Volume 16, Issue 8 | August 2018 |
Farmers Market August newsSaturdays through October 13, 9 am-2 pm, corner of Murray and Cornell Summertime is the best time for fresh, local, seasonal produce at your local Cedar Mill Farmers Market! We are halfway though our season and we don’t want you to miss a “beet.” Our market is your neighborhood meeting place! Make a date with your friends and neighbors to meet up, listen to some music, grab a bite of our ready-to-eat food, and find the fruits and veggies for your seasonal meals and preserving.
We are about supporting local agriculture, artisans, and small businesses. We have great local musicians and a cool kids Power of Produce Program. We accept EBT and do a SNAP* match of $5!!! We are about building community and relationships. And we aim to be warm and welcoming. Cedar Mill Farmers Market is small enough that you can get to know the vendors, volunteers and the market manager, yet big enough that we offer variety. Did you know that Farmers Markets are making people and communities stronger and healthier? Come join us!!! Want to get in on the “inside track?” We are looking for some volunteers. We need a couple of people to run the Power of Produce program, and a couple more information booth people. It’s so much fun!! A “demo Chef” is also needed!!! Come on, don’t be shy, stop by and chat with me, Karen Carroll (the market manager), I would love to meet you and fill you in on the details. One more thing—July’s Pie in July Winner is…Sara Titus. Sara is also one of our awesome new vendors this year! Her passion is baking, and you can sure tell that from the beauty and delicious-ness of her creations. Sara says she never misses a pie contest. Come by and say hi to her at her booth Artemisia Bakery. She makes awesome baked donuts and cookies/bars AND offers some gluten free, vegan options too. *You may have heard on the news that some Farmers Market SNAP programs were ended because of problems with the processing software. Not here! Karen says, The state of NY has stepped in to provide funding for NDG to remain functional nation-wide through Feb of 2019. Our local Oregon Farmers Market Association is also committed to helping markets find SNAP processing solutions and will be ready to do so if/when needed.
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