Revised plan showing improved circulation around the library. The library is not affected by this development, except to have a larger, better-designed parking lot. |
New center plans revealed
(revised 10-12-17)
A neighborhood meeting for the proposed redevelopment of the Milltowner Center at the NE corner of Saltzman and Cornell drew a big crowd last month. Most people were eager to have some new businesses in our Town Center. Concerns were mainly about pedestrian circulation, including access to the library.
Wayne Hayson, Planning Manager for Pioneer Design Group, says, “I think that people in the area are obviously craving a neighborhood center, and there were definitely some good ideas that we need to take into consideration and implement where we can.” He lives in the area, and continued, “I am excited about the opportunity to have more options to walk to dinner, breakfast on the weekends, and something else to make walking to the library a fun outing with my kids!”
Anchor A is a national retail business, we’ll find out who before long! The second “anchor tenant” (B) will be a fitness center. It will have entrances both from the west side at the lower parking lot level, and also from the north side from the upper lot, which will also serve the offices on the second floor of the adjacent building (C).
One question that came up is about the extension of Dogwood through the property. When the *Cedar Mill Town Center Plan was first created in 1983, designers thought it would extend through to 123rd as the area developed. However, a thriving preschool operates on 123rd and we have no indication that it is leaving.
Building the road to county standards would not only be very expensive, but would complicate pedestrian circulation. The developers hope that the county won’t require that at this time.
Many other aspects of that 34-year-old Community Plan don’t seem very relevant to conditions today. It’s never been clear how or when the plan could be revised to give us a better way forward.
We’re looking into ways the public can weigh in on that requirement. We assume that the county can relax or waive the requirement to follow the plan, as they did for the extension of Barnes Rd. when the Shell station was redeveloped.
Melissa DeLyser, Communications Manager for Washington County LUT, says, “Because the Community Plan includes this roadway connection, we will be evaluating how to implement the plan’s elements with the proposed development when the application is submitted. Whether the Dogwood extension is public or private, it will need to be designed and constructed in a way that does not preclude its future extension east to 123rd Avenue in accordance with the Community Plan."
She explains that the plan "was significantly amended in 2000 to incorporate the Cedar Mill Town Center provisions (adopted via Ordinance 536), including transit-oriented land use districts and development standards, plus additional vehicle and pedestrian connections, including the Dogwood extension."
Property owners within 500 feet of the development site and the CPO will receive mailed notice of the development application and will be provided with an opportunity to comment on the application before we issue a land use decision. That would be the formal opportunity for anyone to voice concerns with the proposed street connection and/or other elements of the proposed development.
You can also get the current list of development applications that are open for public comment on the county website.
Other concerns expressed at the meeting included the possibility of moving the TriMet bus stop that is on Cornell; whether any of the current businesses would move into the new center; and how developers were going to handle stormwater runoff.
If the planning and permitting process goes smoothly, they expect to begin construction next summer and it will be completed the following summer.
From the Cedar Hills/Cedar Mill Town Center Plan: This plan envisions that as properties in the area develop or redevelop, a “main street” commercial area will be established in the vicinity of the intersection of Dogwood Street and Saltzman Road. The plan assumes that Dogwood will be extended east of Saltzman to 123rd Avenue. Future development along both sides of this new section of Dogwood (between Saltzman and 123rd) shall be designed so that buildings are built to the back of the sidewalk along at least 90 percent of a development site’s frontage on the street (excluding street, driveway and accessway intersections). Consistent with applicable Community Development Code provisions, at least one main building entrance shall be oriented to and visible from the street.