Cedar Mill Park concert
Make your plans now to meet friends and family at the Tualatin Hills
Park & Recreation District (THPRD) Concert in the Park at Cedar Mill
Park, Tuesday evening, August 2 from 6-8:30 pm.
Trashcan Joe will provide the music for an evening of fun and food
for the community. Bandleader James Cook invented the trashcanjo,
a four string banjo made out of a trashcan. He then pulled together
a band from some of the best musicians in town to play original material
coupled with classic standards from early Jazz and Blues to movie
theme songs and Swing (see trashcanjoe.com). Music will start at 6:30.
Bring your own picnic, or plan to visit the Farmers’ Market vendors
who will provide dinner for picnics and take-home produce, including Mike’s
Flame-Grilled Sausages, providing meals from veggie burgers and dogs
to premium hot dogs and sausages with all the toppings, and beverages
as well; Lone Elder Farms, bringing fresh-picked goodness straight from the
farm ; and Baird Family Orchards, loaded with peaches, nectarines, and apricots
fresh from the orchards.
The park is located just west of Cedar Mill School at 10385 NW Cornell.
Parking will be available at the Cedar Mill Bible Church lot at
12208 NW Cornell Road, with a free shuttle to the park. Call 503-645-6433
for more information.