A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 3, Issue 3 | March
Barnes/Cornell project update
Robert Boren, Robinson Construction Company Project Manager, anticipates that the majority of the utility work will be done in about six weeks, after which the utility poles will be taken down. Most of the work to date on Cornell has been the excavation and construction of storm sewers and vaults to carry underground utility cables. “The utilities generally don’t like to work side by side,” says Washington County Project Manager Alexander Sander. “But because of the nature of our project, we are getting better cooperation between the utility providers.” Construction on Cornell has been focused on the north side. Once that work is complete, it will be paved and work will begin on the south side. The first sidewalks will go in on the south, and north-side sidewalks will be completed last. On Barnes, the east side of a bridge being built to get Cedar Mill Creek out of its former culvert has been completed. Work will begin soon on the west side of the bridge. Our unusually dry February weather has helped speed the project along. There have been delays, but nothing major, and project timelines accommodate some problems. “The contractor has been communicating regularly with property owners, and that’s keeping complaints to a minimum,” states Sander. “I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the low level of problems we’re encountering,” he says. Assuming that the majority of the paving is completed by fall, the project will continue until the expected completion date of May 1, 2006 with driveway and sidewalk construction, landscaping, and all the rest of the finishing touches. Up-to-date information on the project’s progress is posted on the Washington County website at www.co.washington.or.us/deptmts/lut/cap_proj/otra.htm
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The Cedar Mill News Cedar Mill Business Association Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce |