Volume 16, Issue 7 | July 2018 |
History in the News
History Museum—visit before it’s gone!Saturday, July 21, 10-4; Sunday July 22, 1-4; Saturday, August 18, 10-4; Sunday August 19, 1-4, 12505 NW Cornell in the old shopping center The Cedar Mill History Museum, with stories of Cedar Mill history told through hundreds of images and interesting artifacts, has only two more scheduled openings! We are waiting to hear if demolition in preparation for the redevelopment of the Milltowner Shopping Center will leave us homeless. The non-profit Cedar Mill Historical Society is very grateful for the opportunity we’ve had to tell our story in the space donated to us by Bales-Findley Property Management. At this point, we don’t have funding to pay for a new space, so any suggestions about a new home for the Museum will be appreciated. Cedar Mill Historical Society partners with Ackerly for “An Evening of Memories”Wednesday, July 25, 4-7 pm, The Ackerly, 11795 NW Cedar Falls Drive, free We’ll be loaning some of the images on display at our History Museum to the Ackerly for their public summer event focused on Cedar Mill history. The event will feature a free chuck-wagon themed bbq with berry shortcake and beverages, and displays throughout the main public areas of the facility. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy an evening of local history!
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