Area parks–improvements and plans
Danica Skeoch, THPRD Planning & Development
Summer is a very busy time for park projects
around the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District. This summer there
are two projects that will create new park and recreation opportunities in
the Bethany and Cedar Mill communities, and a major facility north of Cedar
Mill is being planned:
Foege Park
DaNeal Construction began work on Foege Park (pronounced Fay-gee),
located on Cedar Hills Boulevard just north of Barnes, in early July.
The project
is going well and completion is expected in September of this year.
Improvements to the site include the installation of a new play structure
and two picnic
tables as well as the fine grading and seeding of the lawn area. Don’t
forget to visit the park this fall and try out all of the new site amenities!
The park can be accessed from the bridge on 112th.
The Bluffs Park
Construction at The Bluffs Park is scheduled to begin in August of
this year, with completion in late fall. New site amenities include
a six-foot-wide gravel path from the Haskell Court entrance through the woods
to the
open meadow area in the park, and a swing set and play structure in
the meadow area. The entrance to The Bluffs Park is located at the bottom
of Haskell
Court, off Big Fir Circle in The Bluffs subdivision.
Be sure to check the Planning & Development Web page at
for updates on Foege Park, the Bluffs Park and THPRD’s PCC–Rock
Creek Recreation Facility, and information on other upcoming and recently
completed park projects.
THPRD’s PCC–Rock Creek Recreation Facility
The Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District has entered into
an agreement with Portland Community College (PCC) to develop
and use (cooperatively with PCC) 25 acres of property located on the southeast
corner of the
Rock Creek Campus property along NW Springville Road. The facility will consist
of recreational amenities including: athletic fields, field lighting, tennis
courts, parking, an interior multi-use trail system, creek enhancements, play
equipment, irrigation, a community garden, and restroom/concession facilities.
The facilities will provide park and recreation opportunities to the students
and visitors who frequent the Rock Creek Campus, as well as local neighbors
and the community at large.
The planning phase of the Rock Creek Campus facility is well underway.
April saw the creation of a Public Task Force consisting of Rock Creek
area business, athletic and neighborhood community representatives.
The Task Force
served as an advisory group to the THPRD/PCC Design Team that made recommendations
and disseminated information on key project issues, design options,
and a preferred Master Plan design. After four Task Force meetings and
two open
houses, the Master Plan created by our consultant W&H Pacific, with guidance
and input from the Design Team and the Public Task Force, was put before the
THPRD and PCC–Rock Creek Boards of Directors in July for review and
approval. The Plan was approved by both bodies, and is now heading to Washington
County for land use review and approval. The County is expected to grant the
land-use later this year, putting the project one step closer to its anticipated
initiation of construction date in mid-2005.