cedarmill.org – your
online community resource
Did you know that Cedar Mill has its own website? Since 1998, there’s
been a site growing at cedarmill.org – with information about the Cedar
Mill Community Library, local history, a business directory, and many other
useful features.
Peter Leonard, Director of the library, started the site in 1998.
However it became outdated because of staff changes. In 2000, website
designer Virginia Bruce volunteered to develop it further. Working
with Leonard, she
developed the site into a community resource.
An extensive site has been created for the library (cedarmill.org/library)
with links to the Washington County Cooperative Library System (WCCLS)
including renewal and search/hold capabilities. There’s also a library events
calendar (cedarmill.org/calendar) and information on library policies, resources,
the bi-monthly newsletter, and a volunteer signup form. Library employee
Deborah Genge now does most of the updating for the library site.
The “Business Directory” (cedarmill.org/biz) should be your first
stop for finding local businesses. It has listings in twelve main categories,
from “Home & Garden” to “Money & Legal.” We’re
adding businesses all the time, and our goal is to list every business in
the area. To suggest a business for the free listing, go to cedarmill.org/biz/bizlisting.html.
The “About Cedar Mill” section includes basic facts about our “census-designated
place” (the only official designation for the community). “Cedar
Mill History” contains excerpts from the book of the same name, by
Linda S. Dodds and Nancy A. Olson, and also personal historical recollections
from past and current Cedar Mill residents. Do you have stories to tell?
We’d love to publish them.
Rock Creek Watershed Partners, a coalition of stream groups, has
a section at cedarmill.org/RCWP, and the site also includes sections
for “Government
and Public Services,” and “Schools and Organizations” with
links to public representatives and many other resources.
And of course The Cedar Mill Business Association has a section at
cedarmill.org/CMBA with information about the group, meeting schedules,
and an online form for joining the association.
Plans for the future include a section about the geology of Cedar
Mill, gardening tips, an improved community event calendar, and updates
from our local legislators. We’re always looking for news and information
to include in the site, and we’d love to have volunteers to help with
the calendar. To offer suggestions or help, email Virginia Bruce at cedarmill@teamweb.com.