CMBA Member News
Farmers’ Market continues through October!
Market Manager Dina Gross says, “Keep the market listed on your calendar; we’ll see you through October 24, though in October we’ll open at 9 am. In really bad October weather when we otherwise would simply not have a market, the Leedy Grange has offered to house some of our vendors to continue the wonderful connection between the Cedar Mill community and local agriculture, so look for that possibility.
Don’t write us off on stormy Saturdays! Here’s what to do: in October if it’s stormy, check your Friday email for news of the market. Or check the usual spot for us or for signage on whether you’ll find us at the Grange (on Saltzman just north of Cornell).
Rave in the Nave
Cedar Mill’s Christ United Methodist Church brings back their popular concert series that began last year. Season tickets (ten performances) are $130; single tickets are $15. Package of five performances—you pick—$67.50. Tickets are available through the church office (12755 NW Dogwood Street, 503-646-1598) or at the door. Pay by cash, check or credit card. More information about the entire schedule is on the website:
October 24, 2009
John Stowell: one of the world’s most acclaimed and distinctive jazz guitarists, Downbeat Critics’ Poll Winner and Portland resident John Stowell performs with Brazilian pianist Weber Iago. “Makes the guitar sound like a singing voice.”—Nat Hentoff
November 21, 2009
Dave Frishberg: the dean of Portland’s jazz community, former pianist for the Tijuana Brass, and one of the most unique songwriters in the world (“Peel Me a Grape”—Diana Krall, “Wheelers and Dealers”—Lani Hall), Dave Frishberg performs a solo cabaret set in a very rare Portland performance.
The UPS Store unveils online printing solution
The UPS Store® located at 10940 SW Barnes Rd. in Peterkort Towne Square is now offering online printing, providing around-the-clock access to upload documents for print services from the convenience of your home or office. Customers can submit their documents on a secure, easy-to-use site, which walks users through the process, step-by-step. Simply log onto, upload a new document or multiple documents, select printing options (paper, binding, etc.), which are applied in real time, and choose a convenient participating location for pickup (enter 97225 for our store) as well as the desired date and time for completion. After proofing and previewing the job, payment is taken online, making pick up at the center quick and easy. Each job is assigned a number, allowing the customer to track the print job from beginning to end.
“As our customers make the transition to the online world, we need to make that transition as well, to help make their lives easier,” said Tim Kimble, The UPS Store Franchisee. “Whether the customer is working from home or is on the road, print services are available with nothing more than an Internet connection and a few minutes time,” added Tim.
The UPS Store online printing platform supports more than ten commonly used program files, so whether you are printing the monthly PTA newsletter or your company’s 250-page annual report, The UPS Store will make your printed materials look polished and professional.
Sunset Credit Union offers seminar
Sunset Science Park Federal Credit Union will be offering a FREE seminar on what you should know about Trusts and Wills. If you’ve ever thought about creating a Trust or Will, come get the answers to your questions at the SSPFCU office on October 13th from 6-7pm. Refreshments will be provided. Space is limited so reserve your spot now by email at or give us a call 503.643.1335!
End of Construction Celebration at Poppa’s Haven
Jane and Jerry Bennett of Poppa’s Haven Coffee House want to thank their patrons and welcome new customers to the shop—now much easier to get to!—on Saturday, October 17 with live music, special drinks and treats, and, Jerry says, “probably some giveaways, knowing us.” Stop in during the day and enjoy their great espresso and some special surprises.
Halloween Candy Exchange
Dr. Michelle Stafford, Pediatric Dental Specialist at World of Smiles, Pediatric Dentistry in Portland Oregon offers the following advice for the kid-candy-frenzy that happens on Halloween and into the holidays:
"After your child overindulges on any and all candy on Halloween, I recommend that by the next day certain candies 'disappear:' any sticky candy such as taffy, caramel or Skittles. Sticky candy stays in the grooves of molars especially and will cause cavities quicker. Better to give a piece of chocolate or nuts or a candy bar to your child than small sticky candies. Keep sweets at mealtime only and at least rinse with milk or water afterward though brushing teeth after eating candy is best. "
World of Smiles is hosting their annual Candy Exchange Program. Children under 14 are invited to bring in all of their Halloween candy to exchange it for a toy. Stop by World of Smiles at 11790 SW Barnes Road, Suite 280 during normal business hours from 8-5 during the first two weeks of November to take advantage of this offer. Call for more details at: 503-626-9700 or visit our website: Happy Halloween!!
Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic will open in November
The only walk-in Pediatric urgent care clinic in Oregon will open November 1 at the facilities of Integrative Pediatrics in the Barnes Professional Center, 11790 NW Barnes Rd. The clinic will keep children (age 0-21 years) from the long waits and often unpleasant and frightening experience of visiting a hospital emergency room, especially during the upcoming flu season. Hours of the new clinic will be Monday-Friday 7- 10 pm and weekends and holidays 1-9 pm. More info next month!
Reducing the stress of seniors who are downsizing
Beth Giles has recently joined the National Association of Senior Move Managers, a non-profit professional association dedicated to helping older adults and their families with the physical and emotional aspects of moving.
“Most adults making the transition have not moved in 20, 30, or 40 years and need to downsize considerably,” said Giles, Senior Move Manager and Professional Organizer with NW Organizing Solutions. “The organizational and physical tasks associated with planning and implementing such a move can be overwhelming. It’s so much more than just a move when you are helping older adults transition to a new home. We work to reduce the stress and anxiety that accompanies this type of move.”
NW Organizing Solutions frequently assists individuals who choose to stay in their own homes and require expert organizational skills and solid knowledge of “aging in place” concepts to help them achieve their goal of not moving anywhere, but improving their quality of life! The services that NW Organizing Solutions provides include developing an overall move or “age in place” plan; organizing, sorting and downsizing; customized floor plans; arranging for disposal of unwanted items through estate sale, consignment, or donation; interviewing, scheduling and overseeing movers; packing a household; and unpacking and setting up the new home.
For more information, please contact Beth Giles, Senior Move Manager at NW Organizing Solutions at 503-709-0791, or via email at
Holiday Bazaar comes back to Leedy Grange
Grange members keep hearing the question, “Are you going to have that holiday bazaar again?” So although the organizers of previous events aren’t around, they’re going to re-invent the sale with the help of the wonderful craft vendors from the Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market and other vendors who want to sell home-made or locally produced gift and food items.
Mark the weekend after Thanksgiving, November 28-29, to visit the Grange Hall at 835 NW Saltzman to find one-of-a-kind items for everyone on your list. Keep your dollars in the community, support a local artist or crafter, and have a great time. More details in next month’s News.
If you are interested in selling at the Bazaar, contact Virginia Bruce, 503-803-1813 or NO MLM-type or party-type items please.
U S Bank October events
The US Bank Cedar Mill branch at Cornell and Saltzman is hosting a Fall Child Event on Friday, October 16. There will be free Piggy Banks for kids that open savings accounts, food & refreshments from local restaurants and displays and information from local child-focused businesses including World of Smiles, Integrative Pediatrics, and The Harmony School. In addition, kids will enjoy balloons, face painting and storytelling, plus a drawing for a great gift basket and more!
And on October 30, the branch is having a pumpkin-carving contest. There will be three categories that anyone can vote on: Kids, Adults, and US Bank employees. There will be prizes for all child participants and special prizes for the winners in each category.
For more information on either event, see Branch personnel or call (503)643-8365.
Village Gallery News
E. Benno Phillipson is the featured artist for this month’s show. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in architecture and design. He is currently participating in Architecture in the Schools Program where students learn about architecture, its history, drawing, design and town planning.
The show will feature his watercolor paintings. “Watercolor is a medium where one is always learning. There is about it a fluid creativity. Just the process of understanding what happens when water is added to color in all its many variations gives me a whole range of tools for extemporaneous fun on paper.”
The public is welcome to attend a reception on Friday, October 9th from 5-7pm at the Village Gallery of Arts,12505 NW Cornell Road, next to the library.
Many new art classes are beginning this fall. Please call or drop by to sign up for classes & workshops. You can also view our new catalog of classes on our website at
New arrivals at Cedar Mill Veterinary Hospital
The staff of Cedar Mill Veterinary Hospital ( is proud to welcome Margot Langan, Certified Veterinary Technician, as the newest member of our team. We are also proud to welcome Victoria Eileen Bailey, born on September 7th to Dr. Alec Bailey and his wife, Sarah. Vicki weighed in at 8lbs; she had all her fingers and toes and great big smile for Mom and Dad! She is their first child.
Fashions fit to a tea
By Susan Still, Second Edition Shop Assistant
75 guests enjoyed “A Novel Fashion Show” presented by the Second Edition Resale Shop on Friday, September 18, at the Cedar Mill Community Library. While enjoying a delicious English tea, attendees viewed a wide range of ensembles modeled by Second Edition volunteers. The event was organized by volunteers Jan Cox and Val Dale-Gruber with the help of many other Second Edition volunteers.
The parade of fashions began with 10 year-old Evan modeling a Harry Potter outfit as he “walked the runway’ reading a book, while the patrons learned of the library’s early literacy programs and the great importance of the library to children and families in our community.
From that dramatic opening, the fashions varied from a sporty ladies golf outfit, to office attire, casual clothes, and some very sexy evening wear, accessorized with plenty of “bling.” All clothing and accessories in the show were from Second Edition. So when the show was over there was a mad dash to the shop by many ladies hoping to buy the outfits and accessories they had set their sights on during the show. As a result, Second Edition sales were twice as much as a typical Friday!
Second Edition sells donated, gently-used designer fashions for men, women and children, as well as a large selection of household items. Best of all, proceeds benefit the Cedar Mill and Bethany libraries! Second Edition Resale Shop is located at the east end of the Cedar Mill Library. 12505 NW Cornell Rd. 503-644-6395. Open 7 days a week.
College of Art & Craft exhibit, Open House
Hoffman Gallery: Artist-in-Residence Exhibition, October 1-25
OCAC’s Artist-in-Residence Program brings both emerging and nationally-known artists to the Portland metro area. The program provides them with the time, resources and equipment to push their work in new directions. This October, OCAC unveils work created by the nine visiting artists during their 2008-09 residencies. The Artist-in-Residence Program is supported by a generous grant from The Collins Foundation.
Fall Open House, October 24 from 2-4 pm;
OCAC campus—8245 SW Barnes Road in Portland
Information about degree and continuing education programs for students of all ages will be presented. Learn about applying to OCAC, financial aid or take a tour of the campus. Applications to the BFA and Certificate programs are now being accepted for both Spring and Fall 2010 semesters.
More information about Oregon College of Art & Craft is on their website: