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With its central location in the Milltowner Shopping Center at Cornell and Saltzman, the business next to Walgreens attracts some curiosity from shoppers....
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Starting on September 12, artist Leslie Peterson will be painting a mural on the front wall of the Leedy Grange Hall on Saltzman...
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Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District has a new volunteer training program coming out this fall....
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In September, THPRD’s Cedar Mill Farmers Market guests can count on not only tons of good fruits...
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The Nature of Cedar Mill
Hummingbirds evoke interest and curiosity even for people who don't identify themselves as bird watchers...
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The Fifth Annual Cedar Mill Cider Festival, sponsored by Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, will bring our pioneer history to life again...
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The Cedar Mill Business Directory ( has been updated...
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Washington County Land Use and Transportation will widen the south side of Cornell Road...
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Washington County has been awarded a $411,000 Safe Routes To School...
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Most people have heard about the Boy Scout Eagle, the highest award with which a scout can be honored....
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Portland Guitar Duo, Computer classes...
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The Cedar Mill News
Published monthly by
Pioneer Marketing & Design
1100 NW Murray Rd., Ste. 1000.,
Portland, OR 97229
Do you have news or events or know of something
that you
would like to see covered in the Cedar Mill News?
Contact us!
Publisher/Editor: Virginia Bruce
503-803-1813 • email
Printing courtesy of Copytronix
Printed copies are distributed throughout the
Cedar Mill area.
Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily
of the advertisers. |