of a large audience.” The show will be the first Shakespeare production at The Round since the development’s construction in 1997. For more information, visit www.experiencetp.org.
Legislative Town HallSaturday, July 9, 10-11 am, Friendly House, 1737 NW 26th Ave. Please join Majority Leader Jennifer Williamson and State Rep. Mitch Greenlick for a Northwest Portland Town Hall. Coffee and snacks will be provided!
Celebrate the Art of Dance Through Beaverton’s Ten Tiny DancesSaturday July 9, 10 am-1:30 pm The City of Beaverton will present the innovative Ten Tiny Dances! Ten Tiny Dances is a free, public event that features a wide-variety of dancers who represent modern, contemporary and traditional ethnic dance forms. According to Mayor Denny Doyle, “Beaverton Ten Tiny Dances is a highly anticipated and beloved summer event,”. “It exposes attendees to new dance forms while highlighting our community’s diversity and passion for the arts.” This year’s performances include traditional lion dance, East Indian dance, break dance, innovative contemporary dance, and more. To fully experience Ten Tiny Dances, pick up a program, map and instructions at 10 am at the Beaverton Farmers Market stage at SW Fourth Street and SW Washington. Performances begin simultaneously on each of the five stages at 10:30 am and will repeat every half hour. Visit all five stages and you will experience a total of Ten Tiny Dances.
At 1 pm, after the fifth round of dances completes, the public is invited to an artist talk-back under the sycamore tree in front of the library to chat with Ten Tiny Dances founder Mike Barber, and event choreographers/dancers to learn more about the creative process behind the event. Now in its eighth year, Ten Tiny Dances is designed to animate public spaces and raise the visibility of Beaverton’s ethnic diversity. The event guides the audience to experience undiscovered spaces in Beaverton. For more information about this event and its performers, please visit BeavertonOregon.gov/TTD.
BSD adds school daysThe Beaverton School District is pleased to announce the addition of two student contact days to the 2016-2017 calendar. This is the result of a new contract with teachers that will add a total of nine student contact days over three years. 2016-17: Add two student contact days 2017-18: Convert four staff development days to student contact days 2018-19: Add three student contact days The agreement provides students with more full weeks of school and improves overall continuity for learning. Another important element of the agreement is providing teacher collaboration and professional development time to address gaps in student achievement and improve teacher practice. Beginning one year from now (2017-18), this collaboration time will be accomplished through an early release of 90 minutes every Wednesday afternoon. The number of instructional minutes does not change; however, the calendar provides more full weeks of instruction and continuity for learning. Details will be available as the implementation plan is developed with input from staff, parents and community. View the revised calendar for 2016-17. The revised calendar for 2017-18 will be released prior to winter break. For more information visit beaverton.k12.or.us/dist/Documents/2016-2017%20Calendars/2016-2017%20District%20Calendar.pdf.
CM Garden Club PicnicJuly 20, 11:30 am, 1898 NW 129th Place The Cedar Mill Garden Club is holding a potluck at Sue McConnell’s home! All guests are welcome and encouraged to bring a dish and your chair. To RSVP call Garnet Ascher at 503-292-4460.
Pie in July at the Market!Saturdays, 8 am-1 pm, northwest corner of Murray & Cornell
Come on down to the Cedar Mill Farmers Market on Saturday, July 22, to watch, taste or join in on The Washington County Pie Bake Off. Ever want to be crowned the best of the best? Well Washington County can't do that for you but here's a chance to win the honor of being making the BEST pie in the county! Register by sending an email to ourcmfm@gmail.com with your name and contact phone number. Registration is free! Bring your pie to the Cedar Mill Farmers Market on July 22 for their celebrity panel of judges to assess. If your pie is a winner, you will reap the rewards: a feature about you in our newsletter (and Cedar Mill News) telling the world that you are indeed the The Best Pie Maker In The County! Along with a gift pack from Cedar Mill Farmers Market and their supporters! This is a fund-raiser for our Power Of Produce kid's Club. Come on by to watch the action and taste the pie ($2 a slice)!
Israeli folk dancingMondays, July 11, 7:30-9:30 pm, and July 18, 7-9 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd. Learn and enjoy beginning and intermediate level dances brought to you by Sue and Friends the third Monday of each month, and at an extra session as posted, for just $6 at the door. The first hour will entail beginner dances and moving into the second hour will be intermediate dances. For details please visit Portland Israeli Folk Dance News at sites.google.com/site/pifdnews, or email Sue at pifdnews@gmail.com.
Master Recycler ClassesEight consecutive Wednesdays, starting on September 7, 6:30-9:30 pm, and two Saturdays from 8 am-2 pm on September 17 and October 15, Washington Street Conference Center 225 S First Avenue Become a Certified MASTER RECYCLER volunteer and learn from the experts. You can even share with your neighbors! Sign up today! The deadline for applications is Wednesday, August 3, at 12 pm. Take an eight-week course on the latest information on consumption and recycling. Then, promise to volunteer 30 hours to share what you learned with neighbors, coworkers and community. There will be a $50 fee but partial and full scholarships are available without extra application requirements. Details and the application are available on masterrecycler.org.
Nature Play Needs Your HelpDid you grow up exploring the woods near your house, or wandering through fields and along streams with friends? Then you have experienced nature play!
What is nature play? It is any kind of play that takes place in nature and/or with natural elements. Nature play has proven to be a valuable part of childhood development, and several studies show that it contributes to the intellectual, physical and emotional development of young people. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to grow up with such freedom in the outdoors. THPRD is committed to investing resources into projects that yield opportunities for people to connect with nature at an early age. “Nature play areas are more open and inviting spaces for children to freely play,” says local naturalist Michael Barton. “These areas require children to actively move their bodies, utilize their often latent imaginations, interact with other children in meaningful ways, and connect to the environment surrounding them.” Would you like to volunteer in a unique capacity, on your own schedule? THPRD would love your help collecting data on their nature play areas to better understand how they are being used. These surveys are 30 minutes long and can be performed at any time of day. The time commitment for this opportunity is about four hours a month, over a three-month period. One of the newest Nature Play locations is at Roger Tilbury Memorial Park in Cedar Mill, located at 965 NW 93rd Ave. For more details and requirements click here to download an information sheet, with a link to an online application. For a list of the district’s nature play areas visit thprd.org/parks-and-trails/nature-play-areas.
Concert & Theater in the Park Series beginsJuly 7-August 25, various locations and times The six-event series includes one live theater performance – Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” – and five live music performances, each at a different THPRD park. Shows typically run 6-8 pm. These performances are designed to unite friends, family and neighbors at several community parks while providing outstanding musical entertainment. At most shows, THPRD will provide the Nature Mobile, the Rec Mobile, face painters and other activities. Event sponsors and community partners will also participate. Food and drink will be available for purchase from local vendors.
“This is our twelfth straight year offering high-quality entertainment in a park setting in the summertime,” said THPRD’s Deb Fife, who organizes the performances. “The fact that all of these shows are free just makes it even better. It’s one way for us to give back to our community that helps make us a successful park district.” This summer’s lineup includes American Idol finalist Britnee Kellogg (country) at the Cedar Mill concert on August 11, Steve Hale & the Super Soul Heroes (funk), and Dancehall Days (pop). The July 14 show features 14-piece ensemble Banda Aguila performing big band sounds of central Mexico. That show, at Center Street Park, will be the district’s first concert collaboration with the City of Beaverton. At 5 pm, Beaverton Mayor Denny Doyle will host a Picnic in the Park with a free meal for guests while supplies last. The THPRD concert begins at 6 pm. Here is the complete 2016 Concerts & Theater in the Park schedule. All shows begin at 6 pm unless otherwise noted: July 10 Schiffler Park “The Tempest,” Original Practice Shakespeare Festival July 14 Center Street Park, Banda Aguila (mayor’s picnic at 5 pm, concert at 6pm) July 21 Greenway Park, Steve Hale & The Super Soul Heroes Aug. 11 Cedar Mill Park, Britnee Kellogg Aug. 25 Raleigh Park, Dancehall Days (at 5:30 pm) For more information, including park addresses and directions, visit thprd.org/events/concerts-and-theater-in-the-park.
In addition to THPRD’s free shows, music lovers can purchase tickets to see The Temptations at the HMT Recreation Complex (15707 SW Walker Rd., Beaverton) on Saturday, August 20. The Motown super group will headline the park district’s annual Groovin’ on the Grass show. General admission seats are just $20 in advance and $30 on the day of the show, which begins at 6 pm. Children under age 5 will be admitted free. Groovin’ tickets can ordered online through August 19 at thprd.org/groovin.
Propose “Small Road Improvements” now!Friday, July 15 deadline
The public is invited to propose candidates for small-scale road improvements through the Washington County Department of Land Use & Transportation (DLUT). To be eligible, proposed improvements must address safety or connectivity issues on a County road. To submit a proposal, review the map of identified small road improvement candidates to see if a candidate has already been identified at a specific location. To propose a new candidate, submit an online form or contact the Operations and Maintenance Division at 503-846-ROAD (846-7623) or lutops@co.washington.or.us. The Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee will consider proposals later this year for eligible candidates received by July 15. Projects selected by the committee will be included in the fiscal year 2017-18 budget request. Proposals received after July 15 will be added to the candidate list for consideration in next year's project selection process. Candidates that are not selected for funding remain on the list for future consideration. For more information visit co.washington.or.us/LUT/News/small-road-improvement-proposals-due-july-15.cfm.
Viva Village July EventsThe public is invited to participate in any of these events! They are a great way to meet Viva Village volunteers and supporters in an informal setting. Monday, July 11, 7-8:30 pm Village 101: Introduction to Viva Village and the Village Movement. Ninety percent of older adults want to remain in their own homes as they age, rather than move to a retirement facility. Learn how Viva Village is making this a very real option for Beaverton area residents by attending this lively and informative session. Private home in Beaverton’s Charlais subdivision (West Union/Bethany/South Claremont Streets). RSVP by calling 503-312-7675 or emailing VivaVillageOR@gmail.com. Tuesday, July 19, 6:30-8:30 pm Book Club: The Gift of Caring: Saving Our Parent from the Perils of Modern Healthcare. Private Home. RSVP to VivaVillageBookClub@gmail.com or call 503-644-7417. Thursday, July 21, 6:30-8:30 pm Third Thursday Social: Giovanni’s Restaurant, corner of Hall and Broadway, Beaverton. RSVP to VivaVillageSocial@gmail.com or call 503-644-7417. Saturday, July 23, 11:30 am-1:30 pm Viva Village Potluck Picnic: Barsotti Park, 15510 SW Blanton, Beaverton Bring your potluck dish and the family. Covered picnic tables. Games for the kids. For details, call Bonnie Barksdale at 503-841-2358. Tuesday, July 26, 9:30-10:30 am Men’s Coffee Break: Java Lounge, corner of NW Cornell and NW Dale Ave., Cedar Mill. No program or agenda, just sipping and good conversation. Contact Ross Miller at 503-713-3563.
Preservation ClassWednesday, July 20, 10- 11:30 am, Washington County Museum at PCC Rock Creek, 17677 NW Springville Road Do you have unique collections of family photos or archives stored in the back of your closet or in the attic? Would you like to know how to store them correctly? Sign-up for the Museum's Intro to Preservation Workshop! The workshop is $10 for Adults and $5 for Members. Museum Educator Heather Ferguson will describe the problems that can arise from poor storage and handling, and she will give alternative and inexpensive suggestions on how to better care for photos and archival collections. The workshop will include a short behind-the-scenes tour of the Museum's collections and storage area to show examples of "best practices" for preservation. Visit the Museum website to register: washingtoncountymuseum.org/home/2015/10/24/intro-to-preservation-workshop-july-20/.
Care to Share Fun/Run/Walk!Saturday, August 13, 8:30 am, Holy Trinity Catholic Church/School Track 13715 SW Walker Road
Come join the community and bring the entire family for lots of fun to benefit the efforts of Care To Share, an organization that serves a network of interfaith church pantries working together to raise awareness of and support the needs of our neighbors. Pre-registration ends August 5, so stop by Care To Share, located at the Holy Trinity Food Closet, 9 am- 2 pm, Monday- Friday. T-Shirts available for those who pre-register. Fee: $25/person; $50/family. To pre-register online visit caretosharehelp.org. Registration begins at 8 am day of event Fun/Run/Walk begins at 8:30 am. There will also be a free Pancake Breakfast /Family Fun Area/Live Music provided for all participants!
Water District Seeks Volunteers for Rate Advisory CommitteeTualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) is looking for individuals living within the District who are interested in serving on a limited-duration Rate Advisory Committee. The committee will work with TVWD staff and an outside consulting firm to develop recommendations on rate designs and other potential approaches that maintain the affordability of water for financially vulnerable customers. Rate Advisory Committee members will be appointed by the TVWD Board of Commissioners in July. Members will be expected to attend one meeting per month for five months beginning this August. Meetings will be two hours in length and held in the evening at District headquarters in Beaverton, 1850 SW 170th Ave. near the Elmonica MAX station. At the conclusion of the process the committee will provide policy recommendations to the Board. The District is interested in volunteers representing a diverse range of interests, including residential, commercial, institutional, low income, and multicultural. Geographic, age and gender diversity of the committee is also desired. The ability to represent and understand a variety of perspectives is needed. Anyone interested in serving is invited to email a letter explaining their interest and stating their background and qualifications, including what makes them a good fit for the Rate Advisory Committee, to alex.cousins@tvwd.org by July 20. Questions about the committee process can be sent via email or by calling (503) 848-3012. TVWD provides high-quality drinking water and excellent customer service to nearly 220,000 people in Washington County, Oregon. The service area covers more than 44 square miles and includes portions of the cities of Beaverton, Hillsboro and Tigard. More information about TVWD can be found at www.tvwd.org.
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