A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 2, Issue 5 | May 2004
Knowledge Points “Affordable Tutoring”by Joyce Trepus
Education is an under-appreciated privilege. It is neither a punishment nor a job. Jill Braun, Director of Learning at Knowledge Points Affordable Tutoring‘ has been an educator for more than four years. She is excited about the new summer learning programs available at her Cedar Mill office in the Triangle Center behind the Dairy Queen on Saltzman Road. “ The Beaverton School District doesn’t have a summer learning program this year,” she said “and we’re filling in that void with our programs.” The current reading and math tutoring afternoon schedule will continue with an additional morning schedule, the Summer Advantage program. The twelve-week Summer Advantage program (6/16/04-9/3/04) is being offered to all grade levels and is the most intensive session. Each student will receive instruction for a designated one-hour session per subject (math or/and reading) Monday through Friday between 9 am and 12 am. The eight-week Summer Advantage Program (6/16/04 – 8/6/04) will keep your student learning with time for a break before the regular school year begins. The four-week Summer Advantage program, (8/9/04 - 9/3/04) allows even more time for summer activities. If you register before May 31st, you will receive a free diagnostic assessment. Several financial assistance programs are available to those that qualify. Braun decided to become a part of the one-on-one program when she was a classroom teacher. She found that she was unable to take the time in a full classroom to help individual students catch up. “It was so troubling to watch them fall behind and not be able to do much about it,” she said. W. Berry Fowler, former CEO and founder of the Sylvan Learning Centers® has come forward once again to bring tutoring to the average student at prices many will be able to afford. Everyone associated with Knowledge Points ™ Affordable Tutoring ™ is dedicated to getting students on track and helping them stay there. Their mission and contagious enthusiasm can be summed up in one word “Commitment” and this shows in the smiling faces of their students. A good education helps your students reach their full potential in school and in life. The truly wise never stop learning. Stop in at #485 and see for yourself. The center is clean and organized but friendly and cheerful with each student being very important. What more could you ask? For in depth information or to register, please call Affordable Learning ‘. 503-644-0305.
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The Cedar Mill News Cedar Mill Business Association Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce |