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Volume 10, Issue 10
October 2012

touchmark heights
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Touchmark Heights proposed development

A Neighborhood Meeting was held on September 13 to discuss changes to the layout and design of the Touchmark Heights project. This proposed development will provide about 766 dwelling units, including a group-care community, a 75-unit mid-rise building, four-level lodges over garages, seven 9-story condo buildings, garden homes, three-story residential buildings and resident facilities including a recreation center, dining and shopping facilities, and guest units. Touchmark is seeking land use approvals to replace a portion of the site that was approved as single family with a group care facility that includes independent and garden homes as well as assisted living. The original approval of the approximately 700 empty-nester condos remains in place with no changes requested.. The project is located on property bordered by NW Leahy, Barnes, and Miller Roads, behind the existing shopping center.




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Published monthly by Pioneer Marketing & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291
© 2012