Library News and Events
By Dawn Anderson
Library Honored
Last week your library was selected by the Oregonian as one of the Top Workplaces in Oregon. We ranked number four out of 40 small businesses recognized. The library was also given a separate award for being the top-ranked organization for “Appreciation” meaning employees feel genuinely appreciated.
Symphony Storytime
In October, Oregon Symphony musicians and librarians are teaming up to present an hour-long program of music, stories, learning and hands-on fun. Ages 3 & up. Wednesdays, October 3-24, 1:30pm, Cedar Mill Library.
Jim Gill Family Room Tour
Jim Gill, celebrated author, musician and child specialist, will have everyone clapping, wiggling and giggling together at a live concert on Wednesday, November 7, beginning at 10:30. All ages welcome. “Music Play—Growing Readers One Song at a Time,” will be held at the Christ United Methodist Church, 12755 NW Dogwood Street. (across Saltzman from Cedar Mill Library) To discover more about this dynamic performer, visit
Create Your Own Photo Book!
You may have seen a friend’s photo book or even received one yourself as a gift. If you are interested in creating a new, attractive and unique format for showing off your photos, this is the class for you. A photo book uses simple software to capture your digital photos and arrange them in new and attractive ways. Once you’ve created a photo book, you can print copies on demand and send them to friends and family. A perfect holiday gift.
On Wednesday, October 10, 6:30-7:45 pm, professional photo organizer Rita Norton will conduct a free workshop on the components of building your own photo book in the upstairs meeting room. Registration required. Stop by or call the reference desk, 503-644-0043 ext. 114. To learn more about Rita, visit
Gather and Preserve Your Family’s Oral History
Continue learning how to enhance your family’s photographic history by including its corresponding oral history. On Saturday, October 20, 1-3 pm, the library hosts a free dynamic workshop conducted by Janice Dilge, PSU instructor and Oral History Liaison for the U.S. District Court of Oregon.
You will learn what an oral history is, and how to prepare for and conduct an oral history. Discover the types of recording equipment available and learn how to preserve your completed oral history interview. The workshop will be held in the upstairs meeting room. An opportunity to stay and practice interviewing techniques will be available for those who would like to remain until 4 pm. Registration required. Stop by or call the reference desk, 503-644-0043 ext. 114.