Volume 10, Issue 10 | October 2012 |
Community Announcements
Beaverton City Council hearing on Peterkort zoningAt its October 30 meeting, the Beaverton City Council will consider changes to the zoning that was applied to the Peterkort properties, in response to the LUBA remand that we covered in the September issue. The hearing will start at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers, First Floor, Beaverton City Hall, 4755 SW Griffith Dr. Free family day at Washington County MuseumGather up the kids and come celebrate Diwali, the Indian celebration of light, at the Washington County Museum on Saturday, October 13 from 10 am to 1 pm. The event is free and will include sand painting, dance workshops and other fun craft activities. Sushmita Modi from Bollywood Movez will be our special guest. She has formal training in Bharatnatyam and Indian Folk Dance and will give dance workshops at 10:30 am and noon. Visit the museum website for more information. CMBA Board Members Wanted!The Cedar Mill Business Association is looking for new Board Members. If you'd like to help be a part of the growth of the CMBA, please send an email to admin@cedarmillbiz.com and let us know. Submissions must be received by October 31 in order to qualify and are for a two-year term. For more information, visit cedarmillbiz.com New Pastor at Sunset Presbyterian ChurchSunset Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce Dr. Jason Curtis has filled the role of Lead Pastor of Spiritual Formation. Dr. Curtis comes to Sunset from Scotland where he held the position of Director of the Rutherford House in Edinburgh and has an MTh in Theology in History and PhD in the field of systematic theology from the University of Edinburgh. Prior to his move to Scotland, Curtis served as a minister in South Carolina for nearly ten years. He and his wife Marya have three boys. Dr. Curtis aims to equip and encourage leaders for ministry through teaching, but also through personal discipleship. This would include not only knowledge, but also providing the necessary opportunities to apply that knowledge in a ministry context. Film Aims to End PersecutionFor the past three decades, the members of the Baha'i community in Iran have suffered tremendous hardship, persecution, and now denial of education simply because of their beliefs. To raise awareness in the community about this injustice, Education Under Fire (www.educationunderfire.com) wants local groups to show and discuss their film about Baha’i persecution. Their goal is to raise the number of screening-conversations from 200 to 1000 by December 2012. In an effort to facilitate increased awareness, the campaign is offering a free DVD copy of the film to anyone willing to show it and hold discussions within smaller, more intimate settings in group environments, be they university or high school classrooms, libraries, community centers, homes, interfaith gatherings or human rights groups. Everyone in the community is invited to participate in this important endeavor and spread peace through awareness. Visit the website to order your copy. OSU Extension Resources for CannersFall is the ideal time to can and save fresh fruits and vegetables for winter. In order to make sure preservation is done safely and effectively, OSU Extension Family and Community Health provides publications and resources to help you preserve and store food. Extension also provides classes in food preservation and safety. Contact your local Extension office for information about classes. For instructions on how to preserve food and reach out to your local Extension office, visit them online at http://extension.oregonstate.edu/fch/food-preservation. Garden Club Monthly MeetingThe monthly Cedar Mill Garden Club meeting will occur on October 17 at the Beaverton Community Center, 12350 S.W. 5th Beaverton, OR at 11:30 am. All interested gardeners are welcome to attend and there is no charge. "Fall and Winter Color to the Garden" will be the topic of the meeting and Dahlias will be for sale at the meeting. Other upcoming events include a trip to the Lakeview Farms pumpkin patch, corn maze, on October 6, the Cedar Mill Cider Fest on October 14 and a trip to the Lan Su Chinese Garden Chrysanthemum Festival on November 3. The Cedar Mill Garden Club is active in the community of Cedar Mill, and has recently planted wildflowers at the JQA Young House and several trees around the area. They have also teamed up with other local groups such as Girl Scouts, the Leedy Grange, and the Cedar Mill Library. For further information about the Cedar Mill Garden Club, contact President Barb Cushman at 503-649-7741 barbswhimseys@yahoo.com, see our Facebook page or check out our website at www.thecedarmillgardenclub.org. Pit Bull RescueBorn Again Pit Bull Rescue (BAPBR) will be at Holistic Pet Store in Cedar Mill for an adoption event on October 13 from noon-4 pm. They will have some of their adoptable dogs—both pit bulls and other breeds—available for visitors to meet and ask questions about. Holistic Pet is across the street from Sunset High School at 13567 NW Cornell Rd. For more information, email BAPBR member Sara at sara@bapbr.org. Fall Voter ForumA fall voter forum for interested community members will be held at Beaverton City Hall at 4755 SW Griffith Drive on Thursday October 11. Listen, learn, and ask questions of candidates on the November ballot. Come early at 6:30 pm to meet the candidates and enjoy refreshments. Forum will begin at 7 pm and is free of charge. Visit www.BeavertonOregon.gov/VotersForum for more information. Holiday Bazaar at St. Pius XSt. Pius X Women’s Club is having its 52nd Annual Christmas and Holiday Bazaar on November 1 from 6-9 pm, November 2 and 3 from 9 am to 7 pm, and November 4 from 8 am to 2 pm. Santa will be visiting from noon to 1 pm on Saturday and Sunday. The bazaar will include over 50 vendors displaying handcrafted items, a bake sale, a vintage corner and a raffle. The bazaar will be held at St. Pius X Catholic Church Community Center, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd. A $2 donation per person is suggested. Community Dance at Grape Vine RestaurantThe “Fall Fling” Community Dance with DJ Susie Q will rock The Grape Vine from 8-midnight on October 20. The dance will be hosted in the Grape Vine Restaurant’s Vineyard Room at 11525 SW Barnes Rd. Music selections will include 70s and 80s disco, contemporary pop, R & B, and country. For those who are interested in learning to dance, swing and hustle dance lessons will be offered with Sylvia of Dance with Us! from 7-8 pm before the festivities begin. The cost will be $3 for single dancers and $5 for couples. For more information, contact Irene Pavlatos of the Grape Vine Restaurant & Lounge at 503-597-0300. County Advisory Board OpeningsSeveral county advisory boards have or will soon have openings. Local citizens are encouraged to seek positions if they are interested. For more information about the boards and responsibilities of board members visit http://www.co.washington.or.us/BOC/county-boards-vacancy-announcement.cfm. The openings and vacant positions are: Cultural Coalition of Washington County – 7; Developmental Disabilities Council – 6; Fair Board – 2; Fairgrounds Advisory Committee – 4; Homeless Plan Advisory Committee – 7: Northwest Area Commission on Transportation – 1. ESPD on BallotThis fall, Washington County voters will find Measure 34-198 on their ballots. The measure would continue funding for the Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District, or ESPD, and would ensure enhanced response to emergency situations in the District, which includes Aloha, Bethany, Cedar Hills, Bull Mountain, Bonnie Slope, Cedar Mill, Claremont, Coopertown, Garden Home, Metzger, Oak Hills, Orenco, Raleigh Hills, Rock Creek, Reedville, Somerset, Terra Linda, West Haven, West Slope, and other local communities. Measure 34-198 would provide funding to district police services at a fixed tax rate of 68 cents per 1000-dollar asserted value. This is five cents over the current average rate. The increase would provide funding to continue the current level of patrol services in the District, even with projected population growth. All citizens of Washington County are encouraged to vote this November. More information on the Measure can be found at www.co.washington.or.us/espd. Beaverton Historical Society Monthly Event
Settling on the West Tualatin Plain in the fall of 1841, Alvin Smith soon became known for the strength of his faith and moral standards, as well as for being a hard worker and difficult to please. Smith's land claim was a crossroad for many people, and the early settlers were dependent upon one another when traveling and in need of a bed for a night. The presentation will cover many people of those settlement years and demonstrate the interdependence of the people in this region. Our guest speaker for October will be Mary Jo Morelli, a descendant of early settlers of the region. Mary Jo is the current President of Friends of Historic Forest Grove. Visit www.historicbeaverton.org for more information. Beaverton School District Positions OpenThe Beaverton School District has three vacancies on the budget committee and seeks a diverse pool of candidates. These positions are in School Board Zone 3 (including Cedar Mill), School Board Zone 5, and School Board Zone 6. The Budget Committee reviews the District’s budget and recommends needed changes. The Committee conducts business in evening public meetings held monthly between January and June. The Budget Committee also approves the Budget Document and forwards it to the School Board for adoption by the end of June. Candidates must meet the following qualifications: be a qualified voter of the District, have lived in the District for one year and cannot be a Beaverton School District employee. Those interested can visit http://www.beaverton.k12.or.us for more information. Washington County Forum election scheduleThe Washington County Public Affairs Forum meets Mondays from 11:30 am-1 pm at the Tanasbourne Old Spaghetti Factory, 18925 NW Tanasbourne Drive, Hillsboro. Meetings are free and open to all, lunch & beverages are extra.
For more information, visit http://washingtoncountyforum.org NEWS HOME |
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