Volume 15, Issue 8 | August 2017 |
More Japanese beetles than expected!Following the Japanese beetle treatment early this spring, Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) technicians placed a large number of traps throughout Oregon during June and July. Program Manager Clint Burfitt reports, “The preliminary results of our detection efforts have yielded approximately 4,000 beetles. The core of the infestation is located in the Cedar Mill area, west of Saltzman and Hartford, (near the center of the treatment area). The initial round of trap checks have revealed approximately 50 traps outside the treatment boundary (less than one mile outside) that have one or two beetles. Some areas outside the treatment area have a sporadic distribution of traps with beetles, possibly the result of beetles being transported on vehicles. However, one trapping area (NW of Bronson Creek) captured beetles consistently throughout the area, which could indicate that the infestation is outside the treatment boundary . Changes to the treatment and quarantine boundary are likely to occur for year #2, which begins next spring. Roughly 2% of the total 12,000 beetles captured so far are outside the treatment area.” “Thus far, the detections and population size are greater than we expected. By the end of August, we will have more data and a better picture of the population density and locations. These preliminary results emphasize the need to continue to work together and maintain support for this important community-based project. “We are on the tail end of peak flight—which means we still have many beetles flying—and it is important to use best management practices in disposing of the green waste and yard debris generated from this area. Please encourage landscapers to use the approved disposal site: Northwest Landscaping Services, 1800 NW Cornelius Pass Road, Hillsboro, OR. “High-risk materials include grass clippings, sod, and plants with roots. The materials from curbside green waste and yard debris containers within the treatment and quarantine boundary are being buried at Hillsboro landfill. “We were fortunate to receive funding and support to implement the eradication project at this time. Without the support of the community and the actions of our state and municipal leaders, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest would be experiencing the destructive effects of widespread Japanese beetle populations.” If you are outside the treatment area, and you see a Japanese beetle on your property or have other reason to believe your property or location is particularly hospitable to Japanese beetle and would like to have a trap, contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture. NOTE: traps are meant to provide information to ODA, and they are not an efficient treatment to prevent the infestation. Japanese beetle populations in the Midwest, meanwhile, are at historic highs. Entomologist Richard McDonald reports, “I’ve never seen the level of JB that is occurring here now in the Midwest and [it] shows no sign of slowing yet. The Bible belt has biblical levels of JB, swarms hitting cars like meteorite showers. Where beetles are dense, they are amazingly dense.” Let’s all work to keep that from happening here! Visit the project website for updates: www.JapaneseBeetlePDX.info. For more information or to have your questions answered, contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Japanese beetle eradication team: japanesebeetle@oda.state.or.us; or 1-800-525-0137. |
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