A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 3, Issue 9 | September
Peninsula Insurance “It was really a mess to clean up!” remembers Cherie Boyce, President of the company. “There was grease and dirt everywhere.” They gutted the building and turned the former deck in back into more office space and in May of 1992 they moved in. The upstairs is currently rented to an architecture firm. Eula Wells, now 80, still works in the office one or two days a week. And Boyce’s daughter Kim Thomas, has worked at the agency for five years. “We really enjoy being a family business,” says Wells. “We get along just fine.” Peninsula is an independent insurance broker. Cherie Boyce and her husband Tim, who also works for the agency, have been on both sides, as Farmers’ agents and with Peninsula. “One of the advantages of being independent is that you have many more options for your clients. Also, when you own your own business you can sell it to anyone you want when you are ready to retire,” she mentions. For the customer, the advantage of working with an independent insurance agent is choice. “We can provide you with a policy that really meets your needs, not just what a single company happens to provide,” says Boyce.
“When buying an insurance policy, both the client and the agent need to work together to be sure that coverage is adequate to insure the needs of the customer,” she continues. “It is also important to review and discuss the coverage every year. The more you know about a client, the better you can serve their needs. I also believe that you should have all of your policies with the same agent/company if possible. It helps to prevent any “holes” in your coverages.” Boyce estimates that about 20% of her business is from the local area. She loves Cedar Mill, but doesn’t enjoy her commute from Canby, where all the families live. About the Town Center road work, she says, “I don’t think the construction has hurt our business—much of it is done on the telephone. It has ruined our front and back yard however—the construction company broke the water pipes to our sprinkler system. We assume that they will replace or repair it when the construction is completed.” The business has belonged to the Cedar Mill Business Association for many years. Boyce feels that the association, “…could help to make more people aware of where Cedar Mill is and what a good area it is to live in, work in and shop in.” Peninsula Insurance is located at 12700 NW Cornell just west of Bank
of America. Their phone number is 503-644-5333. Their website
is www.peninsure.com
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The Cedar Mill News Cedar Mill Business Association Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce |