Cedar Mill Talent Contest
Do you have musical talent? Do you live in Cedar Mill? Then enter the
First Annual Cedar Mill Talent Contest! Winners will perform at
the Farmers’ Market
during September 2005.
Finalists will be chosen from recordings that are sent in, and
the finals will be held August 27th live at the Market.
There are three categories: age 15 and under; age 16 and over amateur
and age 16 and over professional. If the entry is a group, the oldest
Cedar Mill resident will determine category.
Winners will receive prizes donated by local merchants as well as fifteen
minutes of fame at the Market.
To enter, submit a recording (audio or video tape, CD, or an audio
file by email) and an entry form, available at the Market every Saturday
or online at cedarmill.org/market/talent.html
All entries will be judged by a panel of local music lovers. Finalists
will be invited to play at the market on August 27th and the winners
will be chosen by a combination of audience response and judges’ determination.
Rules: at least one member of any group must reside in Cedar Mill (see
website for boundaries). Entry media will not be returned unless accompanied
by return postage. Decisions of judges will be final. All entries must be
received by August 6th, 2005 so don’t wait, record some music and send
it in.