A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 3, Issue 1 | January
That “A” wordUpdates on the Beaverton annexation issueby Virginia Bruce, editor New developments in the Beaverton annexation saga include resolution of a suit brought by the Peterkort family, and a spirited meeting between Mayor Rob Drake at the January 4 meeting of CPO #1. As mentioned in a previous article in The Cedar Mill News, the Peterkorts wish to develop their property through existing county land-use and building permit processes. They dropped the lawsuit they had initiated when they reached a compromise with the city that includes removal of some parcels from the annexation and postponement of the annexation of other properties until the city moves forward with annexation of adjacent Cedar Hills areas. The city was able to initiate these forced annexations because state law allows annexation despite property owner objections when the property is surrounded by a city. The “surrounding” occurred when Beaverton annexed stretches of area roads. Drake acknowledged that Cedar Mill has a unique character, referring to our community as “Bohemian.” In pondering the addition of large communities to the city, he said, “I need more phone calls like a need a hole in the head,” but he still wants Beaverton to extend to the limits of it’s “Urban Service Area.” He told us that residents of unincorporated Washington County may one day beg the city to annex their area, as county services gradually deteriorate. When asked at the CPO meeting about the possibility of the area north of Sunset forming a new city, Drake stated his opposition, and opined that there would not be enough of an industrial base to support such a move. He mentioned that current state law would enable Beaverton to veto such a proposed incorporation. In his latest “MitchMessage,” our State Representative Mitch Greenlick writes, “Among new high priority bills this session will be a proposal to allow the citizens of unincorporated Washington County (half of House District 33) to consider the formation of a new city…” If you’d like to discuss this and other issues with him, his next two Town Hall meetings are January 22, 2 pm at the Northwest Library, 2300 N.W. Thurman and January 29, 10 am at St. Vincent Medical Center, Souther Auditorium (East Wing)
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The Cedar Mill News Cedar Mill Business Association Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce |