Volume 12, Issue 9 | September 2014 |
Time for a TrimTrees and other vegetation can grow so fast over a summer, it can be a surprise to find that your landscaping has overtaken important public property and signs. Now is a good time to take a look at your frontage to ensure the safety of your neighbors, and to avoid being cited for a violation. Washington County Land Use and Transportation reminds us: It is the responsibility of the property owner or lawful occupant to maintain roadside trees, bushes, and other vegetation growing in the road right-of-way. Any vegetation that grows into or hangs over the road, covers up signs, blocks valuable light from street lights or impairs sight visibility at intersections must be taken care of. (ORS 368.256(b))
Please, trim vegetation: (1) around signs and under street lights; (2) at corners and intersections so that you can see approaching vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians clearly in both directions; (3) over and adjacent to sidewalks and walkways so pedestrians do not have to duck under a tree or brush up against a bush; and (4) over the traveled roadway. School buses and larger vehicles need additional height clearance so they can safely travel the roadway, too. Trees and shrubs must be trimmed to a MINIMUM of 12 feet directly over all portions of roadway, and 2 feet in from the edge of the roadway, and 9 feet directly over all portions of sidewalks or walkways. Appropriate vegetation must be maintained in open roadside ditches to ensure storm water filtration and to prevent erosion. Please do not use herbicide or otherwise eliminate vegetation in ditches. The county may trim trees or other vegetation within the road right-of-way when it is identified as an immediate hazard or as having adverse impacts to the road or the traveling public. Roadside shoulder spraying is a routine road maintenance activity, performed every year, to keep vegetation from encroaching into the roadway. If you do not want vegetation on the roadside adjacent to your property to be sprayed, contact us to get a “No Spray – Owner Will Maintain" permit. With an approved permit and signage in place, your frontage will not be sprayed as long as you maintain the vegetation within the road right-of-way in compliance with your permit. For more information, please call (503) 846-ROAD (846-7623) or e-mail wc-roads@co.washington.or.us
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