Watershed Tales at fundraiser auction
Rock Creek Watershed Partners, a coalition of stream groups who look
out for the Rock Creek watershed (see map), has scheduled their
first fundraising silent auction for Wednesday evening, November
9 at the McMenamin’s
Cornelius Pass Roadhouse. Food and beverages will be available
during the event, which will run from 5:30-9 pm.
The program will include a variety of folks telling “Watershed Tales” throughout
the evening, with acoustical guitar and songs between stories.
The mission of the Rock Creek Watershed Partners is to protect and
restore a healthy watershed by motivating and enabling a community
of active stream stewards in the basin. They accomplish their mission by
building organizational capacity and providing support to groups and individuals
who practice good stream stewardship.
Some of the major accomplishments of the RCWP include funding an
AmeriCorps volunteer coordinator position to further the goals of
the group, hosting educational workshops, and playing an active role
in the restoration of Cedar Mill Park, Cedar Mill Wetland in Beaverton, Noble
Woods in Hillsboro, and Portland Community College’s Rock Creek preserve
in the Bethany area.
Items available at the auction include a family membership
to the Sunset Athletic Club, snowshoes, a full-day ski pass, yoga
lessons, native plants and lots more.
If you love our watershed and want to do your part, you’ll find
a roomful of like-minded neighbors having a good time at the event. For more
information, call Melissa Higgins at 503-629-6305, extension 2953.
Are you ready for some B-Ball?
Continuing with our 30+ years tradition, Cedar Mill Bible Church
is getting ready to kick off the 2005-2006 Mini League basketball
season. The league is open to boys and girls, 3rd-6th grades.
Practices are during the week and games are on Saturdays. Open
Registration for the season will begin on October 10. Contact
Melissa at the church office, 503.644.3156, for registration forms or further
Coffee with the Library director
Join Peter Leonard, the director of the library, for coffee and donuts
on Friday morning, October 28th at 8 am in the upstairs library
meeting room.
Both the library and our community are in the midst of great changes.
Population growth, demographic shifts, technological advancements,
and future funding are all part of the planning equation. Come and hear the
library’s thoughts for the future and bring your own thoughts and
ideas to the table.
Please RSVP by October 27 to 503-644-0043 ext. 121.
CPO #1 elects 2005-2006
At the October 4 meeting of Citizen's Participation Organization
#1, which represents Cedar Mill and Cedar Hills, the following
slate of officers was elected by acclamation: Chair: Bruce Bartlett,
bruce@actisdesign.com' Vice Chair:Bill Hagerup, bill@hagerupfamily.com;
Secretary:Pat Van Dyke, vandykp@mailhost.odscompanies.com. More
information about CPO #1 is available at cedarmill.org/cpo.
AARP Drivers Safety Program
(also known as 55 ALIVE)
Learn to avoid collisions and injuries, and save on insurance premiums
too. Classes being held at the Cedar Mill Library and at the Cedar
Mill Bible church. For more information, please call Peggy Johnson
- 503-646-7960.
McDonald’s to redevelop store
The McDonald’s store on Murray next to Safeway has submitted plans
to the county for an extensive redevelopment of their store. The new store
is billed as “McDonald’s PlayPlace Addition and Dessert Shop." Mmm,
sounds interesting!