Volume 15, Issue 7 | July 2017 |
July 2017 Community News
CPO 1 looks at tree protectionTues., July 11, 7 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman A Tree Code for Washington County? Erik Mace co-led a joint CPO effort several years ago to get Washington County to adopt a tree code that would specify where and how trees would be preserved when development occurs. He will join us to recap that effort and we can discuss how we might get it going again. We’ll also have an update from Community Partners for Affordable Housing about the progress of their project that will be built on the vacant lot at Cornell & Murray. The meetings usually open with a Public Safety update—deputies with the Sheriff’s office visit to discuss current issues and field questions. CPO 1 is open to everyone in the community. It’s a volunteer-run Community Participation group to help residents understand and influence county government and other livability issues. CPO 1 represents people who live and work in Cedar Hills, Cedar Mill, and Bonny Slope.
Ten Tiny Dances returns to downtown BeavertonSat., July 8, 10 am-noon, Beaverton City Park, SW Fifth St & Hall Blvd. Free The City of Beaverton will present Ten Tiny Dances, a free, public event featuring a wide variety of dancers who represent modern, contemporary, and traditional ethnic dance forms on a four-by-four-foot stage, that challenges the choreographers and dancers to use the limited space to fuel their creativity. The schedule is: 9:20 am: NW Dragon and Lion Dance Association parade through Beaverton Farmers Market and City Park The traditional lion dance is a form of dance in the Chinese culture and other Asian countries in which performers mimic a lion’s movements in costume. For more information about this group, visit www.nwliondance.org. 10 am: Performances begin at City Park Performers include ADAPT, Def Con 5, Huitzilopochtli, Mike Barber and Cydney Wilkes, Nartana School of Kuchipudi Dance, Painted Sky Northstar Dance Company, The Patrollers, push/FOLD, Victoria Rose White, and The Zealous Advocates. 11:30 am: Ten Tiny Dances Talk Back The Talk Back offers an opportunity to meet Ten Tiny Dances founder and artistic director Mike Barber, along with event choreographers and dancers to gain insight into their experiences and creative process used to produce dances for the tiny stage. Now in its ninth year, Ten Tiny Dances is designed to animate public spaces and raise the visibility of Beaverton’s ethnic diversity. For more information about this event and its performers, visit www.BeavertonOregon.gov/TTD. For more information about Ten Tiny Dances, visit www.tentinydances.org.
Third Thursdays are concert nights at The RoundThursdays, 5:30-8 pm, The Round, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton The City of Beaverton’s annual summer concerts at The Round begin July 20 with the Heart tribute band Barracuda, preceded by Def Con 5. On Aug. 17, The Beatniks, a Beatles cover band, and Pendulum Aerial Arts perform. The series closes out on Sept. 7 with Patrick Lamb, jazz and R&B saxophonist and Oregon Music Hall of Famer.
Outdoor pools, splash pad open for summerGrab your towel and some sunscreen, the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District’s two outdoor pools are open. Somerset West Swim Center, 18300 NW Parkview Blvd., and Raleigh Swim Center, 3500 SW 78th Ave., will host children’s lessons, adult classes and lap swimming along with open swim time for the whole family. The splash pad at Conestoga Recreation & Aquatic Center, 9985 SW 125th Ave., right next to Southridge High School, is open for that summertime sprinkler experience. The 4,500-square-foot pad, open daily from 10 am to dusk, is designed for children of all ages. A toddler bay includes several low-spraying features. For older children, the site includes dumping buckets and sprays that can be aimed. The public can rent all or part of the splash pad for special events. A new splash pad is also open in Park, 118th and Stone Mountain Lane, next to the new middle school building. In addition, the Sunset Swim Center wading pool is open for the summer. The district's only wading pool is 40 feet long, 20 feet wide and 9 inches deep. The pool is for use by swimmers ages 6 and under must be under the supervision of a guardian at least 15 years of age. It’s open weekdays 10 am-5 pm, and Saturday and Sunday noon-3 pm. The pool is available for private parties and classes on weekends also. $4 for in-district residents. Visit the website for details.
Lost Park to get water fountainDogs and their humans – as well as others who visit Lost Park – will be able to enjoy a long, cool sip at a new water fountain at the park this fall. The Tualatin Park and Recreation District has plans to install a drinking fountain at the heretofore dry park by the end of September. The new fountain will include two spigots (for humans) and a pet bowl and will be placed on a concrete pad. The fountain has been in the budget since last summer for the 4-acre park, which has tennis courts and a playground, as well as a wooded natural area and large grassy expanses. It is located at NW 111th Ave. near NW Rainmont Rd.
County Cultural Coalition has open seatOne seat is available on the Cultural Coalition of Washington County. The CCWC distributes state funds given to Washington County from the Community Cultural Participation Grant Program of the Oregon Cultural Trust. The funds are awarded through a competitive process to Washington County-based organizations and artists. The coalition is composed of 9 to 15 members who live in Washington County or are members of a business or organization significantly involved in arts, heritage or humanities activities in Washington County. The term of service is three years. Contact Eva Calcagno, cooperative libraries manager, 503-846-3233.
Pie auction to cap county Democratic Party picnicSat., July 22, 2-5 pm, Tualatin Community Park, 8515 SW Tualatin Rd., Tualatin The Washington County Democratic Party’s annual summer picnic will feature an auction of homemade pies, live music, barbeque, and bingo. Ticket prices vary. For more information, visit the website.
‘Summer of Resistance’ potluck setMon., July 10, 6pm, Terra Linda neighborhood Cedar Mill Indivisible is having a summer potluck to celebrate the “Summer of Resistance” movement in opposition to the agenda of Donald Trump. Join like-minded progressives for an evening of socializing and strategizing at our meeting, which will follow the potluck. Contact Karyn Servin or John Fox for the street address at karyn@karynservin.com or theportlandfoxes@gmail.com
Light up the night at Beaverton Night MarketSaturdays, July 22 and Aug. 12, 5-10 pm, The Round, 12725 SW Millikan Way. Free The Beaverton Night Market is a multicultural evening of international food and craft vendors, as well as cultural performances. Hosted by the city's Diversity Advisory Board, the Night Market will have exhibitors from many regions of the world represented in Beaverton will share handmade crafts and goods from their cultures. For more information visit the website.
Take your recycling up a notch, become a master recyclerWashington County and the cities of Portland and Beaverton will again offer their 8-week master recycling course on the latest information on consumption and recycling. Attendees gain certification and then are asked to volunteer 30 hours to share what they learned with neighbors, coworkers and community. The program runs eight Wednesday evenings and two Saturdays September-October at Beaverton Community Center, 12350 SW 5th St. The cost is $50. Partial and full scholarships are available. Deadline for applications is noon, Wed., Aug. 2. The Master Recycler Program is committed to providing equal access and will arrange for special accommodation, interpretation or translation. Details and application: www.masterrecycler.org.
Mind your plastics in curbside recyclingIn a recent review of materials in mixed recycling roll carts, plastics were found to be a major problem. Not all plastics are equally recyclable. In Washington County we cannot put plastic bags and film in the mixed recycling roll cart. Plastic bags and film get caught in the conveyor belts at recycling centers, shutting down operations, putting employees at risk, and adding costs to the recycling program. The best way to avoid this problem is to keep plastic bags and film out of your recycling roll cart. You can take clean and dry plastic bags, stretchy plastic packaging and wraps to a grocery store or a drop-off recycling center near you. You can find a location at www.plasticfilmrecycling.org.
Israeli folk dancing at Leedy GrangeMondays, July 3, 17 and 31, 6:30-9 pm., Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd. Discover or rediscover the joy of Israeli folk dancing, brought to you by Sue and Friends, on the first, third and fifth Mondays of each month! No experience necessary. First timers are free. Special this summer is family dancing the first hour, for kids kindergarten and up and their parents. 6:30 to 7:30 pm - Family dance instruction, $10; 6:30 to 9:00 pm – easy and intermediate level dances $6. For questions or details please visit Portland Israeli Folk Dance News at www.sites.google.com/site/pifdnews, or email Sue at pifdnews@gmail.com.
Parenting education gets $110,000 boostNearly 1,000 Washington County parents and their children will benefit from evidence-based parenting classes, workshops and family-friendly activities through a $110,000 award from the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC). Awarded to Washington County Health and Human Services’ Children, Youth and Families program, the funds support the parenting education hub known as Parenting Together Washington County. The parenting hub collaborates with school districts, community-based organizations and individuals to plan, implement and market the programs to parents community wide. OPEC is a collaboration between Oregon State University and four of Oregon’s largest foundations — Oregon Community Foundation, Ford Family Foundation, Meyer Memorial Trust and the Collins Foundation. “It is crucial to engage families within the context of their communities by offering a broad range of culturally and linguistically appropriate parenting education and engagement options that are in direct response to family strengths, needs and preferences,” says Leslie Moguil, senior program coordinator. “Our parenting education series, workshops and family-friendly activities support equity in embracing the rich diversity of cultures and languages that families bring to their parenting practices.” Parenting Together offers parent learning opportunities in English, Spanish, Somali, For more information, contact Leslie Moguil at 503-846-4556.
Multnomah County launches online app for road maintenance requestsYourGOV app makes citizen requests and work management more efficient Multnomah County has introduced a new online and mobile application that allows community members to report non-emergency road maintenance issues, such as potholes, vandalism, and street light outages, with location, details and photos using the web or a smartphone. Once submitted, the YourGOV app will automatically deliver requests to Multnomah County’s road maintenance staff where they are reviewed and routed for proper handling. Multnomah County maintains 300 miles of roads in unincorporated areas, including NW Thompson Road in Washington County. Later this year, the county plans to allow residents to submit service requests for its five Willamette River bridges in Portland using YourGOV. YourGOV is free and available for immediate use. Visit the YourGOV web-based request portal if you don’t care to use the app. Users of the Apple iPhone™ can download the free YourGOV iPhone app in the iTunes App Store. Users of Android™ enabled smartphones can download the free YourGOV app in the Google Market or Amazon App Store. Residents who do not have a smartphone can access YourGOV online at: yourgov.cartegraph.com. Residents who do not have a smartphone or computer, can submit a road maintenance request by calling 503-988-5050.
Sen. Steiner Hayward and Reps. Greenlick, Helm to speak at Town HallWed., July 12, 7 pm, St. Vincent Hospital, 9205 SW Barnes Rd, Souther Auditorum. Hear about the 2017 session, and ask questions of your local representatives to the Oregon Legislature, Rep. Mitch Greenlick, Rep. Ken Helm, and Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, at the legislative town hall meeting.
Library news and events
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Wed., July 12 – Bethany Evening Market, 6-8:30 pm
Thurs., July 13 – Bethany Summer Concert, 6-9:30 pm, featuring Steve Hale and The Super Soul Heroes and 10th Anniversary craft for kids
Fri., July 14 – Cupcakes will be served outside the library from 11am-noon and Friday Frolic drop-in birthday bookmark craft all day.
Fri., July 7, 6:30pm – Reader’s Theater, “Pygmalion”
Join us for tea, lemonade, and a low-pressure reading of George Bernard Shaw’s “Pygmalion.” Take turns reading selected scenes from the classic play, or just come to listen and relax. Pygmalion is the classic story of Eliza Doolittle that inspired “My Fair Lady.” This event is designed for adults and older teens, age 15+.
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Wed., July 12, 6:30 pm – Ethics of Eating (registration required). Discussion addresses animal agriculture and its impact on our health, our planet and the animals themselves. Presented by members of the Ethical Choices Program (ECP), a non-profit organization providing humane education across the U.S., Canada and Australia. This program is recommended for high school and college students as well as adults of all ages. Register at the adult reference desk or by calling the library at 503 644-0043, ext. 114.
Sat., July 22, 2-4 pm – Flower Felting (registration required). Learn to make 3D flowers using the wet-felted method. This class, taught by artist Kim Steffgen, shows you how to make a flower with petal, stamens and stem. Students will come away with one completed flower and the know-how to make more. Best for those with some felting experience or scrappy beginners. Registration begins on July 7. Visit the reference desk or call 503 644-0043 ext. 114 to reserve your spot.
No meetings until Sept. 11, which is the start of the 62nd season. The first speaker will be Dr. James Moore from Pacific University discussing local, state and national politics.
Memberships are available for the 2017-2018 Forum schedule. Visit the website for more information and to join now.
The Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District’s seventh annual Groovin' on the Grass outdoor concert returns to Beaverton on Sat., Aug. 19, with Quarterflash, The Curtis Salgado Band and Nu Shooz, performing live at THPRD's Howard M. Terpenning Recreation Complex (15707 SW Walker Road, Beaverton). Gates will open at 4 pm for the 5 pm show.
General admission tickets are $20 in advance, $30 at the gate (children under 5 are free). A limited number of early entry tickets, which allow guests to enter the venue 30 minutes before gates open, can be purchased for $30.
Beer, wine and food will be available for purchase, including craft beers from event sponsor Golden Valley Brewery. Blankets and low beach chairs will be permitted in the main seating area; guests with taller lawn chairs can use designated areas at the sides and rear of the seating area. An accessible seating area will be available for guests experiencing disability.
Quarterflash duo Marv and Rindy Ross struck gold with “Harden My Heart,” which cracked Billboard’s top 10 singles list and propelled them to fame in 1980. Quarterflash previously appeared at Groovin’ in 2013.
Curtis Salgado and his band, which headlined the inaugural show in 2011, is also returning. Salgado was Soul Blues Artist of the Year in 2010, 2012 and 2013. In 2013, he also was named B.B. King Entertainer of the Year, and his album "Soul Shot" was honored as Soul Blues Album of the Year.
Nu Shooz charted with “I Can’t Wait” and “Point of No Return” in 1986. The soulful husband-and-wife team of John Smith and Valerie Day – like Quarterflash and Salgado – are members of the Oregon Music Hall of Fame.
For more information on Groovin' on the Grass, visit www.thprd.org/groovin.
All are free and open to the public.
Village 101 presentation: Information for prospective members and/or volunteers. Sat., July 8, 10-11:30 am, Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton 97005. Information: VivaVillage101@gmail.com or 503-746-5082.
Summer picnic: July 15, 11-2 pm. Barsotti Park, 16610 SW Blanton St., Beaverton. Bring your family and a dish to share. RSVP appreciated: VivaVillageEvents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Information: VivaVillage.org; click on calendar.
Dine Around Beaverton & Beyond: Summer break. Will reconvene in September.
Movie discussion group: Thurs., July 20, 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Private home in Triple Creek neighborhood. RSVP and for a list of movies to be discussed: vivavillagemovies@gmail.com or 971-400-9512.
Thursday night social: July 20, 6-8 pm, Thai Apsara Restaurant, 11793 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. (on Trader Joe’s side of Beaverton Town Square) RSVP: VivaVillageSocial@gmail.com or 503-746-5082.
Beaverton Third Thursday concert: Barracuda, rock and roll band. Thurs., July 20, 5:30-8 pm. The Round, 12600 SW Crescent St. RSVP appreciated: VivaVillageEvents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082.
Men’s coffee break: Tues., July 25, 9:30-10:30 am. Java Lounge, Cedar Mill (corner of NW Cornell and Dale Ave.) Information: Contact Ross Miller, 503-713-3563.
Book club: Tues., July 25, 6:30-8:30 pm. Private home in central Beaverton. Selected book:
“A Man Called Ove,” by Fredrik Backman. RSVP: VivaVillageBookClub@gmail.com or 503-644-7417.
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Published monthly by Pioneer Marketing & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291
© 2017