Volume 15, Issue 9 | September 2017 |
Business News September 2017
Bethany Massage & Spa offers classes for healingAll classes at the Spa, 15280 NW Central Dr., #102, Bethany Village Women's Healing CircleMon., Sep. 11 & 25, 6:30-8 pm, free Take a break from the stress of your routine and surround yourself with positive, supportive women. Get a dose of empowerment that will last the week. We all need some inspiration and that is what this group is all about. We will gather together and talk on different subjects from dealing with stress to finding your true purpose. Meditation Circle with JenniferMon., Sep. 18, 6:30-7:30 pm, free In this circle, we will be sitting in comfy chairs as we slowly drift into a deep meditation. Learn to change your focus from the active mind to the peace we all have inside. Vibrational Sound Healing ClassWed, Sep. 20, 6:30-8 pm, free Rosemary Levesque, Reiki Master, and Certified Vibrational Sound Teacher will demonstrate the Energy Vitality Technique using Solfeggio tuning forks. She will draw the name of one lucky attendee who will receive a Complete Energy session during the free class. Call 503-533-5614 or visit massageandspabethany.com for more information, and to book a service or sign up for a class.
20 years of pet love at Pet Barn!Sat., Sep. 23, 9:30 am-7 pm, 12675 A NW Cornell Help Larry and Laurel celebrate 20 years owning this local store! Many vendors will be on hand with samples and information. Sign up to win goodies in Raffle Baskets! Well-behaved dogs on leashes are welcome, too! To celebrate this special event, everything in the store is 20% off for this special day only. Discount applies to first large bag or box of food, additional at 10% off.
One-day sale at Piccolo Mondo ToysSat., Sep. 16, Bethany Village Centre, 4768 NW Bethany Blvd Piccolo Mondo Toys is celebrating 100 Days until Christmas with 20% off the entire store! Some restrictions apply. See store for details. For more information, visit piccolomondotoys.com, or call 503-617-0250.
Touchmark classes help you downsizeThurs., Sep. 14 I Have Too Much Stuff Thurs., Sep. 28 Making Choices in Downsizing All classes are Thursdays, 11:30-1, Information Center, 5150 SW Griffith Dr., Beaverton, free with lunch provided. RSVP to Adrien, 503-946-5427.
Grand Central Bakery offers all-local Corn LoafThe Corn Loaf, a beautiful golden 1-pound boule with a crisp, nutty crust and a soft-chewy interior, is a modern version of a Grand Central cult favorite, Yeasted Corn, but made with all-local flours, Bee Local honey and stone-milled heirloom Red Floriani cornmeal. It will only be available for a limited time, so be sure to try one soon.
Ingredients in this all-local loaf highlight new specialty flours from the region: unbleached white flour (single variety wheat) from Small’s Family Farm in Walla Walla and stoneground Durum flour from Hunton’s Farm and Camas Country Mill in the Willamette Valley. In addition, there is local, organic Red Floriani cornmeal from an Italian heirloom flint-type corn that gives the bread its pale gold and red flecking, Bee Local honey and Jacobsen sea salt. It’s not by accident that Grand Central’s seasonal loaves are built around small-batch local flours: head baker Mel Darbyshire regularly tests new flours from wheat grown on the west side of the Cascades through her work with Washington State University’s Bread Lab, where earlier this summer she baked for Bill Gates. The new Corn Loaf is now available at all Grand Central locations for $3.25. You can also enjoy it at any Grand Central café in the Smoky Tomato & Zucchini sandwich special.
New classes at Sunset Yoga CenterPrenatal Yoga ClassThursdays, 7:30-8:30 pm, first class Sep. 14 Sunset Yoga Center announces a new prenatal yoga class. The class will be Thursday evenings from 7:30-8:30pm. The first class will be September 14th. Introduction to Yoga ClassEight Fridays, noon-1 pm, first class Sep. 15 This class is for those new to yoga who would like a structured introduction to yoga in a supportive class. Both classes will be taught by Sara Russell. For more information, visit www.sunsetyoga.com, call 503-539-4504, or email sunsetyogapdx@gmail.com
Village Gallery NewsAll events (unless otherwise noted) are at the Gallery, 12505 NW Cornell, next to the Cedar Mill Library. Open Mon.-Sat., 10-4; Sun. 12-4. Opening reception for September ShowSun., Sep. 10, 2-4 pm Each September, Village Gallery showcases work by our new members who have joined the gallery in the last year. Join us for refreshments and to meet our new member artists, or stop in during September to see their diverse fine arts and crafts on display. Gently-used art supply saleSeptember 15-17 Set them Free! VGA needs your donation of art supplies and art-related books you are no longer using. Deliver items to the gallery after noon, Thursday September 14. Then bring some new creative energy into your studio. Visit the sale and take home new and wonderful gently-used supplies. This is a FUNdraiser for VGA so bring your friends and tell your neighbors. Café ArtThursdays Sept. 7, 14, and 28, 9 am to noon On most Thursdays, Village Gallery of Arts hosts an open studio time for both members and non-members in our classroom. Bring your own project; self clean up is required. The $2 drop-in fee covers overhead costs. It’s a great place to work on a project, socialize, and run ideas by a group of like-minded individuals. Check our FaceBook page for any updates. Please see our website for information on our Fall Class lineup at www.villagegalleryarts.org. Highlights include children’s classes, oil, watercolor, and acrylic painting classes. To register, visit or call the gallery at 503-644-8001 Village Gallery is a non-profit, cooperative gallery in operation since 1963. Please see our website for information on our Fall Class lineup at www.villagegalleryarts.org.
CMBA expands meeting scheduleTues., Sep. 12, 11:45-1 pm, Cedar Mill Bible Church Chapel, first meeting for non-member is free, lunch included. Becky Olson, author, speaker, and co-founder of "Breast Friends" gives hope and encouragement to thousands with her book, podcast and presentations. Becky travels all over the country as a keynote speaker, but we are lucky enough to get her right here in Cedar Mill! Dessert Sponsor: Wendy Wells from Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. Member Speaker: Dr. Trevor Hollingsworth from Sunset Chiropractic Clinic. Thurs, Sept. 21, 6-7:30 pm Members host an Open House at their businesses. This month: Eleete Realty, hosted by Lauren Sinha Tuesd, Sep. 26, 8:30-9:30 am, Java Lounge, 760 NW Dale Morning Networking meeting Contact Caryl Hoffman for more information: carylkhoff@gmail.com, or 503-807-1348
Santosha Yoga brings Global Mala to BethanySun., Sep. 24, 10 am to noon GLOBAL MALA for peace. All yogis, or yogis to be, are invited to join in the annual global mala at the fountain in Bethany Village. At the time of the Fall Equinox, people/yogis around the world join together to create a synergy of energy for PEACE through participating in a global mala. Together, we do (up to) 108 sun salutations along with other groups and individuals around the world and dedicate the practice to peace. All are invited. There is no cost to participate. There will be chairs for those who would like to do 'half-sun salutations' or need to rest. Children and families are welcome to come and participate (or watch), whether for 1, 9, 27, or 108 sun salutations. We begin at 10 am with a short dedication for peace. Yoga teachers from Santosha Yoga, located in Bethany Village and organizers of the event, and other studios will take turns leading the group. If you are interested in helping out, please call the studio and leave a message. 503-372-9825 Registration for our Kids classes is open. Session begin September 13-14. Teacher Training also begins soon. This is a great opportunity to gain this training locally and at convenient times for someone who has a day-job...or is a busy parent. Anyone interested in learning to be a yoga teacher should contact us soon.
Semi-Annual Curvy Chic Closet Consignment Sale and Fashion ShowThurs, Sep. 28-Sun., Oct. 1, see below for hours, 12505 NW Cornell, free except for pre-sale Curvy Chic Closet, the largest plus size consignment event in North America, has answered our frugal prayers with their four-day, semi-annual Consignment Sales Event, allowing curvy women to indulge in a new wardrobe without even a smidgen of guilt by consigning their own gently-used clothing and then browsing a massive selection of outfits and even accessories from fellow attendees and more than 22 participating vendors.
Attendees who wish to consign their gently-used, size 14/XL-34 clothes should register via curvychiccloset.com to receive a consigner number and receive a drop-off appointment. On Saturday, attend a free fashion show at 7 pm. This is the largest plus size fashion show on the west coast. It features designers such as Chic Rider Designs, Curvy Diva Parties, Heavenly Bridal Boutique, House of Digginity, Lady J, Leo Nora Design Studio, Rosy Cheek Designs, Selah Boutique, and Sweet Spot Skirts. This exciting fashion show will feature Farrah Estrella with Estrella Fashion Report, a Latina Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger from Tampa, Florida. This exciting extravaganza kicks off with a special $5 pre-sale event on Thursday, 11 am-2 pm. After the pre-sale, enter for free from 2-9 pm;, Friday, 10 am-9 pm; Saturday, 10 am-9 pm, and Sunday, 10 am-5 pm (with many consigners offering their goods for 50% off). For more information, visit curvychiccloset.com or find them on Facebook: CurvyChicCloset.
Four scams every college student (and parent) needs to watch forProvided by Sunset Credit Union. Scam artists love to prey on college students. They’re old enough to have money, young enough to be vulnerable and likely to be unsupervised and away from home for the first time. With this in mind, take a few minutes to study some common college scams. 1. Tuition scamSomeone calls claiming to be with your school’s administration or admissions. They warn that your tuition is late and as a result, you’ll be dropped from your classes today. You’re ordered to pay immediately, over the phone, with a credit or prepaid card. Solution: If you get a call involving money from anyone regarding anything, get off the phone and call the office that was mentioned yourself. Simply explain to whoever is calling that you’ll be calling them back, then check the status of whatever seems to be the problem. 2. Fake credit cards … and real onesThe Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009 banned heavy credit card marketing on campus, but that doesn’t mean banks and card companies don’t still actively pursue college students. Credit cards and other accounts that are heavily solicited are the ones most likely to be loaded with bad terms, big fees and high interest rates. Even worse, some credit card solicitations might be disguising an identity thief. Solution: Open a Sunset Visa credit card in their name NOW. This EMV-chip enabled card offers a low fixed-rate, no annual fees and no matter where they go to college, they’ll always enjoy the service of their local credit union. 3. Online booksCrooks know textbooks are a huge college expense. So they set up a site, offer great deals, collect your money, then deliver nothing. Solution: Don’t ever buy books, or anything else, online without first checking out reviews and otherwise validating the site and/or seller. Are they listed with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)? Do they have a physical address and phone number? Do you know anyone who’s used them before? 4. Risks on Wi-FiUnfortunately, public Wi-Fi subjects you to all manner of potential foul play. Solution: Slow down hackers and ID thieves by using password protection and encryption software. Don’t ever log on to banking or other sensitive sites when on public Wi-Fi. And it’s not just your laptop that’s at risk. Make sure you have the same protections on your smartphone. While college students may be bombarded with many scams, most can be avoided by remembering three old-fashioned rules: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t part with personal information unless you’re sure where it’s going. The more someone needs money upfront, the greater the likelihood you’re about to be robbed. |
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