A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 3, Issue 3 | March
What’s the matter with Ivy?By Melissa Higgins, Natural Resources Volunteer Coordinator Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District
Invasive non-native plants have taken hold in the majority of the small patches of “wild” vegetation throughout the region. Some of the negative impacts these plants have on the watershed include increased erosion and fire hazard, degraded water quality and decreased biodiversity and wildlife habitat. The process of restoring natural areas begins with removing these invaders. Then a healthy population of newly planted native trees, herbs and shrubs can thrive. Major invasive non-native plants include English ivy, Himalayan blackberry, English holly, butterfly bush and Japanese knotweed. These plants are invasive because they have no natural predators or controls to keep them within the balance of nature, so they begin to dominate their new habitat and choke out the native vegetation. Ivy kills trees if allowed to climb. All of these plants were brought here and planted as ornamental yard vegetation. Birds spread the seeds and berries, so they don't just stay in your yard. If you would like to help combat this problem, you can get involved in many ways. The easiest way is to remove the invasive species that might be taking up residence on your own property. If you are unsure about how to do this, please feel free to contact the organizations listed below. Another way to get involved is to contact the Rock Creek Watershed Partners or Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District and get involved in ongoing restoration projects at numerous parks throughout the area. Feel free to contact: Melissa Higgins, 503/629.6305 x 2953, mhiggins@thprd.org Rock Creek Watershed Partners, 503-629-5799, www.rcwp.org No Ivy League, 503-823-3681,
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The Cedar Mill News Cedar Mill Business Association Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce |